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HR business partner (H/F) at EDUCAM VZW
EDUCAM VZW, Brussels, Evere
Afin de renforcer son équipe HR, EDUCAM est à la recherche d'un nouveau collègue pour le poste suivant : HR Business Partner (H/F)pour nos bureau à EvereVos missionsEn tant que HR BP, vous gérerez une gamme variée de tâches sous quatre axes principaux :Payroll et administration RHPrendre en charge le payroll de nos propres collaborateurs en coopération avec le secrétariat socialAssurer le suivi administratif dans notre HRISAssurer la mise à jour des dossiers du personnelGérer les dossiers d'assurance (assurance hospitalisation et assurance groupe)Soutenir le département RH au niveau administratifRecrutementJouer un rôle actif dans le processus de recrutementDéployer une présence active dans les médias sociaux en collaboration avec l'équipe de communicationGérer des contacts avec des partenaires externesService RHCommuniquer de manière fluide et transparente avec nos clients internesGarantir un service sans failleFaire fonction d'interlocuteur centralisé et sentir ce qui se passe sur le lieu du travailProjets RHSoutenir le HR Manager activement dans plusieurs projets liés aux ressources humaines, comme par exemple : développer notre HRIS, revoir le système de fonctionnement et d'évaluation, revoir les plans de développement personnel et les plans de formation, etc.Votre Profil Nous sommes à la recherche d’un collègue communicant, qui est sociable et facilement accessible. Vous êtes proactif et vous avez l'esprit de rendre service. De plus, vous vous reconnaissez dans le profil suivant :Vous êtes titulaire d'un diplôme supérieur ou avez déjà une expérience de 1-5 ans dans le domaine des ressources humaines ;Vous avez une bonne connaissance de la législation sociale belge et une expérience dans les domaines du payroll et de l'administration RH ;Vous êtes courant en Français et Néerlandais (à l'écrit comme à l'oral) ;Vous pouvez facilement travailler avec un PC ;Ce poste nécessite un horaire à temps plein.Notre offreVous êtes encadré de manière professionnelle dès le premier jour et vous faites partie d'une organisation stable qui propose des formations de qualité depuis plus de 30 ans. Nous aimerions vous donner la chance de laisser votre empreinte sur la politique RH de l'organisation. De plus, nous offrons aussi :un package salarial intéressant ;un remboursement de vos déplacements (transports publics remboursés à 100%) ;un téléphone mobile ;un ordinateur portable ;une assurance hospitalisation et une assurance groupe ;des chèques-repas ;des conditions intéressantes de vacances.A propos d’EducamEDUCAM soutient les entreprises du secteur automobile et des secteurs connexes en favorisant la connaissance et le savoir-faire des travailleurs pour une meilleure gestion et une meilleure production. Et ce, entre autres, en offrant un large éventail de formations techniques, de gestion, de vente, d'après-vente et de communication, ainsi qu'un support.Intéressé(e) ?N’hésitez pas à nous adresser votre candidature en cliquant sur le bouton Postuler ci-dessous.
HR business partner at EDUCAM VZW
EDUCAM VZW, Brussels, Evere
Om ons HR-team te versterken is EDUCAM op zoek naar een nieuwe collega voor de functie als: HR Business Partnervoor ons kantoor in EvereOver de positie:Als HR BP zal je een gevarieerd takenpakket beheren:Payroll en HR-administratieVerzorgen van de payroll van onze eigen medewerkers in samenwerking met het sociaal secretariaatVerzorgen van de administratieve opvolging in ons HRISUp-to-date houden van personeelsdossiersBehartigen van de verzekeringsdossiers (hospitalisatie- en groepsverzekering)Assisteren van het HR-departement op administratief vlakRekruteringOpnemen van een actieve rol in het rekruteringsprocesUitrollen van een actieve aanwezigheid op social media in samenwerking met het communicatieteamOnderhouden van contacten met externe partnersHR-serviceVlot en transparant communiceren met onze interne klantenZorgen voor een vlotte dienstverleningVerzorgen van het centraal aanspreekpunt en aanvoelen wat er leeft op de werkvloerHR-projectenActief ondersteunen van de HR-manager in allerhande HR-projecten, zoals daar zijn: verder uitbouwen van ons HRIS, herbekijken van het functionerings- en evaluatiesysteem, de daaraan gekoppelde persoonlijke ontwikkelingsplannen en opleidingsplannen, …Over jou:Wij zijn op zoek naar een communicatief sterke collega, die sociaal is en goed te benaderen. Jij bent in je houding proactief en service-gericht. Daarnaast herken je jezelf in het volgende profiel:Je beschikt over een hoger diploma of hebt minimaal 1-5 jaar relevante HR-ervaring;Je hebt een goede kennis van de Belgische sociale wetgeving en vult dit aan met ervaring in payroll en HR-administratie;Je bent vloeiend in zowel Nederlands als Frans (zowel in spraak en schrift);Je kunt vlot met een pc werken;Je bent voltijds beschikbaar.Ons aanbod:Je wordt vanaf de eerste dag professioneel omkaderd en je behoort tot een stabiele organisatie die al meer dan 30 jaar lang kwalitatief hoogstaande opleidingen aanbiedt. We geven jou graag de kans om je stempel kan drukken op het HR-beleid van de organisatie. Verder bieden we jou:een aantrekkelijk salarispakket;reisvergoeding op basis van afstand (OV 100% vergoed);een mobiele telefoon;een laptop;een hospitalisatie- en groepsverzekering;maaltijdcheques;een mooie vakantieregeling.Over ons:EDUCAM ondersteunt bedrijven in de autosector en de aanverwante sectoren en verhoogt daarvoor het kennis- en competentieniveau van de werknemers met het oog op een beter beheer en een betere productie. We doen dit onder meer dankzij ons ruime opleidingsaanbod over techniek, management, sales, aftersales en communicatie en ook dankzij andere vormen van ondersteuning.Interesse?Solliciteer dan direct via de sollicitatieknop. We kijken uit naar het ontvangen van je sollicitatie!
Human Ressources Consultant
Police Fédérale, Brussel
Corps/direction/service7358 - Dri - ResourcesLieu de travailRue Royale 202A1000 BruxellesProvinceRégion de Bruxelles-CapitaleNiveauConsultantNiveau d'études1 cycle/graduat/bachelierConditions de diplômeEtre porteur d’un diplôme ou d’un certificat au moins équivalent à ceux pris en compte pour le recrutement aux emplois de niveau B.Nombre maximum d'inscriptions25Présentation corps/direction/serviceDRI est responsable pour la gestion de l'information policière et des moyens ICT. A ce titre, DRI a notamment en charge la préparation de la politique et des règles de gestion et de traitement de l'information, le développement du concept d'information policière, la définition de standards et de normes techniques, l'implémentation des systèmes d'information et de communication.Le service Resources (Resources Division - DIRES) développe la politique et la stratégie RH, logistique et financière de la direction. De plus il est responsable des processus RH, logistiques et financiers.Il coordonne l'analyse des besoins, du développement et de la gestion des ressources en personnel, financières et logistiques de la direction. Dans le cadre de la gestion des moyens, le service coordonne également la gestion des consultants externes, ensemble avec les partenaires externes, et coordonne avec le SPF Intérieur et les SICAD la gestion des calltakers neutres.Il organise également la gestion administrative (secrétariat) de la direction; dans cette optique il y a un lien fonctionnel avec les appuis administratifs des Business Units.Il assure aussi un lien avec le facility management du bâtiment POLIS center. En ce qui concerne la gestion financière, le service développe la stratégiefinancière de l'ICT de la police, coordonne les besoins financiers de l'ICT, et suit son implémentation et son exécution.En d'autres mots le directeur doit pouvoir déléguer complètement à ce service le développement du cycle politique relatif aux matières HR, logistiques et financières.Description de la fonctionRaison d’être de la fonctionLe Consultant HRM organise et assure le suivi des outils de gestion dans le domaine du HRM en tenant compte de l'impact sur les autres domaines afin de contribuer à la réalisation d'une politique globale des ressources humaines au sein de la direction. Il aide et assiste le chef de section en contribuant au bon déroulement, au traitement et au suivi des : procédures de recrutement et sélection, dossiers mobilité, besoins en ressources humaines pour la direction, mouvements internes et externes, dossiers accident de roulage ou corporels, carrières barémiques, évaluations, formulaires divers, demandes motivées, remboursements divers, etc…RolesGestionnaire de dossiers - établir et/ou analyser et/ou contrôler des dossiers suivant la règlementation ou les procédures en vigueur afin de pouvoir tirer une conclusion basée sur tous les éléments et garantir la prise de décision ou la finalisation du dossier.Implémenter des dossiers/projets à partir d'un sujet/sur recommandation de la hiérarchie.Compléter des documents suivant la réglementation ou les procédures en vigueur.Exécuter les étapes prévues du dossier suivant les procédures ou règles.Donner un feedback au supérieur concernant l'évolution des dossier/projets, des réunions et/ou groupes de travail.Suivre les besoins de la division en personnel (mobilité, recrutement et sélection, pension,…).Réceptionner et vérifier les documents constitutifs d’un dossier ainsi que l’alimenter à l’aide des pièces prévues dans la réglementation/procédure (demande d’informations complémentaires, demande de clarification de certains éléments, demande de documents spécifiques...).Soutien HRM - réaliser des tâches et activités HRM suivant les procédures en vigueur afin d'assurer la gestion optimale du personnel mis à la disposition de l'entité.Assurer le suivi et coordonner le plan de recrutement en fonction des besoins, les sélections et la mobilité.Assurer un suivi des échéances en matière d'évaluation.Gérer et suivre les demandes des membres du personnel dans un ou plusieurs domaines de la RH (formation, carrière, indisponibilités, aménagement du temps de travail, détachement, mobilité, …).Gérer les diverses publications (glissement interne, mobilité, ...).Tenir à jour les dossiers personnels des membres du personnel de l'entité (classement, inventaires, ventilation, redaction des documents nécessaires dans ce cadre).Prendre contact avec les collaborateurs afin de les prévenir de procédures à suivre en fonction de leur situation individuelle.Rédiger et suivre les notes et courriers relatifs à la gestion du personnel.Organiser et/ou participer au déroulement pratique des recrutements et des sélections.Apporter une écoute active aux demandes des membres du personnel.Personne de contact (Voir aussi "helpdesk") - répondre à toutes demandes des clients internes ou externes et transmettre les demandes complexes aux personnes ou services spécialisés afin de soutenir les clients dans la recherche d’une réponse à leur demande.Faire des recherches dans des banques de données ou des archives pour des partenaires internes ou externes.Réceptionner et transmettre des messages.Répondre aux demandes d'information de clients internes ou externes par téléphone ou par mail.Répondre au téléphone et transférer l'appel/la demande vers les personnes ou les services spécialisés.Soutien administratif - réaliser des tâches et activités administratives et/ou organisationnelles suivant les procédures en vigueur afin de garantir le déroulement optimal des activités de l'entité, et/ou d'assurer la mise à disposition des documents nécessairesAssister le(s) responsable(s) dans la gestion et le traitement administratif de dossiers spécifiques.Participer à l'élaboration de bases de données, notes, communications, … et assurer leur suivi.Participer aux activités quotidiennes du service et effectuer toute tâche administrative et organisationnelle permettant la réalisation optimale des objectifs du service dans le respect des délais et des normes de qualité.Planifier et/ou participer à des réunions et élaborer des projets de PV.Coordonner l'agenda d'une personne ou d'un service.Mettre à jour les procédures internes de gestion administrative.Rédiger des comptes-rendus des réunions internes, des textes, des mémos, des notes et/ou des présentations.Gérer le système informatisé GALOP dans une ou plusieurs de ses composantes.Helpdesk (Voir aussi "personne de contact") - fournir des renseignements et des réponses techniques aux membres du personnel/clients/utilisateurs afin de leur apporter une solution efficace à leurs questions et problèmes.Appliquer les procédures de résolution de problèmes connues.Répondre aux questions de routine faisant partie du core-business de son service/de sa direction.Identifier le problème dans la situation présentée par le demandeur.Offrir un support pour les membres du personnel de la direction.Transmettre des conseils et/ou des directives d'utilisation.Responsable d’équipe (Voir aussi "personnel encadrant") - accompagner les collègues dont il est responsable dans leur développement personnel et professionnel afin de permettre à chacun de développer ses connaissances et ses compétences et de stimuler un cadre de travail positif et constructif.Conduire des entretiens préparatoires, de fonctionnement et d'évaluation dans le cadre de la procédure d’évaluation.Donner un feedback constructif et indiquer les points d'amélioration des collaborateurs.Former les collaborateurs sur le lieu de travail.Prévenir les conflits liés aux relations de travail ou au fonctionnement de l'équipe et intervenir si nécessaire.Accompagner les nouveaux collaborateurs lors de leur intégration dans l'équipe et lors de l'apprentissage de nouvelles tâches.Profil souhaitéConnaissancesOrganisation policière:Niveau UtilisateurStratégie et politique:Niveau de BaseAppui au fonctionnement:Niveau UtilisateurMissions de police:Niveau de BaseConnaissances pratiquesIntégrer - Établir des liens pertinents entre diverses données afin de les intégrer de manière synthétique dans un tout cohérent, concevoir des alternatives et tirer des conclusions adéquates.Soutenir - Assumer le rôle de mentor en donnant l'exemple et en soutenant les personnes dans leurs activités.Résoudre des problèmes - Affronter et maîtriser les situations inattendues en examinant les solutions possibles sur base de son expérience et de ses connaissances. Prendre des initiatives pour mettre en œuvre la solution la plus appropriée à chaque problème.Attitudes attenduesCoopérer - Créer et améliorer l'esprit d'équipe en s'identifiant aux objectifs communs, en partageant ses propres avis et idées et en aplanissant les conflits avec ses collègues.Dialoguer - Se familiariser avec les connaissances et l'expérience de son interlocuteur en demandant des éclaircissements, en s'intéressant à ce qu'il fait, en se mettant à sa place et en faisant le nécessaire pour comprendre son message dans sa globalité.S'auto-développer - Planifier et gérer son propre développement en fonction des possibilités, des intérêts et des ambitions, en remettant en question de façon critique son propre fonctionnement et en s'enrichissant continuellement par de nouvelles connaissances et compétences.Faire preuve d'engagement - S'impliquer entièrement dans le travail en donnant toujours le meilleur de soi-même et en cherchant à atteindre la meilleure qualité. Persévérer même en cas de frustration, d'opposition, de tension ou face à un travail fastidieux.Adopter une orientation-client - Tenir compte des attentes et besoins des ''clients'' dans la définition et l'exécution des missions et leur offrir un service personnalisé orienté vers la solution la plus opportune en entretenant des contacts constructifs.Chaque collaborateur s’engage à respecter les directives, procédures et instructions en matière de bien-être et à renseigner les situations et comportements dangereux à son responsable. Il veille également à utiliser les moyens mis à sa disposition en bon père de famille.Modalités de sélection dans l'unitéA déterminer plus tard.Réserve de recrutement : 24 mois.Notre offreUn emploi diversifié dans un contexte passionnant caractérisé par de nombreux contacts humains100% d'intervention de l'employeur dans les coûts des transports publics et 100% des transports en trainLa possibilité de suivre des formations gratuitement32 jours de congé par anUne assurance hospitalisation gratuiteLe salaire de départ est fixé à l'échelle barémique BB1 (€26327.40 minimum au coefficient d'indexation actuel)Information complémentairePriorité sera donnée aux candidats internes.Réserve de recrutementDate d’entrée en fonctionDate à discuter avec le candidatInformatieNomVAN DEN BERGHEPrénomCatherineFonctionGeneral Resources [email protected]éléphone02/554.44.07Corps/direction/serviceDRI - DIRES - DIREP
Operational Excellence Programme Leader
Eurofins Central Laboratory, Brussel
Brussels, BelgiumFull-timeCompany DescriptionEurofins Scientific is an international life sciences company, providing a unique range of analytical testing services to clients across multiple industries, to make life and our environment safer, healthier and more sustainable. From the food you eat, to the water you drink, to the medicines you rely on, Eurofins works with the biggest companies in the world to ensure the products they supply are safe, their ingredients are authentic and labelling is accurate. Eurofins believes it is a global leader in food, environmental, pharmaceutical and cosmetics products testing, as well as in agroscience CRO services. It is also one of the global independent market leaders in certain testing and laboratory services for genomics, discovery pharmacology, forensics, CDMO, advanced material sciences and in the support of clinical studies.In over just 30 years, Eurofins has grown from one laboratory in Nantes, France to over 50,000 staff across a network of more than 900 independent companies in over 50 countries, operating more than 800 laboratories.In 2019, Eurofins generated total revenues of EUR € 4.56 billion, and has been among the best performing stocks in Europe over the past 20 years.Job DescriptionSUMMARY OF POSITION AND OBJECTIVESSupport the further development and implementation of Operation Excellence by driving multi-site projects; coaching local and international cross-functional teams and by further developing the “Eurofins Lean Academy”. The focus of the Eurofins Permanent Improvement Programmes is on sustainable culture change, not only on quick wins and, while Programme Leaders use a defined methodology adapted to the service industry, the focus is on systematic problem solving, out of the box thinking regarding tool application and coaching rather than dogmatic implementation of tools or optimizing specific pain points. Strong project and change management skills are required for successful transformation in a decentralized organization such as Eurofins.Support the further development of the “Eurofins Lean Academy”. This methodology and training programme is a practical collection of methods, tools and best practices specifically adapted to the testing laboratory world. It covers all relevant topics, from how to analyse a lab, identify and quantify improvement opportunities to finally define and implement appropriate solutions to increase quality, reduce turn-around-time (Lead Time) and save cost. The Programme Leader will, with support of the Permanent Improvement Programmes team and other Eurofins experts, own and develop or refine parts of the Lean methodology, create new training modules, provide training, review proposals from colleagues and lead/ participate in workshops to challenge and further complete the methodology.Support the dissemination of the “Eurofins Lean Academy” and other best practices through coaching in projects, delivering of training, organization of onboarding events to visit sites, coordinating knowledge sharing calls with a wider expert network and finally, contributing to specific communications e.g. newsletters.Launch and run/coach Lean and other operational excellence projects. Based on the defined methodology, the Programme Leader structures and launches, and for more complex projects also co-runs, the projects jointly with the local Lean Project Managers or technical experts. To ensure impact, the Programme Leader always participates in the structuring phase, the diagnostic phase, the generation of the project plan, and in most cases, the implementation of the pilot phase. At start of the project, the Programme Leader will, together with the local project manager, run the day-to-day project management of these pilots, including team management, creation and tracking/ monitoring of project plans, escalation of challenges, managing interfaces with local teams, identifying and testing solutions to identified operational issues, documenting overall impact, etc. Over time, when the local resources are more mature and grow in autonomy, the Programme Leader ensures all elements are in place to ensure sustainable results (including standardization, 5S, performance management, problem solving, a proper governance) and progressively reduces their active involvement, typically leading to ongoing distant support on a regular but infrequent basis.Support mature Lean projects and coach experienced Local Lean Project Managers. Some Labs have experienced Lean Project Managers on site, which do not need intensive support to run their projects. They still benefit from periodic coaching on the issues they might encounter. The Programme Leader supports and coaches these local managers, and ensures systematic interaction and sharing of experiences and best practices. This link to local operations also supports the further development of the common Lean methodology and best practice documentation of the Lean Academy.Participates in the selection of local Lean project managers and technical leads, by supporting local HR departments in assessing the Lean knowledge and experience or scientific expertise (as required) of candidates and participating in the recruitment decision process.Definition and development of standard laboratories and processes (blueprints) for specific applicationsGiven its capabilities portfolio and its international presence, Eurofins is permanently driving towards operational best practices identification and implementation. Standardisation and harmonisation of processes and laboratories infrastructures across the group is a key objective. Key tools for this will be:The steering of local expert networks;The documentation of the operational best practices as part of blueprints (detailed documentation of aligned and clearly defined best practice processes, laboratory layouts, infrastructure and IT requirements, equipment, organisational set-up, etc.) for standardised processes and laboratories.The Programme Leader will support the business experts, technical experts and process optimisation teams to ensure coordination of the programme, alignment with the group priorities and consistency in the approach and documentation. Once the blueprints are defined and piloted, the Programme Leader will support their implementation at greenfield sites or by reengineering existing or newly acquired labs.Development of methodologies and standards in performance and cost managementDesign and implementation of KPI set and performance evaluation tools is a key requirement to better understand the operational performance of Eurofins, identify opportunities for improvement and drive towards excellence. The Programme Leader will support the definition, development and implementation of:Tools and processes for performance measurement and benchmarking (e.g. corporate KPI system);Standardised operational performance reporting (with a clear focus on laboratories production performance);Production of cost calculation models (using activity-based costing methodology);Laboratories benchmarking methodologies (e.g. financials calculation, productivity measure, production cost analysis).QualificationsPersonal Skills :Strong change management skills required. Good interpersonal skills (team management, written and oral communication, presentation skills) are at least as important as the functional skills, since the operational excellence programme is all about changing the way people work. In the Eurofins culture of decentralized decision rights, change management skills are imperative.Initial Education Background :Engineering, scientific or economy degree.Additional Education Background :Extensive formal and on-the-job training of Lean / operational excellence concepts and at least 3 years (preferably multi-site) of implementation experience.Language skills and level expected :English must.French and German nice to have.Type and duration of previous experience :Total professional experience > 5 years, at least 3 of which working on Lean or operational excellence projects with at least 1 year of leadership experience (e.g. run a pilot or local implementation). Previous “production” or “manufacturing” experience strongly desired.Technical knowledge (e.g. IT…):Good knowledge of standard office applications, especially MS Word, MS PowerPoint and MS Excel. VBA programming and/or SQL and/or working with HTML experience will be a distinct advantage. Experience with Bizagi modeller, Visio, X-Mind or similar would be advantageous. General knowledge about systems, IT architecture and production control is helpful.Management capabilities :Team management skills required. Must have run a core team (if not direct reports) of approx. 5 people during a transformation, excluding all the stakeholders and external team members (e.g. such as local plant staff).Additional InformationThe position calls for someone that is willing to travel in Europe up to 80% of their working time (weekday travel) and may include trips outside of their normal region. This requirement is an absolute and is not negotiable.EvolutionIn a fast growing group, successful leaders are frequently being offered increased areas of responsibility (subject to geographic mobility).
Manager Operational Excellence
Proximus Group, Brussel
We open up a world of digital opportunities so people live better and work smarter.Job ContentContextEBU is undergoing a major business transformation with the SPEED transformation program. One of the key priorities is to increase operational efficiency by further simplifying, digitalising and automating our B2B activities. We have set an ambitious B2B operational efficiency target with >€80M OPEX savings across EBU and CUO.This function will be mainly responsible to finalise the design of the integrated cost plan to realise those savings; to drive and steer the successful implementation of the cross-functional efficiency initiatives; define the corresponding workforce trajectory (skills and dimensioning) and continuously measure & track E2E operational excellence for B2BThe function resides within the Strategy, Transformation and Excellence division of EBU responsible to drive, steer and transform our B2B business. The mission of this division is to define the B2B strategy, deliver the SPEED transformation, manage directly key transformational levers (e.g. digital, customer experience, data & BI) and ensure operational and commercial excellence.Job contentAs Manager Operational Excellence you will report directly to the Chief Operating Officer of the Enterprise Business Unit.The role will have a very frequent exposure both to the EBU MC and key CUO stakeholders. It is also a very transversal role requiring cooperation at Group level and with many different BU (e.g. ZBB program).The responsibilities of this very transformational and cross-functional role will be to:Set and manage ambitious yet realistic cost ambitions and efficiency KPIFinalise design and frequently update integrated cost plan for B2B to ensure that the 5Y plan efficiency targets are realizedMonitor tightly the detailed design and execution of all major cost initiativesSet the corresponding FTE and skill evolution to realize EBU strategy and transformation (strategic workforce planning)Measure and track continuously the E2E operational excellence for B2B; understand rootcauses and define corrective actionsPropose and implement required operating model impactsIn the context of your role, you will also be responsible for the KI 6.6 within the SP6.A more detailed description of your responsibilities can be found belowCost planBuild, update and monitor the execution of the integrated cost initiatives portfolio to achieve the 5YP ambitionsRealise new cost initiatives and successfully execute priority cost savings initiativesLead specific cost programmes or initiativesOperational Excellence – tracking and actioningInterpret movements in the EBU MC dashboard and manage the B2B risk planSetting up a consistent KPI structure dissecting operational excellence performance from top to bottom (sales & GTM, portfolio, operations & delivery)Deepening "non-excellent" areas, defining root causes and setting up necessary actionsMonitoring profitability of accounts/segments/products, understanding root causes of underperformance and designing actionsBenchmark operational performance against best practices and relevant telcos; derive insights for EBUSkill & resourcing planMaintain a relevant skill map (in collaboration with HR)Update and refine the 5 year plan FTE trajectorySupporting FTE budgetingManaging an integrated cost & FTE/Skill planProfileYou will have a minimum of 10 years of professional experience, with expertise in leading major transversal programmes, including an efficiency component.Your key competencies are:The ability to work transversally and to face challenges constructivelyStrong communicatorStrong analytical skillsStrong programme management skillsFluent in taking decisions and setting up actionsAbility to tightly monitor progress and drive executionOur OfferAt Proximus you have the possibility to shape your own future and the digital future of our customers. We offer you:Our digital workplace, which assure you a better work-life balanceA nice and varied salary package including insurance, a mobility plan of your choice, telecom and other benefits.The opportunity to build your own career and your development thanks to a continuous learning environment and the exhaustive offer of our Proximus Corporate University.
(Senior) Investeringsmanager MedTech/eHealth
PMV, Brussel
Participatiemaatschappij Vlaanderen (PMV) is een doe- en durfbedrijf dat de toekomst van de Vlaamse economie vormgeeft. Enerzijds financiert PMV beloftevolle ondernemingen van bij de prille start tot en met de groei en internationalisering. Anderzijds investeert PMV met en voor de Vlaamse overheid en andere partners in belangrijke vastgoed- en infrastructuurprojecten in Vlaanderen.Bij PMV heerst een echte ondernemerscultuur waar samenwerking centraal staat. Onze collega’s gaan samen op zoek naar de juiste opportuniteiten in de markt en werken mee met onze ondernemers en ondernemingen in het realiseren van hun dromen door te zorgen voor aangepaste financiële slagkracht en waar nodig een actieve rol op te nemen als constructieve sparringpartner in het bestuur van de organisatie. Wij vinden het bijzonder stimulerend om op die manier te mogen en kunnen bijdragen aan de toekomst van Vlaanderen.Daarom koesteren wij onze collega’s als ons belangrijkste kapitaal. PMV investeert in haar mensen door hen de ruimte en de middelen te geven om te blijven groeien en de autonomie om die ruimte zelf in te vullen om steeds beter en professioneler te worden.Ben jij ook iemand die zich in ons verhaal kan vinden? Ben jij iemand die naast winstgevendheid ook wil streven naar duurzaamheid en die een maatschappelijke impact wil hebben in Vlaanderen? Wij leren jou graag kennen!De functiePMV is op zoek naar versterking voor het risicokapitaalteam Life Sciences & Care met focus op Medtech/eHealth. Het takenpakket is zeer divers. Als (senior) investeringsmanager screen je nieuwe opportuniteiten in de markt, analyseer je (nieuwe of bestaande) investeringsdossiers, verdedig je deze voor een investeringscomité, onderhandel en structureer je deze potentiële investeringen. Na closing volg je de investeringen actief op, al dan niet vanuit de raad van bestuur zodoende mee te bouwen aan de bedrijven van de toekomst.Het type Medtech/eHealth investeringen binnen het Life Sciences & Care team varieert van seed en early stage, scale-ups tot meer mature bedrijven en dit over verschillende sectoren en therapie-gebieden heen (gaande van preventie, diagnose (incl. beeldvorming), behandeling (b.v. chirurgie) tot het opvolgen van patiënten, medische hulpmiddelen, sensoren, apps, software, voor de artsen en voor de patiënten). Het team volgt een actieve portefeuille op van meer dan 32 investeringen en investeert meer dan 20 mln. euro op jaarbasis (zowel nieuwe als vervolginvesteringen).In de eerste plaats zijn we op zoek naar een (senior) investeringsmanager met een brede kennis, netwerk en interesse in één of meerdere van de volgende domeinen:Ontwikkeling, registratie, en/of commercialisatie van medische hulpmiddelenOntwikkeling, registratie, en/of commercialisatie van digital health/eHealth oplossingenHet digitaliseren van de zorg bij zorginstellingen, voor zorgverleners of voor de einde-gebruikersAanbestedingsproces bij zorginstellingen (b.v. ziekenhuizen)Implementatie van goedkeuring- en/of terugbetalingsprocedures voor eHealth (b.v. mHealthbelgium of RIZIV voor België)Ervaring in een Notified BodyMaar de geschikte kandidaat heeft ook brede interesse in ondernemen en het laten groeien van bedrijven. Mensen die op zoek zijn naar een veelzijdige functie met de mogelijkheid om een breed netwerk uit te bouwen en belangrijke mandaten op te nemen; die floreren in een snelgroeiend bedrijf met een dynamische, open en teamgeoriënteerde cultuur en ruimte voor zelfontplooiing.Je komt terecht in een team van een achttal personen en rapporteert aan het Head of Life Sciences & Care.Je profielEnige praktijkervaring in een van de bovenstaande domeinen van Medtech/eHealth, hetzij financieel (b.v. als (senior) investeringsmanager, in corporate finance,…), hetzij operationeel (b.v. als (ex-)ondernemer, manager, projectleider,…), is een must;Je hebt (minstens) een masterdiploma en een sterke financiële kennis en/of interesse;Je hebt ervaring met de analyse van businessmodellen, businessplannen en investeringscases;Je hebt uitstekende analytische vaardigheden en combineert dit met sterke sociale vaardigheden;Je bent flexibel en oplossingsgericht ingesteld;Je bent bovendien een goede teamspeler.Solliciteer voor deze functieDat kan door je kandidatuur te sturen naar [email protected] je nog vragen hebt bij de functie, neem dan gerust contact op met onze [email protected] Graanmarkt 631000 Brussel
(Senior) Investeringsmanager Risicokapitaal
PMV, Brussel
Participatiemaatschappij Vlaanderen (PMV) is een doe- en durfbedrijf dat de toekomst van de Vlaamse economie vormgeeft. Enerzijds financiert PMV beloftevolle ondernemingen van bij de prille start tot en met de groei en internationalisering. Anderzijds investeert PMV met en voor de Vlaamse overheid en andere partners in belangrijke vastgoed- en infrastructuurprojecten in Vlaanderen.Bij PMV heerst een echte ondernemerscultuur waar samenwerking centraal staat. Onze collega’s gaan samen op zoek naar de juiste opportuniteiten in de markt en werken mee met ondernemers en ondernemingen in het realiseren van hun dromen door te zorgen voor aangepaste financiële slagkracht en waar nodig een actieve rol op te nemen als constructieve sparringpartner in het bestuur. Wij vinden het bijzonder stimulerend om op die manier te mogen en kunnen bijdragen aan de toekomst van Vlaanderen.Daarom beschouwen wij onze collega’s als ons belangrijkste kapitaal. PMV investeert in haar mensen door hen de ruimte en de middelen te geven om te blijven groeien en de autonomie om die ruimte zelf in te vullen om steeds beter en professioneler te worden.Ben jij ook iemand die zich in ons verhaal kan vinden? Ben jij iemand die naast winstgevendheid ook wil streven naar duurzaamheid en die een maatschappelijke impact wil hebben in Vlaanderen? Wij leren jou graag kennen!Jouw functiePMV is op zoek naar versterking voor het Risicokapitaal-team. Het takenpakket is zeer divers. Als (senior) investeringsmanager screen je nieuwe opportuniteiten in de markt, analyseer je (nieuwe of bestaande) investeringsdossiers, verdedig je deze voor een investeringscomité, onderhandel en structureer je deze potentiële investeringen. Na closing volg je de investeringen actief op, al dan niet vanuit de raad van bestuur zodoende mee te bouwen aan de bedrijven van de toekomst.Het type investeringen binnen het Risicokapitaal-team varieert van seed en early stage, scale-ups tot meer mature ventures en dit over verschillende sectoren heen (cleantech, industrials, ICT/IoT, creatieve sector, …). Het team volgt een actieve portefeuille op van meer dan 50 investeringen en investeert tussen 30 en 50 mln euro op jaarbasis (zowel nieuwe als vervolginvesteringen).In de eerste plaats zijn we op zoek naar een (senior) investeringsmanager met een brede kennis, netwerk en interesse in één of meerdere van de volgende domeinen:Cleantech, chemie, new materialsAR/VR, AI, (serious) gaming, IoTCreative sector, B2CMaar we zoeken ook mensen met een algemene brede interesse in ondernemen en het laten groeien van bedrijven, die niet per se in één van bovenstaande ‘hokjes’ thuishoren. Mensen die op zoek zijn naar een veelzijdige functie met de mogelijkheid om een breed netwerk uit te bouwen en belangrijke mandaten op te nemen; die floreren in een snelgroeiend bedrijf met een dynamische, open en teamgeoriënteerde cultuur en ruimte voor zelfontplooiing.Je komt terecht in een team van een twaalftal personen en rapporteert aan het Head of Equity Investments.Jouw profielIdealiter bezit je al relevante praktijkervaring (als (ex-)ondernemer, (senior) investeringsmanager, in corporate finance, …) en dit in één van bovenstaande domeinen, maar kandidaten met een specifieke (technologische) (sector)kennis die zich willen omscholen tot investeringsmanager zijn ook welkom;Je hebt (minstens) een master diploma en een sterke financiële kennis en/of interesse;Je hebt ervaring met de analyse van businessmodellen, businessplannen en investeringscases;Je hebt uitstekende analytische vaardigheden en combineert dit met sterke sociale vaardigheden;Je bent flexibel en oplossingsgericht;Je hebt bovendien een goede ondernemersspirit.Solliciteer voor deze functieDat kan door contact op te nemen met Jo Schoenmaekers, onze HR-manager op onderstaande gegevens:[email protected] Graanmarkt 631000 BrusselT: 02 229 52 30
Accountmanager Samsung Wearables
Hamilton Bright, Brussel
Vous recherchez la prochaine étape de votre carrière et vous avez déjà une première expérience commerciale? Êtes-vous également intéressé par l'électronique grand public? Idéal, alors vous pourriez être notre prochain Account Manager pour Samsung!En tant que Account Manager, vous êtes responsable de la gestion de vos clients au quotidien. En tant que Représentant de la marque, vous rayonnez de confiance et de professionnalisme, au quotidien. De cette manière, vous contribuez activement à la poursuite de la croissance de Samsung en Belgique.Commençons par une description de poste stimulante:Vous rendez visite à vos clients (Focus sur les grands acteurs de la distribution tels que Krëfel, Vandenborre, Fnac,… opérateurs tels que Proximus, Orange,… + distributeurs) partout en Belgique et au Luxembourg et devenez leur interlocuteur commercial.Vous assurez de bonnes relations avec les clients existants et en assurez un suivi sans faille. Vous établissez des plans d'action et les suivez, en fonction des valeurs et des caractéristiques de Samsung.Vous tenez des avis commerciaux avec vos clients existants Vous analysez les résultats et faites un rapport au directeur des ventes au détail Vous participez à des salons et à des activités clientsQui recherchons nousNotre prochain Account Manager pour Samsung répond idéalement aux caractéristiques suivantes:Un jeune potentiel enthousiaste, avec une première expérience de travail derrière lui en tant que Account Manager ou dans le monde de la vente!Bilingue NL / FR avec une bonne connaissance de l'anglaisUne personnalité vibrante et commercialeSolides compétences en communication, vous êtes doué pour la négociation et certainement analytiqueVous vous entendez bien avec le package Office (Excel ne vous décourage pas)Soyez le premier informé des derniers accessoires Samsung!Ce que nous vous proposonsNous vous donnons les conseils, le suivi et la formation nécessaires pour donner à votre carrière une prochaine étape florissante. Nous sommes une entreprise où vous pouvez toujours aller pour le soutien et les commentaires nécessaires et tout aussi bien pour un bel apéro ou un team building motivant. Le fameux "Travaillez dur, jouez dur", vous pouvez certainement le trouver chez Hamilton Bright et Samsung! Nous pensons que l'esprit d'équipe est très important! Nous vous promettons les meilleurs collègues avec lesquels travailler et une équipe sur laquelle vous pouvez compter. Et n'oublions pas: un salaire attractif avec des avantages comme une belle voiture de fonction, une carte carburant, un bonus, un téléphone portable, ...-Hamilton Bright a publié cette offre via HR organizer sur Indeed.-
Internal consultant
ENGIE, Brussel
To support its development, ENGIE Consulting, under the managerial authority of GBS, is seeking a Consultant (position mainly based in Brussels - Belgium).Your missionto carry out projects for our internal customersyou will contribute to describe customer needs and to develop suitable proposalsyou will contribute to supervising work on project work-sitesyou will take charge of one or more deliverables or several work-sites of the assignment under the supervision of a project manageryou will contribute to the development of conclusions, recommendations and will have the ability to make proposals during the assignmentyou will manage stakeholders as well as operational relations with customer representativesyou will relay information and alerts to the management of the assignmentsyou will participate in the development of Internal Consulting within ENGIEyou will participate in the formulating of points of view and new offers of serviceyou will develop relevant knowledge/methodologies and shall capitalise on know-howyou will contribute to the internal life activities within ENGIE ConsultingYour profilehigher education (engineering school, business school or equivalent in university,...), with minimum 2 - 5 years of experience in consultancyyou will have a sense of commitment, a sense of customer service, the ability to analyse and to summarise your findings, the ability to adapt to different professional contexts, you will be a team-player, good with relationships, comfortable with both oral and written communication with a good sense of the formality requiredyour customer orientation and your ability to learn and to advance with the team, your supervisors and our internal customers are some of the conditions for success in the jobshort-term and medium-term travel is expectedyou are bilingual FR/NL or NL/FR with a good mastery of English (both spoken and written) and of office toolsWithin the Global Business Services Department of ENGIE, the Business Support Consulting/ENGIE Consulting assists transformation projects of the Group throughout its business activities and its entities.The team consists of 60 consultants and performs more than 140 assignments per year in 4 areas:sustainable development (new offers/market surveys/external growth,...)operational performance (lean/operational expenditures reduction,...)transformation projects (innovation/digital/organisation,...)mobilisation of teams (change management/collective momentum,...)Attached to the Director of Consulting and integrated into a team of internal consultants, you will participate in consulting assignments in the 4 areas cited and in varied environments (operational entities, Corporate management of the Group, the Business Activities).ENGIE offers youa highly competitive salary & fringe benefits packagea wide range of training & development opportunitiesa priority to internal mobility by first presenting new vacancies to our employeesa healthy work/life balance is considered as importanta wide range of formal and informal networksYour HR contact: Camille RomainWorkplace: Brussels
Medewerker Gebouwenbeheer
Securex, Brussel
Securex GroepSecurex is meer dan 100 jaar geleden ontstaan en onze kracht schuilt in de verschillende diensten die wij aan onze klanten voorstellen.Je kunt je ongetwijfeld ontplooien en ontwikkelen binnen een dienst toegespitst op onze klanten (Diensten aan Self-Employed & Individuals, HR Services, Health & Safety, Insurance, HR Consulting, International…) of binnen een van onze Corporate diensten (HR, IT, Sales & Marketing, Legal, Finance, …).Elke dag boosten meer dan 1.600 medewerkers het succes van Securex. Dag na dag boosten wij hun succes!TEASERAls Medewerker Gebouwenbeheer ben je mee verantwoordelijk voor het beheer van de infrastructuur van en werken aan de gebouwen van de verschillende Securex-vestigingen met focus op de Brusselse en Waalse regio. Je staat in voor de planning, coördinatie en opvolging van (ver)bouw- en verhuisprojecten.FunctieSamen met de Facility Manager zorg je voor een vlot verloop van bouw- en verhuisprojecten. Je onderneemt hiervoor acties op de volgende domeinen:Materiaalbeheer: je brengt de aanwezige materialen in kaart en coördineert de eventuele verhuis ervan.Gebouwenbeheer: je volgt de werven op en neemt de gepaste maatregelen bij vertraging of wanneer de leverancier de afspraken niet nakomt.Contact met leveranciers: je bekijkt welke contracten doorlopen en/of stopgezet worden. Daarnaast sta je in voor bestellingen en controle van facturen.Aanspreekpunt voor personeel: je begeleidt de medewerkers die geïmpacteerd zijn door de verhuis en fungeert als aanspreekpunt.ProfielJe hebt een diploma in Bouwkunde, Facility Management, Vastgoed of Elektromechanica. Ervaring in projectmanagement is een pluspunt.Duurzame relaties staan centraal voor jou: je analyseert en volgt de behoeften van jouw interne klanten aandachtig op. Je biedt advies, anticipeert op hun noden en stelt de gepaste oplossing of dienst voor.Je kan je werk goed plannen en het bezorgt je geen stress als er meerdere (onverwachte) taken tegelijk op je pad komen.Je bent een sterke communicator en je beschikt over een gezonde dosis assertiviteit.Je bent een teamplayer: het beheer van het globale patrimonium is een gedeelde verantwoordelijkheid.Je kan je vlot uitdrukken in het Frans en het Nederlands.Je bent flexibel en hebt geen problemen met verplaatsingen.Het gaat om een contract van bepaalde duur tot het einde van het jaar, maar er is kans op verlenging of op een vaste job.Waarom voor Securex kiezen?Dat we een innoverend en dynamisch bedrijf zijn, dat spreekt voor zich. We bieden jou een voordelig loonpakket (zoals alle andere bedrijven), maar daarbovenop betekent werken bij Securex ook het volgende:Een job waar je elke dag plezier kan in belevenEen VIP ontbijt met onze CEO in je eerste weken als nieuwe medewerkerEen onboarding programma van A tot Z zodat je vlot kan integreren en veel informatie kan krijgen over je nieuwe werkgeverJe competentiedomeinen verruimen en je blijven ontplooien in je eigen carrièreambitiesDeelnemen aan diverse projecten die echt impact hebben
Officer, Aerospace Capabilities
NATO - OTAN, Brussel
1. SUMMARYThe Defence Investment Division (DI) is responsible for the development of investments in assets and capabilities aimed at enhancing the Alliance’s defence capacity, including armaments planning, air and missile defence, aviation and command & control.The Armament and Aerospace Capabilities Directorate (A&ACap) supports consensus decision making at NATO Headquarters on a wide range of joint, land, air & space, and maritime capabilities required for the full range of the Alliance’s missions. To that end, it provides relevant advice to NATO Committees and the Organization’s senior management. In particular, the Directorate supports the work of the Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD), the Aviation Committee (AVC), the Defence Planning and Policy Committee on Missile Defence (DPPC (MD)), the Air and Missile Defence Committee (AMDC) and their subordinate structures. Specific responsibilities include policy and capability development and delivery, support and oversight of pol-mil aspects and programs in the areas of Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD), Joint Intelligence, Reconnaissance, Surveillance (JISR), Aerospace as well as multinational armaments cooperation and projects.The Aerospace Capabilities Section is responsible for all matters related to air armaments, airspace policy, airspace integration, ATM, and provides support for the International Staff (IS), International Military Staff (IMS), National Military Authorities (NMAs), NATO bodies and Agencies, including the AVC, the CNAD and their sub-structures, including the NATO Air Force Armament Group (NAFAG) activities. The Section acts as NATO’s primary interface with international aviation organisations. It provides policy guidance and development on aerospace capabilities, manned aircraft and remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS), ATM and airport issues in support of NATO missions and operations. It oversees NATO ATM standardisation; supports implementation of the NATO Airworthiness Policy; consolidates requirements on civil-military co-ordination and interoperability; evaluates the impact of the new aviation developments on NATO capability; contributes to the fostering of security; liaises closely with NMAs and promotes co-operation and partnership.The Officer supports the Head of Section in all Section activities, including any air related issues in which the Section is either leading or involved. In particular, the incumbent is responsible for fostering collaboration in the development, production and standardisation of aerospace capabilities and systems within the Alliance and, as appropriate, with Partners. The Officer will be the focal point for the coordination of the work of the NAFAG, and its subordinate bodies, providing expert advice on their activities, developing relevant policy papers and serving as Chair or Secretary. Under the supervision of the Head of Section, the Officer will support any other relevant NATO Committees and Groups and will participate in meetings of other International Organisations as required.2. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCEESSENTIALThe incumbent must:possess a university degree, or have an equivalent level of qualification such as a high-level military education, as an engineer in aerospace or a military pilot;have at least 5 years’ relevant professional experience;possess a strong background in aerospace systems, including manned and unmanned aircraft, command and control, weapons, and associate support equipment;have experience in requirements development and procurement of aerospace systems;have experience in the planning and execution of air operations;have experience and a demonstrated ability to work in an international environment, with multiple stakeholders;have previous experience of preparing and presenting briefings to military and civilian audiences at all levels;possess the following minimum levels of NATO’s official languages (English/French): V (“Advanced”) in one; I (“Beginner”) in the other.DESIRABLEThe following would be considered an advantage:project management skills and experience leading multinational programmes and cooperative developments;experience in the planning and execution of military air operations;good chairing skills;a broad knowledge of armaments planning matters and how they relate to other planning disciplines within the NATO Defence Planning Process (NDPP);a good knowledge of the civil and military structure of the Alliance and also of NATO policy, organisation and procedures.3. MAIN ACCOUNTABILITIESPolicy DevelopmentProvide expert advices, support and recommendations to the CNAD and its supporting structure in the formulation of NATO policy regarding aerospace technologies and capabilities. Oversee the preparation of specialist documentation dealing with all aspects of NAFAG, as well as coordinate with all bodies in joint air power related policy development.Expertise DevelopmentPrepare specialist documents, technical reports, background briefs and speaking notes dealing with aerospace related topics, in particular on NAFAG plans and programmes for the research, development, acquisition and interoperability of aerospace capabilities, air warfare equipment and ordinance. Keep abreast of the current techniques and latest developments in the fields of aerospace technologies, manned and unmanned aircraft, aeronautical technologies, air equipment and weapons. Draft contributions to the NDPP for the aerospace armaments domain.Information ManagementUnder the oversight of the Section Head, support the Chairperson of the NAFAG serving as Secretary and advisor, and assisting in the preparation of agendas, decisions sheets and reports resulting from meetings. Initiate the necessary follow-up actions concerning the decisions of the NAFAG and its subordinate bodies and contribute to the timely execution of policy directives issued by the committee. Support the Chairperson of the NAFAG in activities related to her/his participation in CNAD and other NATO meetings.Stakeholder ManagementPromote cooperation amongst nations in the field of aerospace capabilities. Liaise extensively with government, military, and industry representatives of NATO nations, and to the maximum extent possible with NATO partners. Monitor the work of other groups involved in related activities and liaise with them on a regular basis.Representation of the OrganizationParticipate in various meetings and, when necessary, act as Chair or Secretary of Committees and Working Groups. Participate in relevant meetings and activities of other NATO bodies and International Organisations, representing NATO as required.Project ManagementOversee the implementation of armaments programme work related to aerospace capabilities within the framework of the NDPP. Assess progress made towards meeting Alliance requirements in the area of aerospace technology. Plan staffing needs to meet Alliance political initiatives and provide staff support to NAFAG and their subordinate groups on an as-needed basis.Knowledge ManagementWorking with the administrative staff, ensure that documents are distributed in a timely manner to stakeholders and customers. Periodically review extant documents for currency and relevance, initiating corrective actions when appropriate. Assist in the maintenance of relevant web pages.Perform any other related duty as assigned.4. INTERRELATIONSHIPSThe incumbent reports to the Head, Aerospace Capabilities Section. S/he will establish and maintain a good working relationships with members of the national delegations, other members of the IS, representatives of IMS, NMAs and NATO Agencies and other organisations, as required. In particular, the incumbent will work in close coordination with the staff supporting other armament groups in order to ensure a harmonised approach to CNAD issues.Direct reports: N/aIndirect reports: N/a5. COMPETENCIESThe incumbent must demonstrate:Analytical Thinking: Makes complex plans or analyses;Clarity and Accuracy: Checks own work;Conceptual Thinking: Applies learned concepts;Customer Service Orientation: Takes personal responsibility for correcting problems;Impact and Influence: Takes multiple actions to persuade;Initiative: Is decisive in a time-sensitive situation;Organisational Awareness: Understands organisational climate and culture;Teamwork: Solicits inputs and encourages others.6. CONTRACTContract to be offered to the successful applicant (if non-seconded): Definite duration contract of three years; possibility of renewal for up to three years, during which the incumbent may apply for conversion to an indefinite duration contract.Contract clause applicable:In accordance with the contract policy, this is a post in which turnover is desirable for political reasons in order to be able to accommodate the Organisation's need to carry out its tasks as mandated by the Nations in a changing environment, for example by maintaining the flexibility necessary to shape the Organisation's skills profile, and to ensure appropriate international diversity.The maximum period of service foreseen in this post is 6 years. The successful applicant will be offered a 3-year definite duration contract, which may be renewed for a further period of up to 3 years. However, according to the procedure described in the contract policy the incumbent may apply for conversion to an indefinite contract during the period of renewal and no later than one year before the end of contract.If the successful applicant is seconded from the national administration of one of NATO’s member States, a 3-year definite duration contract will be offered, which may be renewed for a further period of up to 3 years subject also to the agreement of the national authority concerned. The maximum period of service in the post as a seconded staff member is six years.Serving staff will be offered a contract in accordance with the NATO Civilian Personnel Régulations.7. RECRUITMENT PROCESSPlease note that we can only accept applications from nationals of NATO member countries.Applications must be submitted using e-recruitment system, as applicable:For NATO civilian staff members only: please apply via the internal recruitment portal (for more information, please contact your local Civilian HR Manager);For all other applications: www.nato.int/recruitmentPlease note that at the time of the interviews, candidates will be asked to provide evidence of their education and professional experience as relevant for this vacancy.Appointment will be subject to receipt of a security clearance (provided by the national Authorities of the selected candidate) and approval of the candidate’s medical file by the NATO Medical Adviser.More information about the recruitment process and conditions of employment, can be found at our website (http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/recruit-hq-e.htm)8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONNATO is committed to diversity and inclusion, and strives to provide equal access to employment, advancement and retention, independent of gender, age, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, cultural background, sexual orientation, and disability. NATO welcomes applications of nationals from all member Nations, and strongly encourages women to apply.Building Integrity is a key element of NATO’s core tasks. As an employer, NATO values commitment to the principles of integrity, transparency and accountability in accordance with international norms and practices established for the defence and related security sector. Selected candidates are expected to be role models of integrity, and to promote good governance through ongoing efforts in their work.Due to the broad interest in NATO and the large number of potential candidates, telephone or e-mail enquiries cannot be dealt with.Applicants who are not successful in this competition may be offered an appointment to another post of a similar nature, albeit at the same or a lower grade, provided they meet the necessary requirements.The nature of this position may require the staff member at times to be called upon to travel for work and/or to work outside normal office hours.The organization offers several work-life policies including Teleworking and Flexible Working arrangements (Flexitime) subject to business requirements.Please note that the International Staff at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium is a non-smoking environment.
Head, NATO Liaison Office to Ukraine
NATO - OTAN, Brussel
1. SUMMARYThe Political Affairs and Security Policy Division (PASP) Division leads on the political aspects of NATO’s fundamental security tasks. Within the Security Policy and Partnerships Directorate (SPPD) of the Division, the Partnership East (PE) Section is responsible for the implementation of political guidance related to NATO relations with Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Republic of Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The Team has the overall responsibility for developing NATO’s policy towards, and relationship with, the countries under its responsibility, and for ensuring that NATO implements these relationships coherently across its structures.Under the direction of the Head of Partnership East Section, the officer will act as the Head of the NATO Representation to Ukraine (NRU) in Ukraine and as Director of the NATO Liaison Office (NLO) in Ukraine, working also in coordination with the Director of the NATO Information and Documentation Center in Ukraine (NIDC). In this position, he/she will be responsible for managing all aspects of the functioning of the NLO, including supervising international and local staff, managing the operation of the NLO facilities, and supervising the budget of the NLO in accordance with NATO financial procedures. The Director of the NLO will liaise, on behalf of NATO, with the authorities of Ukraine to support political dialogue, practical cooperation, and advisory support in the framework of the NATO-Ukraine Commission, the Annual National Programme, and the Comprehensive Assistance Package for Ukraine, and with the help of Voluntary National Contribution (VNC) experts deployed to the NLO. His/her focus will be on matters related to political relations, the national security and defence sector, defence cooperation, and interoperability with NATO and Euro-Atlantic reforms. He/she will provide coordinated advice to enhance the ongoing programmes of cooperation with Ukraine. He/she will also support NATO HQ with input and advice related to NATO-Ukraine cooperation.He/she will be based in Kyiv, but will also be expected to travel frequently to Ukraine’s regions and 3-4 times per year, to NATO HQ.2. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCEESSENTIALThe incumbent must:possess a University degree from an institute of recognised standing, or equivalent level of qualification, preferably in the field of political science, international relations, security studies, or another relevant discipline;have excellent knowledge of international affairs, and security and defence policies in particular;have at least 10 years’ related professional experience in defence and security matters, in a national or international post, including experience in planning, implementing, monitoring and assessing a broad range of defence and security sector activities;have excellent communication skills, both orally and in writing, and be able to draft clearly and concisely in at least one of NATO’s official languages (English /French) documents required in the post (e.g., memos, backgrounders, speaking points, analytical reports, etc.);demonstrate sound political judgment and strong analytical skills;have recent experience leading a diverse team using sound management practices;have experience in programme/project management; including setting strategic priorities and developing and implementing workplans;possess previous experience working in a diplomatic or liaison capacity and engaging with government officials at a senior level;possess the following minimum levels of NATO’s official languages (English/French): V (“Advanced”) in one; I (“Beginner”) in the other;previous experience in a multinational or multilaterala good working knowledge of Ukrainian and/or Russian;DESIRABLEThe following would be considered an advantage:a Master’s degree from an institute of recognised standing, preferably in the field of political science, international relations, security studies, or another relevant discipline;possess a good knowledge of NATO policies and activities;have a good understanding of the objectives of the NATO Ukraine Commission (NUC), NATO partnership cooperation programmes, and the tools and mechanisms associated with them.previous experience in Ukraine;previous experience in posts requiring public speaking and media engagement skills;3. MAIN ACCOUNTABILITIESExpertise DevelopmentContribute to the provision of advice and assistance to the Secretary General, DSG, ASG/PASP, other senior NATO officials, and NATO staff officers prior to and during their visits to Ukraine. Set standards for and supervise the creation and submission of regular reports on pol-mil developments to the HQ. Provide periodic briefings to the Partnerships and Cooperative Security Committee (PCSC) and other committees at NATO HQ on political developments in Ukraine, as well as NLO operations, in particular its advisory role to Ukrainian institutions. Provide consolidated expert advice on NATO programmes and activities in Ukraine, including on the implementation of the Comprehensive Assistance Package for Ukraine and the Annual National Programme.Financial ManagementPlan and manage the execution of the NATO Liaison Office Budget in accordance with NATO’s financial procedures. Jointly with the Director of the NIDC, act as NATO’s contracting officer in Ukraine responsible for local supervision and signature authority on local contracts for the NLO and NATO partnership programmes in Ukraine, in coordination with the PASP Budget Officer and the Office of Financial Control. Supervise banking transactions, contracting, and payment processes for operational and organisational expenditures. Supervise the bookkeeping process and the creation and submission of monthly budget reports to NATO HQ. Produce annual and semi-annual budget projections. Coordinate with the Office of Financial Control to ensure accountability and compliance with NATO financial regulations.Knowledge ManagementMonitor and analyse political developments in Ukraine and other related developments; advise NATO HQ on their implications for Alliance policies. Facilitate information-sharing, with discretion, with a view to transferring knowledge across PASP and with key external interlocutors. Ensure that knowledge is maintained and available.Policy DevelopmentManage NLO staff in providing advice and assistance to partners in Ukraine in implementing their cooperation programmes with NATO, and develop ideas for new areas of assistance and cooperation. Advise NATO HQ on implementation and assessment of the Annual National Programme (ANP), the Comprehensive Assistance package for Ukraine (CAP), and other NATO partnership activities in Ukraine.Project ManagementIn coordination with NATO HQ, support the development and implementation of the NATO-Ukraine partnership goals and objectives, including partnership programmes. Assess risk and propose mitigation strategies. In coordination with the Director, NIDC, plan and oversee the execution of facilities improvements to the NLO premises, including selection and provision of contracts to service providers. Plan and manage office space utilisation. Supervise physical security requirements of the NLO in coordination with the NATO Office of Security (NOS), and maintain awareness of potential threats to NLO personnel.Representation of the OrganizationAct as the head of a diplomatically accredited organisation in Ukraine. Oversee the delivery and assume overall responsibility for a complex array or programmes and projects that support Ukraine’s efforts to reform its security and defence sector, including engaging the media to explain NATO’s role and policies. In coordination with the Director, NIDC, Represent NATO during official events organised by Ukrainian or Allied organisations. Represent NATO in engagements with Ukrainian officials and with civil society organizations. In coordination with the Director, NIDC, PASP, PDD, and the NATO Press Office, provide media interviews related to NATO activities in Ukraine to increase the presence of NATO voices in the Ukrainian information space.Stakeholder ManagementDevelop a wide and diverse network of contacts within the government and parliament in Ukraine, as well as with Allied embassies and the wider diplomatic community, working in particular with the Contact Point Embassy, International Organisations, and Non-Governmental Organisations. In coordination with Director, NIDC, communicate NATO’s viewpoint, activities, and expectations to the appropriate stakeholders and seek to secure their buy-in to NATO’s activities. Ensure effective communication and joint work between the various NATO personnel active in Ukraine, including personnel working for the NLO, the NIDC, and other NATO programmes and agencies. Coordinate with the Government of Ukraine on building management issues as necessary in accordance with the NATO-Ukraine bilateral agreement. Promote team spirit, transparency, flexibility, and collegiality and ensure full cooperation and transparency within the NRU and between the NRU and stakeholders in Ukraine and in NATO HQ.People ManagementSupervise the work of NLO Deputies, Allied Voluntary National Contributions and local staff in accordance with NATO-wide standards as well as with PASP Standing Operating Procedures. Adhere to sound and inclusive management principles, and provide in-depth mentoring, coaching, and training opportunities, as well as regular feedback on performance. Be available to offer guidance at critical moments.Perform any other related duty as assigned.4. INTERRELATIONSHIPSThe incumbent reports to the Head of Partnership East in the Political Affairs and Security Policy Division. He/she oversees the distribution of work within the NATO Liaison Office, enabling expert and support staff to carry out work on a relatively autonomous basis. He/she interacts regularly with the NIDC and other NATO programmes active in Ukraine in order to provide consolidated political advice and assistance.5. COMPETENCIESThe incumbent must demonstrate:Achievement: Sets and works to meet challenging goals;Analytical Thinking: Sees multiple relationships;Change Leadership: Personally leads change;Impact and Influence: Uses complex influence strategies;Initiative: Plans and acts up to a year ahead;Organisational Awareness: Understands underlying issues;Teamwork: Works to build commitment.6. CONTRACTContract to be offered to the successful applicant (if non-seconded): Definite duration contract of 3 years ; possibility of renewal for up to 3 years .Contract clause applicable:As employment in this post is required for a limited period, the successful applicant will be offered a definite duration contract of 3 years duration, which, if required, may be renewed for a further period of up to 3 years.If the successful applicant is seconded from the national administration of one of NATO’s member States, a 3 years definite duration contract will be offered, which may be renewed for a further period of up to 3 years if required, and subject also to the agreement of the national authority concerned.Serving staff will be offered a contract in accordance with the NATO Civilian Personnel Régulations.7. RECRUITMENT PROCESSPlease note that we can only accept applications from nationals of NATO member countries.Applications must be submitted using e-recruitment system, as applicable:For NATO civilian staff members only: please apply via the internal recruitment portal (for more information, please contact your local Civilian HR Manager);For all other applications: www.nato.int/recruitmentPlease note that at the time of the interviews, candidates will be asked to provide evidence of their education and professional experience as relevant for this vacancy.Appointment will be subject to receipt of a security clearance (provided by the national Authorities of the selected candidate) and approval of the candidate’s medical file by the NATO Medical Adviser.More information about the recruitment process and conditions of employment, can be found at our website ( http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/recruit-hq-e.htm )8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONNATO is committed to diversity and inclusion, and strives to provide equal access to employment, advancement and retention, independent of gender, age, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, cultural background, sexual orientation, and disability. NATO welcomes applications of nationals from all member Nations, and strongly encourages women to apply.Building Integrity is a key element of NATO’s core tasks. As an employer, NATO values commitment to the principles of integrity, transparency and accountability in accordance with international norms and practices established for the defence and related security sector. Selected candidates are expected to be role models of integrity, and to promote good governance through ongoing efforts in their work.Due to the broad interest in NATO and the large number of potential candidates, telephone or e-mail enquiries cannot be dealt with.Applicants who are not successful in this competition may be offered an appointment to another post of a similar nature, albeit at the same or a lower grade, provided they meet the necessary requirements.The nature of this position may require the staff member at times to be called upon to travel for work and/or to work outside normal office hours.The organization offers several work-life policies including Teleworking and Flexible Working arrangements (Flexitime) subject to business requirements.Please note that the International Staff at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium is a non-smoking environment.
Faculteitsecretaris Letteren en Wijsbegeerte
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Elsene
1 - Werken bij de VUBDe Vrije Universiteit Brussel staat al bijna 50 jaar voor vrijheid, gelijk(waardig)heid en verbondenheid en dat leeft sterk op onze campussen bij zowel studenten als personeel. Bij de VUB vind je een diverse verzameling aan persoonlijkheden: innovators pur sang, maar vooral mensen die 100% hun authentieke zelf zijn. Met zo’n 3500 medewerkers zijn we de grootste Vlaamstalige werkgever in Brussel; een internationale stad waarmee we ons maar al te graag verbinden en waar(rond) onze 4 campussen gelegen zijn.2 - FunctiebeschrijvingAls Faculteitssecretaris sta je voornamelijk in voor de administratieve leiding en organisatie van de faculteit, dit onder de verantwoordelijkheid van de decaan en in overleg met de facultaire beleidsorganen. Je werkt hierbij samen met een collega Faculteitssecretaris die voornamelijk instaat voor de beleidsontwikkeling mbt onderwijsgerelateerde materies en studentenaangelegenheden.Een greep uit jouw takenpakket:Je bent verantwoordelijk voor de organisatie, coördinatie, planning en werking van het faculteitssecretariaat;Je geeft dagelijkse leiding aan de ATP-medewerkers van het faculteitssecretariaat;Je stippelt een facultair digitaal beleid uit waarbij de digitalisering van administratieve en ondersteunende processen centraal staat, en je bent (mede) verantwoordelijk voor de concrete uitwerking en uitvoering van dit beleid in overleg met de desbetreffende overlegorganen;Je ondersteunt de Decaan en de beleidsorganen van de faculteit op gebied van onderzoek, internationalisering, communicatie en marketing op beleidsmatig en administratief vlak en je bent verantwoordelijk voor de communicatiedoorstroming tussen het faculteitssecretariaat, IFW en de bevoegde organen;Je woont facultaire en niet-facultaire vergaderingen bij, rapporteert hierover en staat mede in voor de uitwerking en uitvoering van beslissingen;Je bent verantwoordelijk voor de opvolging van personeelszaken (zowel AP (Academisch Personeel) als ATP (Administratief Technisch Personeel); hierbij werk je een ATP personeelsplan uit voor de komende jaren;Je staat in voor de financiële opvolging van de werking van het faculteitssecretariaat en het decanaat.Voor deze functie zal Brussels Humanities, Sciences & Engineering Campus (Elsene) je thuisbasis worden.3 - ProfielWat verwachten wij van jou?Vereiste deskundigheid en /of diploma's: academische deskundigheid op denk-en werkniveau: masterdiploma of gelijkwaardig door ervaring;Je bent een echte people manager: je kan zeer goed leidinggeven aan medewerkers, je bent in staat hen te motiveren, aan te sturen en te evalueren: tegelijk ben je luistervaardig en dienstbaar t.a.v. studenten en personeel;Je bent vertrouwd met de academische wereld en hebt een goed inzicht in de onderwijsstructuren;Kennis van de facultaire regelementen en procedures is een grote troef;Je hebt uitstekende verbale en schriftelijke communicatievaardigheden in het Nederlands en het Engels op niveau C1 van het ERK, en goede mondelinge en schriftelijke vaardigheden in het Frans op niveau B2 van het ERK, of je bent bereid je bij te scholen en de beoogde taalvaardigheidsniveau's te behalen binnen een termijn van twee jaren na aanstelling.Jouw skills in het gebruik van courante pc-toepassingen (MS Office, Outlook, internet,...) zijn excellent, en je bent bereid je bij te scholen in de relevante softwaretoepassingen voor de uitvoering van de functie;Je bent een geboren organisator en multitasker, proactief, sterk in coördinatie; je bent in staat om tijdig problemen te detecteren en een efficiënte oplossing voor te stellen; je bent besluitvaardig en doordacht handelend;Je bent in staat om je aan te passen aan wijzigende omstandigheden of ten opzichte van verschillende personen en je kan tegen een stootje wanneer het eens wat drukker of moeilijker wordt of bij een tegenslag;Je hebt een pragmatische ingesteldheid waarin je actief mee zoekt naar oplossingen en voorstellen doet tot optimalisering van de werking;Je hebt genoeg diplomatieke vaardigheden om de vitale schakel te zijn tussen centrale administratie, facultaire structuren, personeel en studenten;Je handelt vanuit de codes van integriteit, zorgvuldigheid, objectiviteit, gelijke behandeling, correctheid en transparantie uitgaande van de basisregels en de sociale en ethische normen;Je voelt je betrokken bij het succes van onze universiteit en meer bepaald bij het belang van een sterke, betrouwbare en transparante faculteit om het VUB-project mee te realiseren.4 - AanbodWord jij onze nieuwe collega? Dan bieden we je een contract van onbepaalde duur aan met een salaris gekoppeld aan graad 7,8,9, afhankelijk van je competenties en eerdere relevante werkervaring.Bij de VUB garanderen we een open, betrokken en diverse werkplek en bieden we je kansen om je carrière (verder) uit te bouwen. Daarnaast geniet je van voordelen als:Maximale terugbetaling woon-werkverkeer met het openbaar vervoer of een fietsvergoeding;Een kosteloze hospitalisatie- en groepsverzekering met gewaarborgd inkomen;De ruimte om je job-inhoud mee te vormen en voortdurend bij te leren via VUB LRN;Voordelige sportmogelijkheden;Ecocheques;Heerlijke maaltijden in onze campusrestaurants aan een aantrekkelijk tarief;Een open en familiale werkomgeving met aandacht voor je work-life balance én een uitzonderlijke verlofregeling met 35 verlofdagen (bij voltijdse tewerkstelling).5 - Geïnteresseerd?Spreekt deze functie je aan? Bezorg ons vóór 18 maart je cv, motivatiebrief en hoogst behaalde diploma (niet van toepassing voor VUB-alumni).Ons sollicitatieproces voor deze vacature ziet er als volgt uit:Stap 1: CV-screening door een van onze recruiters.Stap 2: Een vergelijkende proef gaat door op 24 maart in de voormiddag (onder voorbehoud van wijzigingen).Stap 3: HR Assessments gaan door in de periode 26-31 maart (onder voorbehoud van wijzigingen)Stap 3: Een finaal gesprek staat gepland in de week van 5 april. (onder voorbehoud van wijzigingen). De assessments en gesprekken gaan digitaal door.Vragen over de functie-inhoud? Contacteer Decaan Prof. Alex Housen via [email protected] over de selectieprocedure? Contacteer HR adviseur Bruno Verwee via [email protected] je graag weten hoe het is om te werken bij de VUB?Ga dan naar www.jobs.vub.be en ontdek alles over o.a. onze campussen, voordelen, strategische doelen en collega’s.6 - KenmerkenPersoneelsformatie: werkingContract: onbepaalde duurHoofdeenheid: Faculteit Letteren en WijsbegeerteOmvang: 1Functie: FaculteitsecretarisGradengroep: 7-8-9Wijze van begeven: werving
Payroll Advisor
STIB MIVB, Brussel
Description du posteEn tant que Payroll Officer, vous travaillez au sein du département Ressources Humaines et vous rapportez au responsable de l’entité « Time & Payroll ».Votre mission principale est d’assurer le calcul des rémunérations des collaborateurs de la STIB. Ce calcul se fait en interne. Une externalisation existe pour le post-payroll (envoi des déclarations fiscales et sociales).Plus en détail, vous serez amené à :Participer activement à la transformation/modernisation des activités de Payroll / Post-payroll (suite pratique au projet Formula M)Participer aux worshops avec le prestataire extérieur ;Animer des workshops avec l’équipe afin de prioritiser les actions ;Décrire et valider les processus existants, Mettre en place les recommandations, Assurer le suivi des actionsReprésenter HR auprès des groupes de réflexions et des groupes paritaires (sous-groupe du CE,… et voir des organismes externes) sur des points concernant le calcul des salaires en back up du Payroll ManagerSuggérer de nouveaux indicateurs de suivi de la performance de l’équipe, suivre les indicateurs existants, les analyser et en sortir des mesures de correction si nécessaireReprésenter les équipes Payroll dans des réflexions en dehors d’HR (audit interne, comptabilité, départements informatiques, contrôles fiscaux) en backup du payroll manager ou pour le représenterPrendre en charge les communications à caractère technique ainsi que toutes les explications vulgarisées destinées aux collaborateurs, assurer des formations dans le domaine Payroll aux collègues HRProfil recherchéDiplôme Bachelor idéalement à orientation juridique ou expérience de 5 ans dans une fonction similaire.Bonnes connaissances fonctionnelles de la législation et réglementations sociale (en lien avec le payroll).Maîtrise des règles de l’horaire souple, des règles de paie et du guide de pointage.Connaissances fonctionnelles de SAP et plus particulièrement des modules du Payroll.Bonne maîtrise de MS Office (Excel).Bonne connaissance de la seconde langue nationale.Vos qualités personnelles : assertivité, proactivité, esprit équipe, capacité d’analyse, sens de la déontologie (confidentialité), rigueur et méthode, résistance au stress, flexibilité, orientations clients.Notre offreUne fonction variée et passionnante dans un environnement dynamique et convivial.Un travail au sein d’une société qui offre une stabilité d’emploi, une vision long terme, et des projets qui impactent la vie quotidienne et la mobilité des gens.Un épanouissement personnel par le biais de formations internes et externes sur mesure, avec des réelles perspectives de carrière à long terme.Une qualité d’emploi et de vie professionnelle, avec un salaire compétitif accompagné par différents avantages extra-légaux (chèques-repas, assurances groupe et hospitalisation, 35 jours de congé payés par an, abonnement gratuit sur les réseaux STIB, TEC et De Lijn, et jusqu’à 75% de réduction sur l’abonnement de train domicile-travail, etc.)EntrepriseAvec plus de 9.800 collaborateurs, la Société des Transports Intercommunaux de Bruxelles (STIB), acteur clé de la mobilité à Bruxelles, y est également un des plus grands employeurs.La modernisation du métro, l'élargissement du réseau tram et la construction de nouveaux dépôts ne sont que quelques exemples des projets passionnants pour lesquels la STIB recherche des collaborateurs enthousiastes.Une carrière variée, une formation continue, des projets uniques et passionnants, une stabilité d’emploi et une diversité à tout niveau enrichissante, voilà ce que peut offrir la STIB à toute personne assez curieuse pour venir découvrir ses 300 métiers uniques.
Independent contractors
International Diabetes Federation (IDF), Brussel
We are looking to build a network of talented professionals to support our projects and programmes worldwide.The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) is an alliance of over 230 national diabetes associations with two million members in more than 164 countries and territories, IDF has been at the vanguard of global diabetes advocacy for over 50 years.Are you an independent contractor with a track-record of success in any of the following areas?Project managementCopy-writing and editingScientific writingGraphic DesignTranslation (to define)And/or do you have a background or experience in:Diabetes healthcarePublic healthEpidemiologyDrafting policy documents (policy briefs, white papers)If you answered yes to one or more of the above, send us information about yourself, your relevant work experience and tell us how you could contribute to our mission.How to applyInterested applicants are requested to send a CV and cover letter to Ms Audrey Baerten, Office Manager at [email protected].
Officer, IAMD Policy
NATO - OTAN, Brussel
1. SUMMARYThe Defence Investment Division (DI) is responsible for the development of investments in assets and capabilities aimed at enhancing the Alliance’s defence capacity, including armaments planning and development, space, integrated air and missile defence (IAMD), airspace management, aviation command and control.The Armament and Aerospace Capabilities Directorate (A&ACap) supports consensus decision making at NATO Headquarters on a wide range of joint, land, air & space, and maritime capabilities required for the full range of the Alliance’s missions. To that end, it provides relevant advice to NATO Committees and the Organization’s senior management. In particular, the Directorate supports the work of the Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD), the Aviation Committee (AVC), the Defence Planning and Policy Committee on Missile Defence (DPPC (MD)), the Air and Missile Defence Committee (AMDC) and their subordinate structures. Specific responsibilities include policy and capability development and delivery, support and oversight of pol-mil aspects and programs in the areas of Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD), Joint Intelligence, Reconnaissance, Surveillance (JISR), Aerospace as well as multinational armaments cooperation and projects.The IAMD Section is responsible for policy guidance, programmatic support, capability development and delivery and cooperation on all IAMD-related matters, including relevant space and other air power topics, as well as the development of integrated air and missile defence capabilities within the framework of the NATO Defence Planning Process (NDPP). The Section supports the DPPC(MD), the AMDC, IAMD-related aspects of CNAD work and the programmatic governance of NATO BMD and AirC2 programs. The Section develops and conducts relevant activities with Partners in various NATO fora. It liaises and coordinates with all space and integrated air and missile defence entities, in particular the NATO Military Authorities (NMAs) and other relevant NATO bodies and agencies and external stakeholders.The incumbent is responsible for managing, promoting and coordinating all assigned activities. This includes: working with nations, NMAs and Partners to develop and implement relevant IAMD policies to ensure a comprehensive approach to Alliance integrated air and missile defence; establishing work priorities to support Directorate, Division, Committee and Alliance goals and objectives; providing advice to senior personnel and the Private Office on all IAMD, AirC2 and IAMD-space related issues; anticipating requirements and providing similar inputs to other Divisions or entities. Perform any other related duty as assigned.2. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCEESSENTIALThe incumbent must:hold a university degree, or have an equivalent level of qualification, preferably with a specialisation in political science, international affairs, security and defence policy;have at least five years’ of relevant professional experience working for an international organisation or a national administration, with a focus on defence policy and international relations;have a broad knowledge of political-military aspects of NATO integrated missile defense (IAMD), including ballistic missile defence;demonstrate skills for independent conceptual analysis and policy development related to IAMD and BMD issues;demonstrate a good understanding of current political and defence issues, as well as priorities affecting the Alliance;be able to draft quickly, clearly and concisely in one of the official languages of the Organization with commonly used office software packages;be experienced in preparing and presenting briefings to military and civilian audiences at all levels;possess the following minimum levels of NATO’s official languages (English/French): V (“Advanced”) in one; I (“Beginner”) in the other.DESIRABLEThe following would be considered an advantage:have a good understanding of NATO’s deterrence and defence policy;be familiar with the civil and military structures of the Alliance;have defence policy experience in a Ministry of Defence or Foreign Affairs, national delegation or NATO body addressing defence capabilities development and delivery.3. MAIN ACCOUNTABILITIESPolicy DevelopmentContribute to the development of NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence policy, including BMD, draft conceptual working papers. Coordinate with other colleagues in the IAMD Section, the DI Division, as well as other Divisions, the NATO Military Authorities (NMAs) and national experts to develop options and recommendations on future space and integrated air and missile defence concepts, policies, required capabilities and activities. Contribute to the preparation of and advice on IAMD and BMD related meetings and documents to the respective Committees and the North Atlantic Council, as appropriate. Liaise with partners and relevant international orgnaizations, on to develop relevant policies and approaches, as appropriate.Expertise DevelopmentContribute with expertise to support on-going work on IAMD and BMD policy development, including in relation to parnters, third states and international organisations,. Monitor and analyse relevant missile defence technologies and capabilitites, policies and their implications for NATO. Maintain general knowledge of the Organization and its priorities and structure, as well as political awareness and familiarity with current developments in international affairs, deterrence and defence.Stakeholder ManagementLiase with all relevant conterparts within NATO Headquarters and with NATO bodies, agencies, nations and military authorities working on IAMD and BMD issues to ensure coherence, coordination and transparency. Support Head/ IAMD Section in ensuring the smooth and efficient work within the Section, including international staff officers and assistants, national secondees and interns, as well as with other relevant colleages in the DI and other DIvisions. Establish contacts and ensure relevant liaison and commuicaiton with selected partner nations, third states, international organisations, as relevant.Information ManagementSupport the Head of Section in ensuring transparency and infromation flows with relevant stakeholders within the Section and throughout the NATO strucutres. Liaise with the Public Diplomacy Division on all IAMD-related strategic communications issues, as appropriate. Contribute to the development of IAMD-related websites, articiles and public engagements, as relevant.Representation of the OrganizationParticipate in and support relevant meetings, seminars, exercises and workshops providing briefings, expertise and assistance on integrated air and missile defence-related subjects and Alliance policies and objectives. Represent the IAMD Section at relevant fora, as necessary.Knowledge ManagementSupport the preparation of relevant IAMD and BMD documents as necessary, and exchange knowledge and information with colleagues on relevant issues. Conduct research, draft and support the development of policy documents, strategic communications, press points, lectures and speeches, articles and public-facing materials on relevant IAMD issues. Work with the administrative staff to ensure that documents are distributed in a timely manner to stakeholders and customers.4. INTERRELATIONSHIPSThe incumbent reports to the Head of Section, but is responsible for executing a large amount of independent work, also in coordination with other IAMD colleagues working on policy development, including relevant partnerhips. He/she will maintain a good working relationship with members of other International Staff (IS) Divisions and the International Military Staff, and will provide guidance on policy development and implementation on a regular basis to senior management and international stakeholders. He/she will work closely with staff of the Bi-Strategic Commands and subordinate HQs, including centres of excellence, national, including Partners, delegations/authorities and NATO Agencies.Direct reports: N/aIndirect reports: N/a.5. COMPETENCIESThe incumbent must demonstrate:Analytical Thinking: Makes complex plans or analyses;Clarity and Accuracy: Checks own work;Conceptual Thinking: Applies learned concepts;Customer Service Orientation: Takes personal responsibility for correcting problems;Impact and Influence: Takes multiple actions to persuade;Initiative: Is decisive in a time-sensitive situation;Organisational Awareness: Understands organisational climate and culture;Teamwork: Solicits inputs and encourages others6. CONTRACTContract to be offered to the successful applicant (if non-seconded): Definite duration contract of three years; possibility of renewal for up to three years, during which the incumbent may apply for conversion to an indefinite duration contract.Contract clause applicable:In accordance with the contract policy, this is a post in which turnover is desirable for political reasons in order to be able to accommodate the Organisation's need to carry out its tasks as mandated by the Nations in a changing environment, for example by maintaining the flexibility necessary to shape the Organisation's skills profile, and to ensure appropriate international diversity.The maximum period of service foreseen in this post is 6 years. The successful applicant will be offered a 3-year definite duration contract, which may be renewed for a further period of up to 3 years. However, according to the procedure described in the contract policy the incumbent may apply for conversion to an indefinite contract during the period of renewal and no later than one year before the end of contract.If the successful applicant is seconded from the national administration of one of NATO’s member States, a 3-year definite duration contract will be offered, which may be renewed for a further period of up to 3 years subject also to the agreement of the national authority concerned. The maximum period of service in the post as a seconded staff member is six years.Serving staff will be offered a contract in accordance with the NATO Civilian Personnel Régulations.NOTE:Irrespective of previous qualifications and experience, candidates for twin-graded posts will be appointed at the lower grade. Advancement to the higher grade is not automatic, and will not normally take place during the first three years of service in the post.Under specific circumstances, serving staff members may be appointed directly to the higher grade, and a period of three years might be reduced by up to twenty four months for external candidates. These circumstances are described in the IS directive on twin-graded posts.7. RECRUITMENT PROCESSPlease note that we can only accept applications from nationals of NATO member countries.Applications must be submitted using e-recruitment system, as applicable:For NATO civilian staff members only: please apply via the internal recruitment portal (for more information, please contact your local Civilian HR Manager);For all other applications: www.nato.int/recruitmentPlease note that at the time of the interviews, candidates will be asked to provide evidence of their education and professional experience as relevant for this vacancy.Appointment will be subject to receipt of a security clearance (provided by the national Authorities of the selected candidate) and approval of the candidate’s medical file by the NATO Medical Adviser.More information about the recruitment process and conditions of employment, can be found at our website (http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/recruit-hq-e.htm)8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONNATO is committed to diversity and inclusion, and strives to provide equal access to employment, advancement and retention, independent of gender, age, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, cultural background, sexual orientation, and disability. NATO welcomes applications of nationals from all member Nations, and strongly encourages women to apply.Building Integrity is a key element of NATO’s core tasks. As an employer, NATO values commitment to the principles of integrity, transparency and accountability in accordance with international norms and practices established for the defence and related security sector. Selected candidates are expected to be role models of integrity, and to promote good governance through ongoing efforts in their work.Due to the broad interest in NATO and the large number of potential candidates, telephone or e-mail enquiries cannot be dealt with.Applicants who are not successful in this competition may be offered an appointment to another post of a similar nature, albeit at the same or a lower grade, provided they meet the necessary requirements.The nature of this position may require the staff member at times to be called upon to travel for work and/or to work outside normal office hours.The organization offers several work-life policies including Teleworking and Flexible Working arrangements (Flexitime) subject to business requirements.Please note that the International Staff at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium is a non-smoking environment.
Officer, IAMD operational issues
NATO - OTAN, Brussel
1. SUMMARYThe Defence Investment Division (DI) is responsible for the development of investments in assets and capabilities aimed at enhancing the Alliance’s defence capacity, including armaments planning and development, space, integrated air and missile defence (IAMD), airspace management and aviation command and control.The Armament and Aerospace Capabilities Directorate (A&ACap) supports consensus decision making at NATO Headquarters on a wide range of joint, land, air & space, and maritime capabilities required for the full range of the Alliance’s missions. To that end, it provides relevant advice to NATO Committees and the Organization’s senior management. In particular, the Directorate supports the work of the Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD), the Aviation Committee (AVC), the Defence Planning and Policy Committee on Missile Defence (DPPC (MD)), the Air and Missile Defence Committee (AMDC) and their subordinate structures. Specific responsibilities include policy and capability development and delivery, support and oversight of pol-mil aspects and programs in the areas of Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD), Joint Intelligence, Reconnaissance, Surveillance (JISR), Aerospace as well as multinational armaments cooperation and projects.The IAMD Section is responsible for policy guidance, programmatic support, capability development and delivery and cooperation on all IAMD-related matters, including relevant space and other air power topics, as well as the development of integrated air and missile defence capabilities within the framework of the NATO Defence Planning Process (NDPP). The Section supports the DPPC(MD), the AMDC, IAMD-related aspects of CNAD work and the programmatic governance of NATO BMD and AirC2 programs. The Section develops and conducts relevant activities with Partners in various NATO fora. It liaises and coordinates with all space and integrated air and missile defence entities, in particular the NATO Military Authorities (NMAs) and other relevant NATO bodies and agencies and external stakeholders.The incumbent is responsible for managing, promoting and coordinating all assigned activities. This includes: working with nations, NMAs and Partners to develop and implement relevant IAMD policies to ensure a comprehensive approach to Alliance integrated air and missile defence; establishing work priorities to support Directorate, Division, Committee and Alliance goals and objectives; providing advice to senior personnel and the Private Office on all IAMD, AirC2 and IAMD-space related issues; anticipating requirements and providing similar inputs to other Divisions or entities. Perform any other related duty as assigned.2. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCEESSENTIALThe incumbent must:hold a university degree or a degree from a defence academy;have at least four years of professional experience in air defence or ballistic missile defence;demonstrate familiarity with NATO Integrated Air and Missile defence policy, military and operational planning development;have background in air defence or ballistic missile defence exercises, training and experiments;demonstrate excellent knowledge of NATO’s Command structure;demonstrate knowledge of NATO’s deterrence and defence at a conceptual and operational level;have experience with integrated air and missile defence NATO and multinational exercises, such as Steadfast Alliance, Steadfast Armour, Nimble Titan and Joint Project Optic Windmill (JPOW);be able to draft quickly, clearly and concisely in one of the official languages of the Organization with commonly used office software packages ;be experienced in preparing and presenting briefings to military and civilian audiences at all levels;possess the following minimum levels of NATO’s official languages (English/French): V (“Advanced”) in one; I (“Beginner”) in the other .DESIRABLEThe following would be considered an advantage:a postgraduate qualifications relevant for the post;ballistic missile defence experience in a government or international organisation;experience in (Theatre) Missile Defence activities, including with non-NATO nations;knowledge of the NATO Defence Planning Process;have defence policy experience in a Ministry of Defence or Foreign Affairs, national delegation or NATO body addressing defence capabilities development and delivery.3. MAIN ACCOUNTABILITIESPolicy DevelopmentPrepare specialist documentation dealing with, military and operational planning aspects of BMD policy and posture, and liaise with other bodies and stakeholders working in related areas.Contribute to the development of NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence policy, including BMD. Work to ensure coherence between policy and operational developments. Coordinate with other colleagues in the IAMD Section, the DI Division, as well as other Divisions, the NATO Military Authorities (NMAs) and national experts to develop options and recommendations on future space and integrated air and missile defence concepts, policies, required capabilities and activities. Draft expert-level documentation on relevant military and operational planning aspects of IAMD and BMD policy and posture, exercises and training. Work in support of the relevant Committees and the North Atlantic Council.Expertise DevelopmentProvide advice and recommendations to committees/bodies addressing integrated air and missile defence issues. Remain abreast of developments in all relevant missile defence technologies and capabilities, policies and their operational use. Keep senior management informed of these developments.Stakeholder ManagementLiaise with all relevant conterparts within NATO Headquarters and with NATO bodies, agencies, nations and military authorities, as well as industry representatives working on IAMD and BMD issues to ensure coherence, coordination and transparency. Participate actively in bodies working on integrated air and missile defence and monitor the work of other NATO bodies/stakeholders involved in related activities, conferring with them on a regular basis. Consult with missile defence experimentation and exercise organisations/cells in NATO Member Countries, Partner Countries, where relevant, and NATO Agencies with a view to getting their support for NATO activities and to coordinating their efforts as required.Project ManagementAdvise on the planning, implementation, monitoring and assessment phases of NATO’s IAMD capability, working with other colleagues in the IAMD Section, as well as representatives of relevant agencies and NMAs.Knowledge ManagementDraft relevant IAMD and BMD documents, background briefs and speaking notes as necessary, and exchange knowledge and information with colleagues on relevant issues. Conduct research and remain abreast of relevant technologies, capabilities, exercises and other operational issues . Ensure effective and efficient planning and execution of relevant NATO IAMD and BMD exercises, workshops and seminars. Work closely with the NMAs and relevant NATO Commands on these issues.Representation of the OrganizationParticipate in and support relevant meetings, seminars, exercises, training activities and workshops providing briefings, expertise and assistance on integrated air and missile defence-related subjects and Alliance policies and objectives. Represent the IAMD Section at relevant fora, as necessary.4. INTERRELATIONSHIPSThe incumbent reports to the Head, Integrated Air and Missile Defence Section.He/she will maintain a good working relationship with members of other International Staff (IS) Divisions and the International Military Staff, and will provide guidance on policy development and implementation on a regular basis to senior management and international stakeholders. He/she will work closely with staff of the Bi-Strategic Commands and subordinate HQs, including centres of excellence, national delegations/authorities/industry and NATO Agencies, as appropriate.Direct reports: N/aIndirect reports: N/a.5. COMPETENCIESThe incumbent must demonstrate:Achievement: Creates own measures of excellence and improves performance.Analytical Thinking: Sees multiple relationships.Change Leadership: Expresses vision for change.Impact and Influence: Uses indirect influence.Initiative: Is decisive in a time-sensitive situation.Organizational Awareness: Understands organisational politics.Teamwork: Solicits inputs and encourages others.6 . CONTRACTContract to be offered to the successful applicant (if non-seconded): Definite duration contract of three years; possibility of renewal for up to three years, during which the incumbent may apply for conversion to an indefinite duration contract.Contract clause applicable:In accordance with the contract policy, this is a post in which turnover is desirable for political reasons in order to be able to accommodate the Organisation's need to carry out its tasks as mandated by the Nations in a changing environment, for example by maintaining the flexibility necessary to shape the Organisation's skills profile, and to ensure appropriate international diversity.The maximum period of service foreseen in this post is 6 years. The successful applicant will be offered a 3-year definite duration contract, which may be renewed for a further period of up to 3 years. However, according to the procedure described in the contract policy the incumbent may apply for conversion to an indefinite contract during the period of renewal and no later than one year before the end of contract.If the successful applicant is seconded from the national administration of one of NATO’s member States, a 3-year definite duration contract will be offered, which may be renewed for a further period of up to 3 years subject also to the agreement of the national authority concerned. The maximum period of service in the post as a seconded staff member is six years.Serving staff will be offered a contract in accordance with the NATO Civilian Personnel Régulations.7. RECRUITMENT PROCESSPlease note that we can only accept applications from nationals of NATO member countries.Applications must be submitted using e-recruitment system, as applicable:For NATO civilian staff members only: please apply via the internal recruitment portal (for more information, please contact your local Civilian HR Manager);For all other applications: www.nato.int/recruitmentPlease note that at the time of the interviews, candidates will be asked to provide evidence of their education and professional experience as relevant for this vacancy.Appointment will be subject to receipt of a security clearance (provided by the national Authorities of the selected candidate) and approval of the candidate’s medical file by the NATO Medical Adviser.More information about the recruitment process and conditions of employment, can be found at our website (http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/recruit-hq-e.htm)8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONNATO is committed to diversity and inclusion, and strives to provide equal access to employment, advancement and retention, independent of gender, age, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, cultural background, sexual orientation, and disability. NATO welcomes applications of nationals from all member Nations, and strongly encourages women to apply.Building Integrity is a key element of NATO’s core tasks. As an employer, NATO values commitment to the principles of integrity, transparency and accountability in accordance with international norms and practices established for the defence and related security sector. Selected candidates are expected to be role models of integrity, and to promote good governance through ongoing efforts in their work.Due to the broad interest in NATO and the large number of potential candidates, telephone or e-mail enquiries cannot be dealt with.Applicants who are not successful in this competition may be offered an appointment to another post of a similar nature, albeit at the same or a lower grade, provided they meet the necessary requirements.The nature of this position may require the staff member at times to be called upon to travel for work and/or to work outside normal office hours.The organization offers several work-life policies including Teleworking and Flexible Working arrangements (Flexitime) subject to business requirements.Please note that the International Staff at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium is a non-smoking environment.
Operations Manager Brussels
ENGIE, Brussel
In order to support its development, ENGIE Solutions seeks an Operations Manager Brussels.You will be responsible for managing the operations in Brussels, which is organised in 6 Areas.Your missionbusinesssets the strategy and goals with the teamdefines organisation that delivers expected resultskey customer relationshipbusiness development:supports teams to deliver proposals and negotiating contractsdevelops projects (ESCO, EPC,…)human resourcescommunicates strategy and goals, company informationsensures people motivation and adherence to the company culturegenerates and manages changeidentifies, hires and develops potentialssets training & development policiesmanages safety rules and ensures resultsfinancialsensures budget preparationresponsible for P&Lprepares business quarterly reviewsmember of the Company Management Team, H&S Committee, Company Council (CE-OR)Your profileindustrial or civil engineer mechanical, electrical or electromechanical, ideally completed by a business education with a min. of 10 years’ experience in building or/and industry technics and people managementknowledge of building technics, HVAC and electrical installations is a strong assetknowledge of energy efficiency concepts is an assetopen to digital technologiesenhanced leadership skillsgood interpersonal and communication skillscommercial & entrepreneurial skills"Hands-on & Doer"; result drivenstress resistanttrilingual NL/FR/ENReady to be part of the energy transition?Then join our experts in the various innovative and exciting projects of ENGIE Solutions. You get the opportunity to use your technical skills as well as to discover cutting-edge technologies that will lead us further to a zero-carbon future.Joining ENGIE Solutions is more than that! You also get:a competitive salary in line with your education and experiencefringe benefits such as meal vouchers, concessionary travel, hospitalization- & group insuranceinteresting training and career opportunities…We are looking forward to meeting you!Your HR contact: Caroline De RomWorkplace: ENGIE Tower, Boulevard Simon Bolivarlaan 34-36, 1000 Brussels
Administrative Clerk - Open to: All Interested Applicants / All Sources
Embassy Brussels, Brussel
Hiring Path:Open to the publicWho May Apply/Clarification From the Agency:For USEFM - FP is 08. Actual FP salary determined by Washington D.C.All Interested Applicants / All SourcesSecurity Clearance Required:Public Trust - Background InvestigationAppointment TypePermanentAppointment Type Details:Indefinite subject to successful completion of initial one-year contract.Marketing Statement:We encourage you to read and understand the Eight (8) Qualities of Overseas Employees before you apply.Summary:The work schedule for this position is: Full Time (38 hours per week)Start date: Candidate must be able to begin working within a reasonable period of time (15 weeks) of receipt of agency authorization and/or clearances/certifications or their candidacy may end.Supervisory Position:NoRelocation Expenses Reimbursed:NoTravel Required:Not RequiredDutiesServes as assistant to the Supervisory General Services Officer, as well as provides assistance to the other GSO section chiefs.Assistant to GSOServes as assistant to the Supervisory General Services Officer (S/GSO) and provides translation and note taking assistance when required. Maintains S/GSO calendar. Attends weekly GSO section heads meeting and other meetings as required and takes notes and follows up on action items. Serves as special assistant and coordinator for special projects including office moves and restructuring. Acts as S/GSO liaison to all GSO sections, other JAS departments, external contacts. Researches and compiles data for use by SGSO and drafts general correspondence and cables for approval of the Supervisory GSO in English, Dutch and French with translations where appropriate. Maintains subject files; screens and distributes GSO incoming cables, correspondence, mail and fax traffic; and ensures an accurate, timely flow of incoming and outgoing interoffice mail. Manages flow of incoming and outgoing documents for S/GSO action or approval. Responsible for staying current on all correspondence guidance and ensures all GSO products are prepared accordingly. Ensures adequate supplies for the office and the equipment are available, acts as Contracting Officer’s Representative for printers, copiers, fax machines in contracts totaling in excess of $200,000 and as such coordinates repair and maintenance and arranges for replacement of failed equipment. Incumbent can be tasked with participating/supporting JAS quality management initiatives. Enters Visitor Access Requests in the Post’s Security System (database). Makes Procurement Requests and signs off on delivery of the items. Is responsible for the accurate and timely completion of the section’s biweekly Time & Attendance reports, and submission of T&A reports to JAS/HR. Maintains leave schedules and monitors location of key GSO personnel for the SGSO.GSO SupportPrincipal manager of all GSO information online; makes sure that GSO web-pages are professional and up-to date. Assists all GSO sections in automating work processes including forms, contacts, calendars, departure and arrival seminars, funding and budget, country clearances, administrative notices and other electronically based processes and applications. Maintains and assists in improving databases such as: Post Profiles, annual 4th of July invitation list, EAP, PCREMS. Incumbent has oversight of the GSO portion of the Tri-Mission InfoNet to coordinate all web captains in funneling information to one location and standardizing format and presentation. Point of contact for conference room and events coordination to include developing and maintaining a conference room reservation webpage and assisting requesting offices with their event in catering, room set up, and other logistical support. Tri-Mission’s POC for Diplomatic VAT exemption that includes processing VAT documentation for diplomatic staff.Qualifications and EvaluationsRequirements:EXPERIENCE: Minimum two years of experience as office manager or customer service managerJOB KNOWLEDGE: Desktop PC operations and software packages, including MS Word, Excel and email systems. Internet skills required, general knowledge of procurement, contracting issues, human resources and security issues a plus. Incumbent should be fully conversant and quickly become knowledgeable about the provision of all JAS services and JAS’s position in the Tri-Mission work environment. Incumbent should be aware of the Quality Management principles. Incumbent should be able to identify and make contact with pertinent local government offices. Incumbent should also have knowledge of local business practices. In automating the work processes the incumbent must have strong Information Technology skills, knowledge of the ISO-9001 standards and Quality Management procedures.Education Requirements:High School diplomaEvaluations:LANGUAGE: Fluency in English. Fluency in French or Dutch with working knowledge of the other.SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Typing, office machine operations. Must possess good organizational and analytical skills. Must possess high level of interpersonal skills and have a customer-oriented attitude, including a facility in relating to customers. Ability to juggle multiple projects and self-prioritize must be able to work with minimal supervision whilst also contributing to the success of operations as a whole. Must be flexible and adaptive to changing priorities. Excellent interpersonal skills required as position requires coordinating with data gathering from many disparate departmentsEQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (EEO): The U.S. Mission provides equal opportunity and fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation.Qualifications:All applicants under consideration will be required to pass medical and security certifications.Benefits and Other InfoBenefits:Agency Benefits:Locally Employed Staff, including Members of Household (MOHs), and Third-Country Nationals (TCNs), working at the U.S. Mission in Brussels may receive a compensation package that may include health, separation, and other benefits.For EFMs, benefits should be discussed with the Human Resources Office.The pay plan is assigned at the time of the conditional offer letter by the HR Office.Other Information:HIRING PREFERENCE SELECTION PROCESS: Applicants in the following hiring preference categories are extended a hiring preference in the order listed below. Therefore, it is essential that these applicants accurately describe their status on the application. Failure to do so may result in a determination that the applicant is not eligible for a hiring preference.HIRING PREFERENCE ORDER:AEFM / USEFM who is a preference-eligible U.S. Veteran*AEFM / USEFMFS on LWOP and CS with reemployment rights **IMPORTANT: Applicants who claim status as a preference-eligible U.S. Veteran must submit a copy of their most recent DD-214 (“Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty”), equivalent documentation, or certification. A “certification” is any written document from the armed forces that certifies the service member is expected to be discharged or released from active duty service in the armed forces under honorable conditions within 120 days after the certification is submitted by the applicant. The certification letter should be on letterhead of the appropriate military branch of the service and contain (1) the military service dates including the expected discharge or release date; and (2) the character of service. Acceptable documentation must be submitted in order for the preference to be given.** This level of preference applies to all Foreign Service employees on LWOP and CS with re-employment rights back to their agency or bureau.For more information (i.e., what is an EFM, USEFM, AEFM, MOH, etc.?) and for additional employment considerations, please visit the following link.How to ApplyHow to Apply:All candidates must be able to obtain and hold a Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) certification.To apply for this position click the “Submit Application” button. For more information on how to apply visit the Mission internet site.Required Documents:In order to qualify based on education, you MUST submit the requested diploma and / or transcripts as verification of educational requirement by the closing date of this announcement. If you fail to provide requested information, or the information you submit is insufficient to verify your eligibility, you will not be considered for this position.Copy of Orders/Assignment Notification (or equivalent)Residency and/or Work PermitPassport copyLanguage Scores (if available)DD-214 - Member Copy 4, Letter from Veterans’ Affairs, or other supporting documentation (if applicable)SF-50 (if applicable)Next Steps:Applicants who are invited to take a language or skills test, or who are selected for an interview will be contacted via email.For further information - the complete position description listing all of the duties, responsibilities, required qualifications, etc. may be obtained by contacting the Human Resources Office.Thank you for your application and your interest in working at the U.S. Mission in Brussels.
Rental agent / Bediende balie
RENT A CAR, Elsene
FunctieomschrijvingWe zijn zelf zeer flexibel en werken met hart en ziel om onze passie over te brengen op onze klanten en partners zodat zij even enthousiast blijven als wij dat zelf zijn…Als je zelf niet graag de handen uit de mouwen steekt en zaken hands-on aanpakt, met een uitgesproken klantvriendelijke en empathische flair naar zowel klanten als interne partners, dan zal je je absoluut niet goed voelen in ons bedrijf.Wij zoeken een rechterhand (en tegelijk linkerhand) van de netwerk manager die wil groeien samen met het bedrijf en daar volledig voor wil gaan.Wil je dat we je met al je commerciële flair en enthousiasme laten zien hoe dat verder in zijn werk kan gaan om je helemaal over de streep te laten trekken? Dan lezen we je enthousiasme graag in je kandidatuur samen met je cv!Alvast tot binnenkort!Met enthousiaste groet,Tamara VanbuelHR Business Partner