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Aanbevolen vacatures

Dossierbeheerder - A&V Consulting Kortrijk (m/v)
A&V Consulting (Kortrijk - www.aenvconsulting.be) heeft sinds  haar oprichting steeds een gestadige groei gekend. Het huidige team bestaat uit 7 medewerkers en 2 zaakvoerders. Als kwalitatieve en full-syndicusorganisatie ondersteunt A&V Consulting residenties, voornamelijk in Zuid-West-Vlaanderen, met het administratieve, het technische alsook  met het financiële beheer voor de mede-eigenaars. Gezien de verdere uitbreiding van het klantenbestand en verdere groei wensen we een nieuwe collega met ervaring aan boord te halen (M/V/X): Dossierbeheerder Organisatorisch sterk, ervaren en klantgerichtAls dossierbeheerder ben je in staat na, een grondige opleiding, gebouwen van a tot z op te volgen. Wat houdt dit allemaal in:   Opvolging voor wat betreft administratieve aspecten en financieel beheer met betrekking tot alle dossiers die jou worden toevertrouwd (inbegrepen aankoopfacturen verwerken, geschillen regelen, instaan voor facturatie, opvraging provisies, aanvraag offertes, klassement, en¿.). Instaan voor de organisatie van de jaarlijkse algemene vergaderingen, hiervoor uitnodigingen versturen, notulen verzorgen, afwerking dossiers, opvolging beslissingen. De professionele opvang van klanten en derden, zowel telefonisch als op kantoor te Kortrijk. Inbegrepen opvang van klachten en problemen. Pro actief handelen waar handelen waar noodzakelijk ! Bijspringen ter ondersteuning van de collega¿s bij afwezigheid. Profil Je genoot minstens een secundaire opleiding ASO of TSO (handel, boekhouden, informatica,...). Je bent communicatief sterk. Je bent punctueel ingesteld en bezit tevens een goede veerkracht. Probleemoplossend denken. Er wordt veel belang gehecht aan initiatief en positieve teamopstelling. Heel goed kunnen omgaan met werkdruk: stressbestendig! Basiskennis Frans is een troef. Connaissances linguistiques Nederlands : Goed
International Trainer|Coach at Feedback International
Feedback International, Antwerp, Antwerpen
Is training, coaching, and advising your passion? Do you like to help organizations, teams and individuals with their development in the field of behavior and communication? Are you willing and able to (jointly) acquire, design and deliver result-driven programs? Do you want to become a part of a growing international network?Then you might consider joining Feedback International!We are interested in extending our network of professional internationally oriented trainers, coaches, and consultants.As part of our international growth, we are searching for colleagues/partners who are inspired by and would like to focus on topics such as communication and behavior in the context of team development, (agile) leadership, sales and/or marketing.As Feedback International we offer you:An inspiring and result-driven team of international professionals;A strong personal and professional development boost, by offering you various learning/onboarding programs and continuously running certified training courses which, you can attend;Support and feedback on every aspect of your entrepreneurship and your customer focus;An online library of relevant courses, leading concepts, e-learnings, and colleagues for collaboration and super/intervision learning;Fifteen years of expertise and track record in this businessA few criteria from our sideA professional education on minimal “HBO/Bachelor/Hogeschool” level;An entrepreneurial way of thinking, feeling and acting;Zero up to five years of experience in the field of training a/o coaching;Ambition, enthusiasm, professionalism and profundityAbout usOur 4-success approach leads to sustainable growth and structural result improvement on individual, team and organizational level.Our company Foresight Consulting focuses mainly on strategy, organization and leadership development, whereas Feedback Training & Coaching supports our customers on individual and (Agile) team development by providing training and coaching. Feedback International, our international brand, builds online platforms and a partner network to support our international trainers and coaches and on top of that delivers learning & development solutions to our international clients.In Belgium, we mainly focus on individual and team development programs and working in an international, cross-cultural context.We believe inLocal/national craftmanship for our customers, andInternational/Global entrepreneurship for impactful interventions, courses and professional support to our communityOur customers choose us for our innovative and impactful programs that we deliver on-site as well as online mainly in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Spain. We are, according to our customers, able to successfully connect head (mind), heart (feelings and intuition) and hands (action-driven results).In case you share our passion for learning and development, and want to join our international organization, please contact us in the way that suits you best (cv, video message a/o motivation letter).
Digital Sales Consultant Oost & West-Vlaanderen
Absolute Jobs, Gent
jobomschrijving Wil je van overal kunnen werken? Ben jij enthousiast, gemotiveerd en met ervaring?Dan ben jij misschien wel de Sales die we nodig hebben!Na een uitgebreide opleiding beloven we je uitdagingen en diversiteit!Beheer een portefeuille van klanten en prospectenPresenteer onze oplossingen aan klanten en prospectenBouw langdurige zakelijke relaties opDetecteer, identificeer en ontwikkel zakelijke kansenWees een ambassadeur en adviseer uw contactenVersterk onze positie en onze reputatie in de sector jouw profiel Kan jij jezelf al vinden in volgende criteria?Minimum 5 jaar commerciële ervaringMinimum tweetalig NL, ENAffiniteit met IT sectorJe hebt sterke communicatieve skills en schakelt moeiteloos op verschillende niveaus.Uiteraard beschik je over een rijbewijs B. ons aanbod De Sales zijn het kloppend hart van ons bedrijf. Daarom geven we je wat je nodig hebt om jouw werk te doen, te groeien, te ontplooien en veel meer!Een dynamische werkplek. Een familiale sfeer. We zijn een echte familie en dat vieren we graag.Ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden. Voor ons moet iedereen zich kunnen ontwikkelen en evolueren. Daarom bieden we veel trainingen aan.Extralegale voordelen. Ons salarispackage komt met heel wat voordelen (commissies, auto, laptop, telefoon...)!Privileges in overvloed. U geniet van kortingen in veel winkels (brillen, parfums, pretparken,…).Evenwicht tussen werk en privé. Om de beste balans tussen privé en professioneel leven te hebben, bieden we je flexibiliteit!Zit je op het puntje van je stoel?Zie je het al volledig voor je?Wacht niet en solliciteer nu! [email protected]
Project Consultant
Absolute Jobs, Geluwe (Wervik)
jobomschrijving Ben jij op zoek naar een veelzijdige job waarin je jezelf kan ontwikkelen en verschillende projecten kan uitvoeren? Als Interne Project Consultant bij onze klant voer je tijdelijke projecten uit binnen verschillende domeinen:Je zal werken aan projecten op gebied van Sales, Marketing, Customer Care, Logistiek en meer.Je bent polyvalent inzetbaar en kan ingezet worden waar nodig.De projecten variëren in duur van enkele weken tot enkele maanden.Je zal de eerste weken ingezet worden voor een project binnen Customer Care, ter vervanging van een zwangerschapsverlof. Daarna zal je ingezet worden op andere projecten binnen de firma.Je krijgt de kans om kennis te maken met verschillende diensten en afdelingen binnen het bedrijf.Je zal werken in een veelzijdige en uitdagende functie waarin je jezelf kan ontplooien en bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling van de organisatie.Klinkt dit als een uitdaging die jou op het lijf geschreven is? Solliciteer dan nu en maak deel uit van het team! Interesse? Solliciteer dan snel en stuur je CV naar [email protected]! jouw profiel Wat wordt er van jou verwacht?Je hebt een Bachelor diploma en staat aan het begin van je carrière.Je bent sociaal en kan goed zelfstandig werken met verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel.Je bent flexibel en bereid om te reizen naar verschillende locaties.Je hebt een goede kennis van gangbare ICT-toepassingen.Je hebt uitstekende communicatieve vaardigheden in zowel Nederlands als Frans.Klinkt dit als een uitdaging die jou op het lijf geschreven is? Aarzel dan niet en stuur ons jouw cv en motivatiebrief naar [email protected] ons aanbod Ben jij op zoek naar een nieuwe uitdaging? Dan hebben wij het perfecte jobaanbod voor jou! Een competitief salarispakket tussen 2500-3300€ Bruto, aangevuld met een vast contract voor een fulltime tewerkstelling.Flexibiliteit en mogelijkheid tot verplaatsingen naar diverse sites. Hiervoor voorzien wij een bedrijfswagen met tankkaart.Extralegale voordelen zoals maaltijdcheques, ecocheques, een groepsverzekering en hospitalisatieverzekering, en maar liefst 30 vrij te kiezen verlofdagen. Zo kan je werk en privéleven perfect combineren.Een interne opleiding om je vaardigheden en kennis verder te ontwikkelen, en zo te kunnen groeien in je job.Glijdende werkuren, zodat je zelf kan kiezen wanneer je begint en eindigt. Starten tussen 7h30 en 9h30, stoppen tussen 16h00 en 18h00.Interesse? Solliciteer dan snel en stuur je CV naar [email protected]
Recruitment Consultant
Absolute Jobs, Roeselare
jobomschrijving Absolute Jobs is op zoek naar een RECRUITMENT CONSULTANT voor ons kantoor in ROESELARE• Wil je in eigen streek met toptalent werken? •Hou je van een beloning maar ook extra voldoening? •Zorg je voor extra diepgang als expert? •Sta je voor open en eerlijke relaties?  •Deel je waarden als persoonlijk engagement en toewijding?  Wel, Absolute Jobs zoekt jou als recruitment consultant in Roeselare voor Absolute Professionals, gespecialiseerd in bedienden en kaderleden. Als onderdeel van de AM Group, één van de snelst groeiende HR-bedrijven in Vlaanderen, hebben we bijzonder veel ambitie bij Absolute Professionals, net als jij. Klaar om mee te groeien? Yes, dan ben je welkom in onze HR-familie! Haal je energie uit je klanten, hou je van sales en zijn targets je ding? Werk je al een tijd als recruiter en match je als geen ander klanten met toptalent?Ben je klaar voor je volgende stap, klaar om expert te worden in rekrutering?Wil je een beter loonpakket én een menselijker omgeving met extra respect? Je bent klaar om de extra mile te gaan, da’s duidelijkOnze uitdaging is op jouw lijf geschreven: Bedrijven en talenten helpen is jouw passie. Je luistert naar hun noden en zoekt naar de beste oplossing. Je bent ons gezicht in je regio en creëert nieuwe kansen.Je communiceert open en vlot met iedereen. Zo bouw je aan relaties op lange termijn met klanten, kandidaten en collega’s. Succes is een kwestie van doen, daar geloof je in. Daarom ga je elke dag op zoek de match tussen jouw klanten en kandidaten.Maar je bent ook een echte teamspeler. Samen voor elk doel, samen voor succes.  Wil je meer weten of direct solliciteren? Reageer dan nu op onze vacature via [email protected] jouw profiel Ben jij de RECRUITMENT CONSULTANT die Absolute Professionals ROESELARE zoekt?Je bent positief, open en eerlijk met iedereen. Je hebt al een paar jaren relevante ervaring binnen de rekruteringswereld. Je hebt interesse in HR en ondernemingen. Dankzij je commerciële drive ga je the extra mile en bereik je je doelen. Je spreekt vlot Nederlands en hebt een goede kennis van Engels. Wil je meer weten of direct solliciteren? Reageer dan nu op onze vacature via [email protected] ons aanbod Welkom bij Absolute Professionals ROESELARE! Bij ons bouw je volop aan je eigen carrière en die van anderen. Bovendien belonen we je inzet: Je krijgt een heel competitief loon (tussen 2000 euro en 2600 euro Bruto), plus extra bonussen. Plus extralegale voordelen (GSM, laptop, maaltijd- en ecocheques...) Groei mee dankzij opleidingen, evaluaties en doorgroeikansen. Per week werk je 40 uur en zo krijg je 12 ADV dagen bovenop je 20 dagen verlof! Met de juiste ervaring krijg je onmiddellijk je vast contract. Work hard, play hard! We werken hard samen, maar we vieren even hard samen. Van unieke bedrijfsfeestjes, over familiedagen en kick-offs tot teambuildingreizen. Klaar om ons Absolute team te versterken? Ga ervoor, beleef je ambitie en solliciteer via [email protected]  #absoluteteam
Senior Functional Analyst Consultant
Alan Allman Associates, Brussels
Présentation de l'entreprise DynaFin Consulting is a human-sized, flexible consulting company delivering services in the Financial Services Industry . Our company consists of more than 145 committed consultants in several business domains: Invest Payments Credits Insurance Data - Risk & Compliance. In 14 years , we have become a reference in the Belgian Financial Services landscape. In July 2017, we joined the Alan Allman Associates ecosystem , adding the international dimension to our ambitions. Rôles & Responsabilités Join the Adventure at DynaFin : At DynaFin , a pioneering force in financial consulting, banking, and insurance , we are thrilled to present a unique opportunity for a Senior Functional Analyst Consultant . This position is designed for a visionary eager to lead key projects within the banking industry , underscoring our commitment to transforming our clients' technological and operational landscape . In our mission, we aim to bridge the gap between the challenges of complex systems and innovative, user-friendly solutions . If you are motivated by a collaborative culture , a quest for excellence , and an opportunity to significantly impact the digital transformation of the banking sector, your search ends here with us. Why Join DynaFin? Joining DynaFin means much more than working at a leading consulting firm; it means being part of a dynamic team that values innovation, efficiency, and strategic thinking . We are proud to foster an environment that not only prioritizes professional growth and learning but also personal development and teamwork . At DynaFin, you will have the chance to work closely with our prestigious clients in the banking and insurance sector , leveraging your expertise to contribute to significant projects that enhance operational efficiency and lead to success. As a Senior Functional Analyst, you will play a crucial role in: Directing and meticulously planning the design of information systems , laying the groundwork for transformative solutions . Mastering the functional analysis process , from preliminary investigations to the articulation of detailed functional designs . Championing improvements and innovations throughout the development lifecycle, ensuring a smooth transition into production environments . Developing and refining data migration strategy approaches, aligned with the overall IT program objectives and meeting client expectations . Utilizing your analytical prowess to dissect service requests , assessing project viability, technological requirements, and timelines with precision. Profil We Are Looking For: A visionary with over 5 years of experience in the functional design of information systems , particularly within the banking industry . Your expertise will include agile methodologies , a robust analytical mind , and a talent for fostering collaborative success . Your communicative clarity , coupled with an independent drive , will enable you to excel in this role. While specific knowledge of .Net environments is welcome, it's your ability to adapt and innovate that will truly shine. You have a good command of Dutch, French, and English , which will facilitate collaboration with various stakeholders at the client's site.
Director - Strategy & Operations – Management Consulting - Manufacturing Services
PwC, Brussels
Description & Summary Contribute to creating a better tomorrow The only way we can tackle the challenges of this fast-changing world is with passionate people. Led by our purpose of building trust and solving important problems, we come together at PwC to address the biggest issues facing the world in a way that drives positive impact. Are you eager to join a team fuelled by open and curious minds? People who are passionate about their work and create new solutions for a new day? Then you’re at the right place.  Bring your talent. Learn new skills. Make a positive impact. PwC Advisory is a network of multiple possibilities - where you want to make an impact is always up to you. Under the expert stewardship of our Advisory experts, you’ll delve into the inner workings of companies to find the best solutions for any challenge they might have. From the excitement of deals to the complexities of consulting and the fascinating realm of risks and threats in forensics, you’ll help clients nurture trust and maintain their evolutionary edge, today and into the future. Now that’s making a difference. Consulting Operations – Director Manufacturing Services Our Consulting practice is focused on working in partnership with clients providing consulting services from strategy through to execution, helping clients re-think their business model and transform their operating model to deliver change and real business transformation. Your impact As a Director Manufacturing Services, your main role will be to shape and lead programs that consist of strategizing, designing and implementing improvement initiatives in a manufacturing environment. These initiatives might be linked to a range of our offerings, etc. Seeing the recent technological revolution manufacturing is going through, affinity with technology is a must. Especially the translation of technology into real added value operational solutions is a key asset in our day-to-day job. Your engagements will be at the client’s site; most likely within an international environment. You will receive guidance and coaching from partners and peer directors in your development, the same as you are expected to guide and coach your team(s) on their assignments. You will be encouraged to initiate and develop new ideas, challenge the status quo. Our highly motivated team has an excellent track record of delivering high quality work to major international clients and has ambitious growth plans for the next years. Reporting to Partners, you will be leading a team of Consultants in delivering client projects or a workstream in a larger transformational agenda. Next to a more project/client oriented scope, you will also be part of the leadership team of our Belgian manufacturing services team. Your role is to help define the strategic direction of the team from all business angles: team development, product development and business development. We are looking for a person with a high emotional intelligence that can build trust amongst different stakeholders. Experience in the sales process in consulting is considered as an important asset. ​ About you Master’s degree in Economics, Engineering, Business administration, Sciences or comparable by experience 12 to 15 years of relevant experience as Operations improvement practitioner; demonstrated shop floor engagement in working closely together with operators Ability to lead , motivate and create a long term vision for a team. Strong people management capabilities Ambition to work internationally on projects Capable of linking with shop floor and board room, team player mentality Affinity with technology Experience in manufacturing , maintenance or quality management Demonstrable experience of Lean Six Sigma tools and techniques, ways of working and their applications Project management, presentation and communication skills. You are fluent in English and Dutch and/or French; German is an asset Ability to be flexible: i.e. short term changes in agenda and willingness to travel Ability to be pragmatic , resilient and innovative in problem solving and issue resolution Being respectful and open to all cultures and backgrounds Life at PwC Belgium Our culture and workplace are something we’re proud of. Here’s a sneak peek at some of the benefits you can look forward to. Flexibility: flexible working hours so you can decide your most effective working pattern. Infinite learning and growing: broad opportunities to learn every day and exciting career pathways that help you explore different disciplines or areas of expertise. Rewards that matter to you: a flexible rewards plan gives you access to a wide range of benefits so you can make the choices that best fit your personal circumstances and lifestyle. Diversity & inclusion: we believe that diversity makes PwC stronger. It helps us solve important problems and deliver added value to our clients. We encourage an inclusive culture where people can be the best versions of themselves. We organise various D&I initiatives, including an active employee-led Employee Resource Group (ERG) community, comprising 9 diversity groups with over 200 PwC employees aiming to make an impact within and beyond PwC. A sustainable mobility offer: we offer a comprehensive mobility budget with a wide range of options (hybrid and electric cars, bike leasing, mobility card or loan reimbursement). Well-being: an extensive health and well-being programme that includes access to professional sport coaching, individual sessions, sports communities and mental health resources. We encourage a healthy lifestyle with regular wellness challenges and various catering options at our cafeteria.  Team events such as Last Friday Drinks, quarterly themed parties, team-building days and celebrations, as well as time spent on community days and charity activities. International PwC network: broad access to industry expertise, both locally and through our wider global network of member firms. Supporting you in every phase of your life , including family friendly work schemes. ​ Let’s build something great together. What are you waiting for? Education Degrees/Field of Study required:Degrees/Field of Study preferred: Certifications Required Skills Leadership, Manufacturing, Project Management, Six Sigma, Supply Chain, Supply Chain Management (SCM) Optional Skills Desired Languages Travel Requirements Not Specified Available for Work Visa Sponsorship? Yes Government Clearance Required? No Job Posting End Date
IT Business Consulting Advisor
Euroclear, België
Division : Technology Management Services (TMS) Technology Management Services (TMS- aka CIO Office) is one of the 6 Technology divisions. TMS value proposition is articulated to act as a trusted advisor for IT Divisions, playing a key role to deliver and sustain the IT transformation. The division strives to provide consistent processes that are aligned with market standard methodologies along the following four service offerings: Strategic Sourcing Demand & Capacity Organizational Development Transformation The Tribe The Strategic Sourcing Tribe focuses on the IT partners such as strategic Outsourcing partners & Contractor Agencies and Technology vendors, to increase quality of service, performance and bring in best value from providers to IT. The Strategic Sourcing Tribe performs a centralized role within IT with the key focus/responsibility for IT sourcing strategy new IT sourcing initiatives and negotiation of contracts contract management. strategic relationships management performance management vendor first line risk management & regulatory compliance IT Sourcing Strategy is a multi-cultural team, with diversified background spanning across delivery, infrastructure & security, sourcing & vendor management, purchasing, service provider, legal, product management. Description The Strategic Sourcing Tribe is seeking an IT Business Consulting Advisor in the ‘Outsourcing & Contractor Agencies’ Squad, who will work, in conjunction with IT delivery teams, on IT sourcing strategy and on new IT outsourcing initiatives. Success in this role will require collaboration, communication skills and experience in handling internal and external stakeholders at Executive level. Role As an IT Business Consulting Advisor, you will work on new outsourcing initiatives (linked to Investment themes), in line with regulatory requirements, and Euroclear Policy Handbook follow up key outsourced projects, by working with the IT and non-IT stakeholders (such as Compliance, Legal, Risk Management & Supply Chain) across Euroclear & the partners. ensure the services delivered by the partners across domains, technologies & divisions are fit-for-purpose, meet encouraged quality standards, bring in value for money, and of low/calculated risk. assist involved parties to maintain providers’ operating models compliant to required evolutions while sustaining an appropriate performance & relationship management. You know how to run project streams and perform key activities with a consulting demeanor. build and maintain business relationships with people across different divisions inside and outside of Euroclear. deal with cross-cultural differences. connect with technical project and infrastructure teams. run risks assessments. lead projects and work with service providers in an outsourcing model. build, negotiate, and handle relationships with global vendors and incorporating multiple delivery/projects experience. You have A project management experience or SPVM experience of 10 years minimum A good understanding of Agile methodology A good understanding of Euroclear risk framework A cause and effect thinking to identify risk and opportunity areas. A constructive challenger & make thing happen mind-set. Good standout colleague with a collaborative spirit & a positive mind-set The ability to deal with multi-functionally, cross-regionally, and cross-cultural differences. A magical experience in working/managing a multi-stakeholder’s environment. Superb communication skills in English (talking, writing, and communicating) Influencing and relationship building skills, at Executive level A flexible demeanor and ability to perform in an exciting & fast paced environment. The ability to put yourself in the customer's shoes. Service delivery management experience / Experience in an offshoring context which will be two assets. An understanding of the financial post trade industry that can be useful. Furthermore you: are committed to continuous process improvement. are open & encouraging of a redefining environment towards our Target Operating Model, with reassessing priorities when required. are autonomous and self-organized. are proactive to find solutions to problems that occur. are credible and know how to deal with critical information. About us Why join us Embark on your new adventure at Euroclear, and work at the heart of the global capital markets. We connect over 2,000 financial institutions across the globe. As an open and resilient infrastructure, we contribute to the stability of the financial markets. We help clients cut through complexity, lower costs, and mitigate risks of financial transactions. At Euroclear, we have the clear ambition to use our key role to facilitate and accelerate a sustainable global financial system. What we offer: Work closely with inspiring, supportive and engaged colleagues from more than 80 different countries. Practice your talents in a highly professional international environment. Join a learning and development environment with an emphasis on knowledge sharing and training. Competitive salary and comprehensive benefits. New ways of working Find your own optimal balance within our hybrid working model, where you can connect at the office and also benefit from remote working. Great place to work for all We are committed to creating an inclusive culture that celebrates diversity and strives to be a Great Place to Work for All. All qualified applicants will be considered for employment, regardless of any aspect that makes them unique (including race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, pregnancy, disability, . If you need any specific accommodation due to disability or any other reason, you can let the recruiter know during your application process. #LI-NS1
Senior Consultant - Strategy & Operations - Supply Chain - Pharma & life Sciences
PwC, Brussels
Description & Summary Contribute to creating a better tomorrow The only way we can tackle the challenges of this fast-changing world is with passionate people. Led by our purpose of building trust and solving important problems, we come together at PwC to address the biggest issues the world faces and drive positive impact. Are you eager to join a team of open and curious minds? People who are passionate about their work and create new solutions for a new tomorrow? Then you’re in the right place! Bring your talent. Learn new skills. Make a positive impact. PwC Advisory is a network of multiple possibilities - where you want to make an impact is up to you. Under the stewardship of our Advisory experts, you’ll delve into the inner workings of companies to find the best solution for any challenge they might have. From the excitement of deals to the complexities of consulting and the fascinating realm of risks and threats in forensics, you’ll help clients nurture trust and maintain their edge, today and in the future. Now that’s making a difference. Your impact As a Senior Consultant - Strategy & Operations - Supply Chain - Pharma & life Sciences, you’ll make an impact by: Focusing on supply chain planning, distribution, logistics and/or quality in operations. Analysing issues and proactively solving them with your project team by using PwC best practices and benchmarks to improve processes and organizations. Playing an integral part in delivering high-quality outcomes for our Pharma & life Science clients. Being an active project member of mixed PwC-client teams in a multinational environment. Reflecting with more senior people on the approach and key decisions over the lifetime of a project. Helping with business development initiatives. Working with and contributing to PwC’s international Pharma & Life Sciences community. Continuously learning and growing. ​ About you Master’s degree in economics, (bio-)engineering, business administration, sciences or comparable by experience At least two years of experience in the Pharma, Biotech or Medical Device industry. Previous consulting experience is a plus Ability to combine specialist technical knowledge, strong analytical and problem-solving skills with consulting skills (project management, presentation and communication skills, etc.) while working directly with management and employees on the clients’ premises Pro-active mindset, with the ability to demonstrate initiative and reliability. Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to build effective relationships Fluent in English, and Dutch and/or French  Flexibility to work in different environments and locations (travel abroad up to three days a week) and easily acquire new skills and expertise Life at PwC Belgium Our culture and workplace are something we’re proud of. Here’s a sneak peek at some of the benefits you can look forward to. Flexibility: flexible working hours so you can decide your most effective working pattern. Infinite learning and growing: numerous opportunities to learn every day and exciting career pathways that help you explore different disciplines or areas of expertise. Rewards that matter to you: a flexible rewards plan gives you access to a wide range of benefits so you can make the choices that best fit your personal circumstances and lifestyle. Diversity & inclusion: we believe that diversity makes PwC stronger. It helps us solve important problems and deliver added value to our clients. We encourage an inclusive culture where people can be the best versions of themselves. We organise various D&I initiatives, including an active employee-led Employee Resource Group (ERG) community, comprising 9 diversity groups with over 200 employees aiming to make an impact at PwC and beyond. A sustainable mobility offer: we offer a comprehensive mobility budget with a wide range of options (hybrid and electric cars, bike leasing, mobility card or loan reimbursement). Well-being: an extensive health and well-being programme that includes access to professional sport coaching, individual sessions, sports communities and mental health resources. We encourage a healthy lifestyle with regular wellness challenges and various catering options at our cafeteria.  Team events such as Last Friday Drinks, quarterly themed parties, team-building days and celebrations, as well as time spent on community days and charity activities. International PwC network : broad access to industry expertise, both locally and through our wider global network of member firms. Supporting you in every phase of your life , including family friendly work schemes. Education Degrees/Field of Study required:Degrees/Field of Study preferred: Certifications Required Skills Analytical Thinking, Biotechnology, Communication, Consulting, Life Science, Pharmaceutical Industry, Project Management, Supply Chain Optional Skills Desired Languages Travel Requirements Not Specified Available for Work Visa Sponsorship? Yes Government Clearance Required? No Job Posting End Date
Technology Business Management (TBM) - IT Business Consulting Specialist
Euroclear, België
Division: Technology Management Services (TMS) Technology Business Management (Financial planning) - IT Business Consulting Specialist  Be a trusted advisor for IT and non-IT partners, by constantly following & facilitating internal needs, whilst incorporating external best practices and industry standards where relevant and applicable to Euroclear. Supports the organization in meeting our IT objectives aligned with our Corporate objectives. Develops effective relationships / processes / system with business units, divisions or groups of users, and uses influence for transversal alignment across the organization. Ensures required services are identified, developed and sustained to the satisfaction of the business unit/division.  Identifies gaps in processes and actively looks for efficient solutions, simplification and/or industrialization in collaboration with IT Divisions and non-IT partners to ensure value delivery by the process where TMS is process owner. CIO Management Office activities & processes - Technology business Management (TBM): Provides actionable financial information and advises to Technology decision makers, Finance and business leaders.  - Portfolio Management: Ensure a strong alignment of the IT investments with the CSD Strategic and (Group) Business Objectives & transparency on the decisions taken and costs. Run GTSC/Portfolio governance. - IT Sourcing Strategy: Steer Sourcing Strategy for all IT organization (Sourcing and Vendor Management, License and Software Asset Management, Request and Order Center of Excellence) - People and Communication: Supports the IT Divisions as trusted partner and advisor on key people topics & IT communication. - Partner Relationship Management: Manage Business – IT Relationship & Service Agreements, including quarterly service performance reviews and review of the yearly Service Delivery Plan, in close collaboration with the Service & Business Relationship Managers in IT. - Transformation Office: Facilitate transparency for IT transformation delivery, communicate and report on IT transformation and its progress, give the pace to increase impact of the IT transformation for long-term outcome. - UK, France & Poland: Local representative of all activities, act as a relay of global team, can manage local specific activities on demand. Contribute in operational, tactical or strategic analysis of a company's total business in relation to used technology.  Take part to identify strategic capabilities (processes, skills, needed to create and sustain one or more sources of competitive advantage.  Role – key responsibilities TBM activities:  Conduct financial modelling, monitoring, budgeting and forecasting tasks in relation to technology expenses, for all costs linked to technology activities Gather and analyze data to identify trends and opportunities, conduct financial forecast analysis to assist in future business planning  Assist in the preparation of financial research and analysis for use in the development of business strategies and tactics Support the department in optimizing the data analysis and reporting tools  Support the department in maintaining up to date documentation on processes, procedures and best practices  Support the department in maintaining a strong control environment  Requirements: Proven experience in Technology Business Management or in a related role with experience in cost management and financial analysis Strong financial analysis skills, including the ability to manage budgets and perform cost analysis Proficiency in data analysis tools and techniques, including data visualization tools (PowerBI knowledge required) and spreadsheet software.  Meticulous attention to detail to ensure accuracy in financial analysis & reporting Excellent written and verbal communication skills Strong collaboration and interpersonal skills to work effectively across divisions and locations Experience with documenting processes, controls and best practices Familiarity with technology infrastructure, software and services commonly used in the industry Knowledge of IT governance frameworks and best practices is a plus Complexity & Problem Solving: Handles standard & non-standard situations with a low level of uncertainty situation, covering several but known domains of expertise. Look how current procedures and processes and can be improved within domain. Decision Making: Collects and provides the necessary information, use knowledge and expertise to support the decision process in own domain. Makes step improvements within the operational domain Strategic Approach/Impact: Focuses on execution in his/her domain, while looking for step improvements to defined processes and methods. Runs and maintains the operational process Stakeholders Management: Builds and maintains operational network of relationships, mainly with peers. Influences in own domain of expertise, on well defined tactical or technical matters. Takes action to resolve conflicts with appropriate level of support from peers and/or management Autonomy & Leadership: Works autonomously on domain of medium scope. Organises, coordinates and plans own activities independently according to stakeholders constraints. Provides feedback to management on activity progress. Has full autonomy on the decisions to be taken within domain under own responsibility #LI-DL1  
Consulting Systems Engineer - FortiMail
Fortinet, België
Objective:As a member of the International Sales Department, you will work closely with the Sales Team to position our Email Security solutions, drive field Systems Engineers in their projects and report product evolution requests to Product Management.Job responsibilities:Member of the Consulting Systems Engineering (CSE) team which covers INTL region (EMEA and APAC)Second level of pre-sales support assisting the field SE organization with:RFPs/RFIs: design, solution specification, product informationSupporting key projects to ensure Fortinet successLeading technical discussions, articulating the technology and demonstrating differentiated valueConducting compelling solution presentation, demonstrations and POCsProviding hands on technical assistanceResponsible for building technical material to support sales activities (slideware, solution brief, white papers, success stories, technical notes, TOI, etc.) and design workshopsEffectively disseminate product knowledge to the Sales Team and ChannelPoint of contact for the Product Management team: responsible to report and consolidate customer needs across INTL, validate business case, write and prioritize feature requests Report project activities, analyze project trends and provide market visionParticipate in the development of commercial strategiesTravel as required in INTL regionRequired Skills:Business/ PersonalExcellent interpersonal, verbal and written communications, analytic and presentation skills Ability to effectively articulate complex technical ideas to non-technical audiencesStrong problem solving & troubleshooting skillsSelf-motivation and a drive to succeedCollaboration and team workingAbility to evaluate end-user business requirements, translate them into technical specifications, develop and implement the appropriate technical solutionAbility to manage multiple tasks and opportunities, generate product demand at scale and be self-motivatedTechnicalExpert in email related protocols and standards (SMTP, LDAP, DANE...)Solid understanding of email security policies, email routing, DLP, archivingExtensive hands-on experience with email system configuration, security and troubleshooting Experience of Secure Email Gateway deployment for large enterprise (both cloud and on premises)Good experience with Microsoft 365 Exchange Online and Exchange ServerFamiliar with cloud technologies such as GCP, AWS, AzureGood knowledge of Threat Intelligence, Cloud Security, Network Security, Identity and Access ManagementRequired ExperienceExtensive experience in a pre-sales or customer facing IT consultancy roleExperience of presenting to large groupsExperience of working in a distributed teamExperience with any major SEG vendor is a plusTechnical skills:Linux administrationScriptingREST APIEducation:Bachelor’s degree preferably in Computer Science or Information Systems. Will consider related field (or equivalent) experience.
Consulting Engineer Industrial Controls - Wallonia & Luxembourg (h/f/x)
Siemens S.A./N.V., Beersel
Dans le BeLux, Digital Industries (DI) est un leader de l'innovation dans l'automatisation et la numérisation. En étroite collaboration avec ses partenaires et ses clients, DI est le moteur de la transformation numérique dans diverses industries. En tant que Consulting Engineer pour les solutions de contrôle industriel vous aurez en charge la promotion sur le marché de nos équipements basse-tension Siemens. Avec une gamme de produits comptant plus de 35.000 références, une plage de tension allant jusqu'à 1000 V pour des intensités variant entre 5 mA et 6300A, nous sommes le partenaire par excellence dans le domaine de la basse tension . Vous serez assisté par vos collègues (Technical) Account Managers, Sales Representatives et Inside Sales, avec lesquels vous travaillerez en étroite collaboration. Nous fournissons une formation approfondie pendant la phase de démarrage, y compris une formation intensive aux produits au siège de Siemens en Allemagne. La fonction Vous supportez les clients - ainsi que vos collègues - par un suivi des questions techniques , par l’accompagnement de ceux-ci dans les discussions pour de nouvelles installations ou encore pour des démonstrations technologiques . Les clients ciblés sont les distributeurs de matériel électrique, les OEM’s, les bureaux d’étude électrique, les installateurs/tableautiers et les utilisateurs industriels. Vous aidez vos clients en fonction des besoins techniques et vous collaborez étroitement avec vos collègues de la maison mère en Allemagne pour proposer les solutions les plus adaptées. Vous participez aux foires commerciales, roadshows, journées portes-ouvertes et évènements clients. Profil recherché Master ou Bachelier en Automatisation, Electromécanique, Electricité ou autre domaine technique. Expérience dans le secteur défini ou lié ( Basse ou moyenne-tension ) est un plus. Bonne compréhension de l’environnement des tableautiers/intégrateurs/distributeurs. Votre esprit d’équipe , gestion indépendante et efficace de l’emploi du temps, autonomie, flexibilité, capacité d’entreprendre, capacité d’adaptation aux changements sont des atouts importants. Vous êtes orienté client et résultat et vous vous démarquez par votre capacité d’écoute et votre bonne communication . Bonne connaissance de l’Anglais (pour les échanges avec le HQ). Une connaissance de base du Néerlandais et/ou de l’Allemand sont un atout. Que vous offre Siemens ? Chez Siemens, vous rejoindrez un environnement qui s'intéresse à vous. Vous avez la possibilité de vous développer dans un environnement international . Nous proposons un travail varié , dans un vaste éventail de fonctions, ainsi que des formations internes intensives pour faire évoluer votre carrière . Un coaching permanent et l'encadrement par un mentor font également partie de notre offre. Suited'une enquête à grande échelle auprès des employés belges, Siemens Belgiquefigurait dans le top 20 Randstad 'Employer of Choice 2023'. Désireuxd'apprendre ce qui nous distingue? Postulez dès maintenant et découvrez-levous-même!
Consulting Engineer Industrial Controls - Vlaanderen (m/v/x)
Siemens S.A./N.V., Beersel
In de BeLux is Digital Industries (DI) een innovatieleider in automatisering en digitalisering. In nauwe samenwerking met zijn partners en klanten stimuleert DI digitale transformatie in verschillende industrieën.Als  Consulting Engineer Industrial Controls (m/v/x)  ben je verantwoordelijk voor het promoten van het Siemens  laagspanningschakelmateriaal  in de markt. Met een productassortiment van meer dan 35.000 artikelen, een spanningsbereik tot 1000 V en stromen van 5 mA tot 6300 A, zijn wij de voorkeurspartner in de  laagspanningssector . Het genaamde SIRIUS productgamma biedt een uniek portfolio voor elke industriële besturingstoepassing. Dankzij het modulaire ontwerp kunnen onze producten op een zeer eenvoudige manier worden gepland en ingebouwd in elk stuurbord. Je werkt nauw samen met je collega's (Technical) Account Managers, Sales Representatives en Inside Sales. We bieden uitgebreide  training  tijdens de opstartfase, waaronder  intensieve producttraining  op het hoofdkantoor van Siemens in Duitsland. Wat zullen je verantwoordelijkheden zijn? Je  ondersteunt klanten door technische vragen op te volgen en hen te begeleiden bij besprekingen over nieuwe installaties of technologiedemonstraties. De beoogde klanten zijn distributeurs van elektrische apparatuur, OEM's, elektrische ontwerpbureaus, installateurs en industriële gebruikers. Je helpt je klanten met hun technische eisen  en  werkt nauw samen met de product experts intern om de meest geschikte oplossingen voor te stellen. Je  neemt deel aan beurzen , roadshows en opendeurdagen. Wie zoeken we? Master- of bachelordiploma in automatisering, elektromechanica, elektriciteit of een ander technisch vakgebied. Ervaring in de gedefinieerde of aanverwante sector ( laag- of middenspanning ) is een pluspunt. Een goed begrip van de omgeving van  bordenbouwers/integrators/distributeurs . Je  teamgeest, onafhankelijkheid, efficiënt tijdsbeheer, autonomie, flexibiliteit, ondernemingszin en vermogen om je aan te passen  aan veranderingen zijn belangrijke troeven. Je bent  klant- en resultaatgericht  en je onderscheidt je door je  goede communicatieve vaardigheden . Je kan je  uitstekend uitdrukken in het Nederlands en in het Engels . Basiskennis van het Frans is aanbevolen. Wat heeft Siemens je te bieden? Bij Siemens kom je terecht in een omgeving die om jou geeft. Je krijgt de kans om jezelf te ontwikkelen in een internationale omgeving. We bieden afwisselend werk en intensieve opleidingen om je carrière verder te ontwikkelen. Ook permanente coaching en begeleiding door een mentor maken deel uit van het traject.
Expert: Sustainable Energy Systems
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, Germany
Do you want to contribute to making our cities better places to live?ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network working with more than 2500 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. Active in 125+ countries, we influence sustainability policy and drive local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development. ICLEI‘s European Secretariat is based in Freiburg (Germany), with specialised offices in Brussels and Berlin. ICLEI Europe has more than 150 staff from all over Europe and beyond, covering a broad variety of professional disciplines and expertise.Working with us, you will have opportunities to:Be part of a growing, internationally recognised organisation that inspires, supports andcritically evaluates new trends in (co-)creating sustainable, climate neutral and resilient cities and regions;Deepen your understanding of how cities and regions design and implement sustainability and energy policies, what kind of challenges they face and how best to support them;Contribute to European and international processes that influence urban and regional policies, such as the EU Green Deal, the EU Missions, the Covenant of Mayors, EU Coal Regions in Transition initiative, Just Transition Platform, and others;Grow professionally in a flexible, family-friendly work environment with opportunities forpersonal development, European travel, and professional cultural exchange.We are looking for a new colleague to join our Sustainable Energy Systems team with the following experience, skills and character:Essential:Good understanding of and practical experience with the planning, implementation and transformation of energy and carbon-intensive infrastructure (including climate change mitigation and adaptation aspects, energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies, sector coupling, repurposing, smart grids, industrial symbiosis etc.). At least two years in a similar position;Academic degree in a relevant field (electric, energy, environmental, industrial engineering, etc.);Proven skills in implementation of projects and/or consulting services, high communicative competence (orally and in writing), strong writing, presentation and illustrating skills, confidence in communicating with partners from different backgrounds and cultures;Team player, pro-active working style, ability to work self-organised within a complex working environment; Experience in developing and implementing training and capacity development activities (particularly for public authorities, energy stakeholders and economic and social actors); Excellent command of English and at least one further European language (orally, read and in writing).Desirable:Experience related to the use of EU funding instruments (Just Transition Mechanism, Structural Funds, ELENA, JASPERS etc.); Experience in the development and implementation of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans, Territorial Just Transition Plans, Smart Specialisation Strategies or similar; Knowledge on public-private partnership constellations for infrastructure investments; Well-networked in the “Just Transition” community on a national and/or European level;Solid knowledge and understanding of EU policy related to the position;Understanding of and practical experience with local and/or regional governments;Expertise in urban and regional development planning processes will be an advantage;Excellent command in an Eastern European language (orally, read and in writing).Your position will include the following main tasks:Preparation and implementation of projects in European and – if necessary - non-European countries, in particular related to ‘interoperability‘ and the transformation of carbon-intensive infrastructure systems (incl. technological and green infrastructures) and energy services in the urban and rural built environment, under supervision of the line-manager; Analysis and targeted advice on sustainable energy infrastructures in correspondence with urban and regional planning and the need of an integrated energy system (sector coupling) following climate neutrality and just transition aspirations;Analysis and applying knowledge of infrastructure related methodologies, plans and project development and their standards, business models, financing schemes and stakeholder partnerships; Development of guidelines and handbooks for the transferability and exploitation of infrastructure solutions related to energy efficiency and renewable energy, business and partnership models;Preparation, conduction and facilitation of training and capacity building workshops and facilitation of stakeholder dialogues related to the topical area, in particular the coal and industrial transition as well as on bio-energy and bio-economy;Acquisition of projects and service contracts based on current work in coordination with the line-manager.We offer you the following conditions:Initial 24 months contract with high potential for extension;Gross salary according to the Expert position in ICLEI’s salary grid (indicative: EUR 47.000 – 51.000 per annum);Place of work: Freiburg/Germany;40h working week with flexible working time and the possibility to work up to 50% remote;6 weeks of paid leave per annum;Working language is English;Occasional travel within Europe is foreseen;Please note that applicants must – due to legal reasons – hold EU citizenship or valid EU residence permit and a valid German work permit. Applications not meeting these conditions can unfortunately not be considered.Deadline for application: 30 April 2024Please apply in writing, including a CV and letter of motivation to: [email protected] aware that applications are reviewed continuously upon arrival; therefore, application as soon as possible is advisable. For more information about ICLEI visit:www.iclei-europe.orgICLEI Europe’s Equal Opportunity and Employment PolicyICLEI Europe’s hiring policy is geared to ensure that the organisation hires employees without regard to their race, colour, religion, national origin, citizenship, age, sex, marital status, socio-economic background or sexual orientation. ICLEI’s policy is that applicants for employment and career progression are considered solely based on their qualifications and competencies.Do not forget to mention that you found this job ad on the Euractiv Jobsite!
Associate Professional Services Consultant - Early Career Program
Amazon, Brussels, BE
DESCRIPTIONThe Program starts in September 2024. Do you want to experiment with innovative technologies, including Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, and Internet of Things? Are you passionate about educating, training, designing, and building enterprise cloud computing solutions for a diverse and challenging set of customers? Amazon Web Services (AWS) is seeking recent graduates, early career professionals, and advanced career professionals with limited technical experience interested in jump-starting a career as an Associate Professional Services Consultant. Successful hires will be put through the Professional Services Consultant Program or the Tech U program depending on your specialization. These are accelerated workforce development programs focused on helping recent graduates and early career professionals build technical and professional skills to jump-start technical careers at AWS. The program features cohort-based training followed by on-the-job-training. You will complete specialized curriculum, shadow AWS experts, and receive coaching and on-the-job training to help you succeed in your new role. Residents will also prepare to take the certification exams for AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner and AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate. During the program’s On-the-Job training phase, you will prepare for additional certifications that align to your role. Are you ready to embrace the challenge? Come build the future with us. Associate Professional Services Consultant- As an Associate Professional Services Consultant, you will partner with customers and several AWS teams to craft highly scalable, flexible and resilient cloud architectures that address customer business problems. As a trusted customer advocate, you will help organizations understand best practices around cloud-based solutions, and how to migrate existing workloads to the cloud. You will have the opportunity to help shape and execute a strategy to build min-share and broad use of AWS within organizations The program offers the opportunity to specialize in an area of interest including: · DevOps Specialist - A leader in building advanced computing systems that harness continuous integration/continuous deployment pipelines and utilize the strengths of cloud computing to build scalable and economical systems for clients. · Cloud Infrastructure Architect - An expert in cloud-based networking and system rollouts. CIAs specialize in network performance, infrastructure provisioning, and building Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) · Application Developer - AppDev resources are specialists in designing applications that run natively in the cloud. They are experts in building programs that run on any number of platforms including virtualized instances, containers, or server less architecture. · Data & Analytics - Data & Analytics role supports our services that leverage data and produce business insights, which may include using Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence (ML/AI). Helping our customers use and integrate Big Data services in what is arguably our industry’s most exciting space. The portfolio of services covers EMR (Hadoop), DynamoDB (NoSQL), MongoDB, and Apache Cassandra · Security Consultant - supports our services that have a focus on enabling security specialists using AWS Services including Identity Access Management (IAM), GuardDuty, Shield, Key Management Service (KMS), CloudTrail, CloudHSM, Inspector etc. Within AWS, security is job zero, and we believe that solid security practices are the foundation for using the Cloud. We are looking for candidates who are passionate about working with products targeted for security professionals.A day in the life of a Professional Services Consultant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GhXrKj4VH8 Inclusive Team Culture Here at AWS, we embrace our differences. We are committed to furthering our culture of inclusion. We have ten employee-led affinity groups, reaching 40,000 employees in over 190 chapters globally. We have innovative benefit offerings, and host annual and ongoing learning experiences, including our Conversations on Race and Ethnicity (CORE) and AmazeCon (gender diversity) conferences. Amazon’s culture of inclusion is reinforced within our Leadership Principles, which remind team members to seek diverse perspectives, learn and be curious, and earn trust. Work/Life Harmony Our team puts a high value on work-life harmony. It isn’t about how many hours you spend at home or at work; it’s about the flow you establish that brings energy to both parts of your life. We believe striking the right balance between your personal and professional life is critical to life-long happiness and fulfillment AND WE encourage you to find your own balance between your work and personal lives. Mentorship & Career Growth Our team is dedicated to supporting new members. We have a broad mix of experience levels and tenures, and we’re building an environment that celebrates knowledge sharing and mentorship. Our senior members enjoy one-on-one mentoring. We care about your career growth and strive to assign projects based on what will help each team member develop into a better-rounded engineer and enable them to take on more complex tasks in the future. Note: Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. For an update on your status, or to confirm your application was submitted successfully, please login to your candidate portal. Please note that we are reviewing a high volume of applications and appreciate your patience. We are open to hiring candidates to work out of one of the following locations:Brussels, BELBASIC QUALIFICATIONS - A degree in Computer Science / Engineering / Mathematics / Technology / Related science/technical field OR equivalent training, certifications, and/or experience (0-2 years). - Interest and aptitude to learn about and deliver cloud-based solutions to customers. - Experience with one of the programming languages like Java, Python, Ruby, Node.js, C#, or C++ OR the interest and technical ability to learn a programming language. - Written and verbal communication skills and ability to effectively articulate technical challenges and solutions to both large and small audiences. - Fluent proficiency in English. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS - Demonstrated ability to adapt to new technologies and learn quickly. - Experience with Networking fundamentals including Security, Storage or Databases (Relational and/or NoSQL), Operating Systems (Unix, Linux, and/or Windows) - Experience with software development lifecycle (SDLC) and agile/iterative methodologies; Experience with infrastructure as code, ops automation, and configuration management tools such as Chef, Puppet, or Ansible. - Knowledge of the primary AWS services such as EC2, ELB, RDS, VPC, Route53, and S3. - Experience around implementing cloud-based technology solutions - in a school project or while working for a company. Amazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy and the security of your data is a longstanding top priority for Amazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice (https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how we collect, use and transfer the personal data of our candidates. All offers are conditional on references, verification of the right to work in the UK, and successful background screening check. This will include previous employment verification, qualification verification (if relevant) and a relevant criminal check. Amazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy and the security of your data is a longstanding top priority for Amazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice (https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how we collect, use and transfer the personal data of our candidates.
Consultant Process Safety BE
, zwijndrecht, BE
Een rijke geschiedenis in toekomst creërenWij zijn Bilfinger Tebodin. Onze industriële klanten staan voor de uitdaging om te verduurzamen door het zoeken naar alternatieven energiebronnen, het sluiten van de grondstoffencyclus en het minimaliseren van impact op de omgeving. Hoe vertaalt dit zich in concrete oplossingen? Wij zorgen ervoor dat onze klanten uit de industrie hun uitdagingen kunnen waarmaken. Door innovatieve technieken en het gebruik van hedendaagse mogelijkheden van digitalisering maken wij de ambities van onze klanten waar. Al sinds de wederopbouw na de oorlogsjaren in 1945, zijn we hèt toonaangevende ingenieurs: en adviesbureau voor het creëren van een toekomstbestendige industrie.Onze engineers en consultants lopen voorop in het realiseren van industriële investeringsprojecten. Onze toonaangevende klanten zijn actief in zeer uiteenlopende industrieën zoals de olie en gas, voedingsmiddelenindustrie, chemie en farmacie. Ze vertrouwen hun investeringsprojecten toe aan een team dat voorop loopt in het begrijpen van hun business en kan bouwen op technische expertise en jarenlange ervaring. Voor deze klanten leveren wij consultancy, engineering, project management, inkoop en constructie management services, kortom alles wat de klant nodig heeft om hun project succesvol te makenLoop jij ook voorop in jouw vakgebied? Wil jij graag werken aan projecten met een grote diversiteit aan klanten om daarmee de industrie toekomstbestendig te maken? Begrijp je snel de complexe vraagstukken van onze klanten en ben jij een uitstekende gesprekspartner voor onze klanten? Werk je graag in een informele cultuur met multidisciplinaire teams samen om interessante projecten te realiseren? Wil je werken in een organisatie waarin je snel kan ontwikkelen door opleidingen, coaching en regelmatig nieuwe uitdagingen? Dan passen wij bij jouWaar ga je werken? Binnen het team van consultants wordt er vanuit verschillende expertise gebieden geadviseerd aan industriële klanten. Onze expertise gebieden, naast technical safety, zijn: HSE(Q) management, brand: en externe veiligheid, watermanagement, milieumanagement, industriële emissies, industriële duurzaamheid, technische veiligheid en assetmanagement.Onze consultants werken vanuit deze expertise gebieden actief samen met collega's van engineering.Dit is niet alleen een krachtige combinatie voor onze opdrachtgevers, maar maakt het ook een interessante omgeving voor onze consultants. Oftewel er is volop expertise om je heen aanwezig. Binnen het team van consultancy heerst er een open werksfeer en is er alle ruimte voor jouw ideeën. Met een bewezen trackrecord van bijna 80 jaar zijn wij een betrouwbare partner voor bekende spelers in de markt, zowel nationaal als internationaal, en binnen alle sectoren van de industrie. Onze duurzame manier van werken met opdrachtgevers draagt bij aan een stabiel en sterk netwerk. Wat ga je doen?Binnen het aandachtgebied technical safety ben je voor opdrachtgevers het aanspreekpunt voor het voldoen aan de wettelijke kaders die gesteld zijn aan het werken binnen de (proces)industrie. Doel van de projecten die wij uitvoeren is dat onze opdrachtgevers veilig en met gereguleerde risico's kunnen gaan of blijven produceren.Als adviseur van jouw expertisegebied ben je in staat opdrachtgevers mee te nemen in wat er nodig is om aan de normen van veilig werken binnen de process industrie te voldoen. Een in de markt veel gebruikte methode is een HAZOP studie. In dergelijke studies neem je de rol van voorzitter op je. Naast dat je inhoudelijke kennis toevoegt aan deze projecten ben je ook organisator en sparringpartner voor stakeholders bij de opdrachtgever. Je beweegt je professioneel en makkelijk binnen organisaties en faciliteert om technical safety te waarborgen op een juiste manier en conform de bij de opdrachtgever geldende richtlijnen. Vaak zijn deze reeds vastgelegd in de veiligheid beheerssystemen van onze opdrachtge
ISO27001 Consultant (GRC) at Approach Belgium
Approach Belgium, Antwerp
Do you want to give a boost to your career and join a Belgian leader in cyber-security? Do you want to extend your ISO27001 project implementation experience in a multidisciplinary cybersecurity firm? Our team is expanding, and we are looking for new colleagues to strengthen our teams in Flanders!About usApproach is a specialized cybersecurity company. We build digital trust in your business.Leveraging a large pool of certified professionals, we strengthen your cybersecurity and resilience posture, by adopting a risk-based and layered security strategy.Consulting, assessment, software development, security product integration, and managed services are part of our daily work.Our anchoring in the cybersecurity community, with our partners, makes us a leading partner of choice.Founded in 2001, Approach is growing fast and counts 80 people across two locations in Belgium.Your RoleWe are looking for a Dutch-speakingIS027001 Implementor consultant to join our GRC department. You will take part in stimulating consulting assignments under the supervision of our Practice Leader and further develop our activity in Flanders.Your main mission will consist of :Representing APPROACH and delivering high standard quality deliverablesEstablishing and implementing ISMS for our customers based upon ISO27001 standard.Support our customers during their auditProvide CISO-like service for our customers (i.e. overseeing the operation of the ISMS, organizing the information security activities, supporting customers to manage security incident(s), and provide strategic and technical advisory)Delivering GRC solutions in the various lifecycles of the engagement (assessment, project, or as a service).Actively participating in the development of a GRC solution offering (including presales)Developing or improving GRC assets and contributing to the writing of resources and whitepapersSharing knowledge and actively contributing to GRC team meetingsBringing a positive and “can-do” attitude and energy to the teamBy joining this team, you will have the opportunity to:Acquire the fundamentals of the consulting role in regard to analytical capacity, ability to see the overall picture, both written and oral expression.Be recognized by the client as being professional in your own area of expertise.Demonstrate your capability to work in a team with a positive attitude.Capitalize on the experience acquired within the Practice.Utilize or learn the tools or methodologies of the Practice and actively contribute to the development of these tools and methodologies.Your profileMore than 4 Years of Professional Experience, including demonstrable experience in Information/IT SecurityHave demonstrated experience in establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, and improving an ISMS (information security management system), in line with ISO27001 standardsHave a strong understanding of ISO27002 standardAble to perform risk assessment and document risk treatment planAble to write information security policies, procedures, and guidelines.Good project management skillsAnalytics skills, listen and understand the customer and adapt your approach to customers’ need and contextISO27001 LI or LA certification is highly appreciatedOther certifications (CISM, CISSP, CISA, CRISC, or ISO27005 is a plus)General understanding of the compliance and regulatory context in BEUncompromised integrity: respect for the confidentiality of both client and company informationGeneral understanding of IT and Cloud servicesAble to work for very small and agile organizations as well as for large and more structured enterprise.Speak fluently Dutch and EnglishWhy joining us? The best moment to join us By joining APPROACH, you will have the advantages of working in a human-scale company in terms of direct communication, dynamism, and fast decision-making, combined with the financial strength and stability of global structures. Our unique projects This context will give you the opportunity to work on the most innovative and challenging projects. As an example, amongst many others, we are very proud to be a major actor in the development of the “Itsme” mobile app, the new Belgian mobile ID to log in securely, to share your ID data, or to sign by using your mobile phone.A leader in the cybersecurity The diversity of our customer base ranges gives us the opportunity to offer to our consultants' multiple projectsin accordance with their background, goals and interests. Our sustainable growth and our leading position also offer great internal career opportunities. A Competence Centre of excellence: our training and certifications And last but not least, you will be a member of our competence center in cybersecurity. At APPROACH, we don't view certifications as a marketing artifact. We are continuously investing in our talents and developing the skills of our people. Our consultants are all certified professionals who aim to continuously develop their knowledge.Our locationsAPPROACH has two locations:AXIS PARC (Louvain-la-Neuve) features a conference center and a wide range of amenities: restaurants, fitness centers, childcare nursery ... And is located in a traffic jam zone free!Our office in Antwerp is in the city center, next to the Museum aan de stroom, with a fine view of the River Scheldt.Our packageWe offer an attractive and performance-rewarding compensation package, including maximum benefit possibilities and a company car to every employee. How to applyInterested? Please send your CV via the apply button and we will get back to you within 7 working days.Do not hesitate to apply spontaneously or to contact us. We are happy to grab a coffee just to discuss your career goals and APPROACH.
Medior/Senior Implementation Consultant at Spacewell
Spacewell, Antwerp
We are currently looking to recruit an Implementation Consultant for the Antwerp area.Your role: you can make an impactYou will play a key role in our Delivery team to expand our footprint and continue our successful growth. You will help drive our partnerships by implementing our products and solutions in the organizations of our customers.  This is a unique opportunity to further develop key technical & delivery skills, including stakeholder- & project management .  Through both training & coaching from seasoned Implementation Consultants, and on the job experience, you will learn how to successfully provide software application consultancy, both onsite and offsite, to customers and partners. You will also analyze our customer’s operational and functional processes to support them in configuring Spacewell’s products to ensure the delivery of the solution.You will be a part of our Delivery team. Do you like going to the gym before work? That’s possible with Spacewell’s flexible working environment! Would you like to be a part of an exciting, fast growing and international team  then this might be the new challenge you are looking for.Spacewell: a strong and innovative global playerSpacewell is a global software and consulting firm focused on solutions for the entire value chain of managing buildings including real estate, workplace, and facility management.Our core purpose is to make buildings work harder for their occupants through unlocking the power of building information. We are at the forefront of IoT and BIM embedded in Integrated Workplace Management (IWMS) software, enabling our clients to benefit from rich asset information and real-time data from building sensors. By leveraging the Internet of Things, our solutions make buildings smart, drive efficient service delivery and enable our clients to deliver a superior occupant experience.Our groundbreaking innovation has been recognized in our rankings in our Gartner listing, Deloitte Technology Fast 50, and as a leader in Verdantix matrix for IWMS software.Having recently joined the Nemetschek group, a leading, digital end-to-end software provider across the entire lifecycle of buildings. has made us even more powerful in our growth and internationalization and offers a platform to accelerate growth through integration across the full building life cycle from design and construction to workplace and facility management.If you share our passion for technology & innovation, want to serve big name clients and are looking to join an international team of professionals serving customers across the globe, then take at a look at this career opportunity.The key responsibilitiesProvide software application consultancy, both onsite and offsite, to customers and partners;Monitor a number of implementation projects at a time in terms of budget and deadlineEnsure delivery of the software solution, in line with budget and timeline, including workshops;Analyze customer operational and functional processes, to support in configuring Spacewell’s software solutions;Produce and keep track of the required specification and project documentation;Define, document and follow-up the workflow and configuration parameters;Assist with pre-sales activities such as product demonstrations and answering RFI/RFP’sRequirementsTo be successful in this role you have at least 2 years of experience with Implementation Consulting and a couple of years of experience having managed implementation projects.You have prior training in IT and project management and are fluent in English and have ideally professional level of either Dutch or French. You also have a high comfort level with software configuration and are customer oriented. In this position you will work from our office in Antwerp and you will have to travel to customer sites 60-70% of the time. (when business as usual)At least 2 years of experience in a similar positionPrevious project management experienceA bachelor level degree in the IT fieldHigh comfort level with software and technology solutionsDesire to become a subject matter expertAn ability to communicate technical information to non-technical staff in a way that is easy to understand.Ability to influence key decision makers on all levelsExcellent listening, communication and presentation skills, both verbally and in writingWhat we offer A competitive salary A fast-paced, innovative environment where you will have the exciting opportunity to help drive the growth and shape the future of an emerging technology Appreciation for ownership and hard work Team spirit & Fun An informal, yet professional work environment where colleagues support each other and work towards a common goal Plenty of opportunity to take initiative, move and grow within our organizationHow To ApplyIf you are interested in working with our highly talented and motivated global team please click the button to apply. If you have any questions before you want to apply don’t hesitate to contact us via [email protected] We look forward to hearing from you! 
Internal consultant
ENGIE, Brussel
To support its development, ENGIE Consulting, under the managerial authority of GBS, is seeking a Consultant (position mainly based in Brussels - Belgium).Your missionto carry out projects for our internal customersyou will contribute to describe customer needs and to develop suitable proposalsyou will contribute to supervising work on project work-sitesyou will take charge of one or more deliverables or several work-sites of the assignment under the supervision of a project manageryou will contribute to the development of conclusions, recommendations and will have the ability to make proposals during the assignmentyou will manage stakeholders as well as operational relations with customer representativesyou will relay information and alerts to the management of the assignmentsyou will participate in the development of Internal Consulting within ENGIEyou will participate in the formulating of points of view and new offers of serviceyou will develop relevant knowledge/methodologies and shall capitalise on know-howyou will contribute to the internal life activities within ENGIE ConsultingYour profilehigher education (engineering school, business school or equivalent in university,...), with minimum 2 - 5 years of experience in consultancyyou will have a sense of commitment, a sense of customer service, the ability to analyse and to summarise your findings, the ability to adapt to different professional contexts, you will be a team-player, good with relationships, comfortable with both oral and written communication with a good sense of the formality requiredyour customer orientation and your ability to learn and to advance with the team, your supervisors and our internal customers are some of the conditions for success in the jobshort-term and medium-term travel is expectedyou are bilingual FR/NL or NL/FR with a good mastery of English (both spoken and written) and of office toolsWithin the Global Business Services Department of ENGIE, the Business Support Consulting/ENGIE Consulting assists transformation projects of the Group throughout its business activities and its entities.The team consists of 60 consultants and performs more than 140 assignments per year in 4 areas:sustainable development (new offers/market surveys/external growth,...)operational performance (lean/operational expenditures reduction,...)transformation projects (innovation/digital/organisation,...)mobilisation of teams (change management/collective momentum,...)Attached to the Director of Consulting and integrated into a team of internal consultants, you will participate in consulting assignments in the 4 areas cited and in varied environments (operational entities, Corporate management of the Group, the Business Activities).ENGIE offers youa highly competitive salary & fringe benefits packagea wide range of training & development opportunitiesa priority to internal mobility by first presenting new vacancies to our employeesa healthy work/life balance is considered as importanta wide range of formal and informal networksYour HR contact: Camille RomainWorkplace: Brussels
Commercial Excellence Intern - Internal Consulting
Eurofins Central Laboratory, Brussel
Brussels, BelgiumInternCompany DescriptionEurofins Scientific is an international life sciences company which provides a unique range of analytical testing services to clients across multiple industries. The Group believes it is the world leader in food, environment, pharmaceutical and cosmetics products testing and in agroscience CRO services. It is also one of the global independent market leaders in certain testing and laboratory services for genomics, discovery pharmacology, forensics, CDMO, advanced material sciences and for supporting clinical studies. In addition, Eurofins is one of the leading global emerging players in specialty clinical diagnostic testing.In 2020, Eurofins generated more then 5.4 billion EUR revenue, from 900 laboratories across 50 countries and employs about 50.000 staff.Within the Permanent Improvement Programmes (PIP), the Commercial Excellence programme was launched in 2016 and focuses on all the initiatives related to sales, marketing and customer experience.Job DescriptionWe are looking for 2 Commercial Excellence interns, 1 intern to join in July 2021 and 1 intern to join in September 2021.The Commercial Excellence intern works on one or multiple topics for the Commercial Excellence team with the supervision of senior colleagues. This is a very challenging and entrepreneurial position for a highly motivated candidate willing to be involved in the global strategy of a fast-growing company.A Commercial Excellence team member:Designs standardised processes and methodologies related to operational sales and marketing, sales compensation and customer satisfaction, among other topics;Defines and tracks sales performance metrics and participates in the development of Group dashboards;Steers group of leaders on key projects and shares best practices across the Group;Promotes and improves sales and marketing digital tools, with a strong focus on the CRM tool and user adoption.This internship position is a full-time position based in Brussels, Belgium.QualificationsEducation: Business degree from Top University. Excellent student track record.Languages: Excellent English oral and written a must. French / German is a plus.Personal skills: Autonomous and self-responsible, strong communication skills both verbal and written, strong collaboration skills in multi-cultural & international environments, strong customer orientation, curiosity and entrepreneurial spirit with “can-do” mentality, diplomatic but able to stand his/her ground.Technical knowledge IT: MS Office, knowledge of CRM tools and marketing solutions.Requirements:Duration: six monthsInternship agreement from the universityAdditional InformationThe Permanent Improvement Programmes are led by a diverse and international team working closely with Eurofins top management. This is a great position to get the foot in the door of a company where entrepreneurship is valued and internal movements are possible around the world.