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Aanbevolen vacatures

Paralegal - Corporate & Social Law (m/v)
Le Grand & Associates is een selectiekantoor gespecialiseerd in financiële en juridische profielen. Voor één van onze klanten, een groter consultancybureau in West-Vlaanderen, gaan wij momenteel op zoek naar een sterke paralegal, ook wel juridisch medewerker genoemd, voor de vestiging in de regio van Kortrijk.Het kantoor heeft meerdere vestigingen en heeft al jaren een sterke naam. Ze bieden een job met voldoende vrijheid en verantwoordelijkheid om jezelf te kunnen ontplooien. Je werkt nauw samen met de boekhouders, fiscalisten en juristen van de verschillende kantoren en wordt in no-time een krak in jouw vak.Jouw job als juridisch medewerker Je krijgt een zeer divers takenpakket en wordt daarbij begeleid door de legal counsel. Je werkt mee aan een tweeluik. Enerzijds sta je in voor opdrachten binnen het vennootschapsrecht zoals: Oprichtingen, vereffeningen, statutenwijzigingen en alles wat daarbij komt kijken van formaliteiten Aanvragen attesten & registraties Bijstand bij diverse contracten en overeenkomsten UBO-register ¿ Anderzijds zal je ook worden ingeschakeld in het team van sociaal recht voor taken zoals: loonsadministratie van CEO's en zaakvoerders In orde brengen fiscale fiches & bedrijfsvoorheffing ... Profil Jouw profiel als paralegal Een bachelorsdiploma in Rechtspraktijk of een ander diploma, gelinkt aan een mooie relevante ervaring Een eerste ervaring is een absolute must! Je bent leergierig en pikt snel nieuwe dingen op Je bent organisatorisch en administratief sterk & nauwkeurig! Connaissances linguistiques Nederlands : Goed
Legal & Tax Officer Life Insurance (m/v)
¿ Als Legal Expert Leven verleen je juridisch & fiscaal advies aan o.m. productmanagement, sales, marketing en operations. ¿ Je zal instaan voor de opvolging en analyse van wet- & regelgeving binnen particuliere levensverzekeringen (fiscale & niet-fiscale producten zowel in Tak 21 als 23). ¿ Hierbij ga je projectmatig tewerk, coördineer je initiatieven en werk je samen met de diverse interne afdelingen die geïmpacteerd zijn door de nieuwe regelgeving. Dit alles gebeurt met het oog op de aanpassing van producten, beheersprocessen en interne procedures aan de wijzigende juridische context. ¿ Daarnaast beantwoord je courante en concrete vragen die komen vanuit de business. ¿ Je stelt contractuele en wettelijk verplichte documenten op of past deze aan, zoals algemene voorwaarden, standaard beheersdocumenten, financiële infofiches,¿ ¿ Eventuele geschillen volg je op en je ondersteunt de interne klachtendienst bij mogelijke klachten van klanten. ¿ In het algemeen bouw je een netwerk van professionals uit via seminaries, werkgroepen en beroepsverenigingen. Profil ¿ Je bent in het bezit van een masterdiploma Rechten. ¿ Je hebt affiniteit met de juridische/fiscale aspecten van het domein Leven Particulieren (pensioensparen, lange termijn sparen, tak 21/23/44,....), zonder dat het nodig is dat je reeds een doorwinterd expert bent. ¿ Deze ervaring van minimaal 2 jaar kan je hebben opgebouwd bij een verzekeraar, een advocaten- of notariskantoor. ¿ Je hebt een perfecte kennis van het Nederlands en een goede kennis van het Frans. ¿ Je kan zelfstandig werken, je neemt initiatief en je bent creatief in oplossingen. Je beschikt over een goed ontwikkeld synthetisch vermogen. ¿ Je bezit overtuigingskracht en commerciële feeling en je bent sterk in communicatie (mondeling en schriftelijk). Spreken voor een groep schrikt je niet af. Je kan complexe zaken op een heldere wijze toelichten. ¿ Verder kan je je terugvinden in de volgende trefwoorden: teamplayer, hands-on, kritisch, flexibele instelling, relativeringsvermogen, verantwoordelijkheidszin, luistervaardig. Connaissances linguistiques Frans : Enige Nederlands : Goed
Advocaat sportfiscaliteit & HR (m/v)
Ben je juridisch geschoold? Heb je een stevige achtergrond in het fiscale recht? Do you speak English fluently en ben je tenslotte sterk geinteresseerd in de sportwereld? Dan is dit een `once in a lifetime opportunity¿.Voor één van de grotere fiscale advocatenkantoren in ons land, zijn we momenteel op zoek naar een stagiair-advocaat met een fiscale achtergrond. Je komt terecht in een brede functie binnen team gepasioneerd door de sportwereld én de fiscaliteit. Een boeiende opportuniteit Je komt terecht in een klein tot middelgroot team aan gespecialiseerde advocaten en werkt samen met echte experts waarvan je ongelofelijk veel kan bijleren. Je staat in voor de dossiers inzake sportfiscaliteit en geeft advies aan clubs & atleten in binnenlandse en buitenlandse opdrachten. Daarnaast werk je ook mee aan internationale projecten inzake HR-beleid, vergoeding, voordelen, enz. Een tweeluik binnen de vacature en een enorm boeiende vacature: best of both worlds! Profil Jouw profiel Je beschikt over een masterdiploma in de Rechten, aangevuld met een Master Na Master in de fiscaliteit Je bent vers uit de schoolboeken of hebt al een eerste relevante ervaring. Fiscaliteit is echt he-le-maal jouw ding! Je doet jouw job met passie en plezier. Je bent een proactieve werker en in jou schuilt stiekem een geboren ondernemer. Connaissances linguistiques Nederlands : Goed
Payroll Officer & HR officer (m/v)
Voor een solide onderneming zijn wij op zoek naar een Payroll Officer met ervaring...Heb je interesse in een gevarieerde functie binnen een dynamisch team? Bekijk dan snel onderstaande vacature!Als Payroll Officer sta je in voor de administratie van de personeelsdossiers van A-Z: het aanmaken van overeenkomsten, de opvolging van aan- en afwezigheden, de opvolging van verlofrechten en zo verderSamen met je collega ben je verantwoordelijk voor de maandelijkse loonverwerking van zowel arbeiders als bediendenJe bent het eerste aanspreekpunt voor medewerkers met HR gerelateerde vragenJe bent ook verantwoordelijk voor het administratieve beheer van zowel sociale documenten, dossiers tijdskrediet, arbeidsongevallen, ¿Je staat in voor de correcte opvolging van de sociale wetgeving, de toepassing en de implementatie van deze wetgeving in de onderneming Profil Een aantal jaren ervaring binnen een payroll functie is vereistJe hebt minimum een BachelorGoede kennis van Excel is verwachtJe bent punctueel, nauwkeurig en georganiseerd werken is je niet onbekendJe bent communicatief en hands-onHumaniteit en discretie staan bovenaan jouw waarden-lijstjeJe bent heel ondernemend en je gaat geen uitdaging uit de wegJe bent tweetalig Frans-Nederlands en beschikt over een goede kennis Engels Connaissances linguistiques Nederlands : Goed
Payroll Officer & HR officer (m/v)
Kan je je vlot uitdrukken in het FR en NL? Ervaring in payroll voor arbeiders en bedienden?  Zin om een junior collega mee op sleeptouw te nemen? Ervaring met een ruime groep dossiers, een 800-tal? Dan is dezePayroll functie de job die je zoekt! Voor een solide onderneming zijn wij op zoek naar een Payroll Officer met ervaring... Heb je interesse in een gevarieerde functie binnen een dynamisch team? Bekijk dan snel onderstaande vacature! Als Payroll Officer sta je in voor de administratie van de personeelsdossiers van A-Z: het aanmaken van overeenkomsten, de opvolging van aan- en afwezigheden, de opvolging van verlofrechten en zo verder Samen met je collega ben je verantwoordelijk voor de maandelijkse loonverwerking van zowel arbeiders als bedienden Je bent het eerste aanspreekpunt voor medewerkers met HR gerelateerde vragen Je bent ook verantwoordelijk voor het administratieve beheer van zowel sociale documenten, dossiers tijdskrediet, arbeidsongevallen, ¿ Je staat in voor de correcte opvolging van de sociale wetgeving, de toepassing en de implementatie van deze wetgeving in de onderneming Profil Een aantal jaren ervaring binnen een payroll functie is vereist Je hebt minimum een Bachelor Goede kennis van Excel is verwacht Je bent punctueel, nauwkeurig en georganiseerd werken is je niet onbekend Je bent communicatief en hands-on Humaniteit en discretie staan bovenaan jouw waarden-lijstje Je bent heel ondernemend en je gaat geen uitdaging uit de weg Je bent tweetalig Frans-Nederlands en beschikt over een goede kennis Engels Connaissances linguistiques Nederlands : Goed
QA Compliance Officer Process Reviewer QC & utilities at Real Staffing
Real Staffing, Antwerp, Geel
QA operations QC & utilities, expertise HVAC / utilities is closely linked to technical services (TS), contamination control, quality control & validation. The department is responsible for guaranteeing the quality of the production process with a special focus on TS activities and ensuring that this is in line with the prescribed procedures, standards, business practices and legislation. Responsibilities Follow up, review & handle TS related issues (quality events, CAPAs, changes) so that they are completed compliant Follow up, review & handle environmental excursions (EEX) so that they are concluded compliant Review of trend reports, alarms, risk assessments, procedures,… with regard to EM & utilities Reading and interpreting documentation regarding current and new compliance standards and regulatory trends and actions Participate in internal & external audits and inspections Involvement in any QA and interdepartmental project initiatives Support with problem solving meetings regarding TS / contamination control related topics In possession of a Master in a scientific direction, or equivalent through experience Experience within Pharma and Quality Feeling with HVAC utilities, is able to work with quality systems, experience writing deviations, ... Experience PHENIX Basic knowledge and interpretation of cGLP / cGMP / cGCPs in a regulated environment Outstanding accuracy and attention to detail Independence and a strong sense of responsibility Interpersonal skills, an enthusiastic team player Good writing skills Good knowledge of the Dutch and English language
AG Insurance, Brussel
Een werkplek waar je zelf het heft in handen mag nemen. Waar iedereen je aanmoedigt om te tonen wat jij in je mars hebt. En waar je collega’s samen met jou hun schouders zetten onder de toekomst. Jij bent een durver die de klant écht centraal zet? Tot binnenkort dan, bij AG.Dit is jouw topjobBinnen het Chief Investment Office (CIO) bepalen we het beleid en beheren we de beleggingsportefeuille van AG. Dit omvat ook de onderliggende beleggingen van de tak 23-beleggingsfondsen. Met meer dan 75 miljard euro activa onder beheer is AG de belangrijkste institutionele belegger van België. Om de afdelingen Legal en Compliance van het CIO te versterken, zijn we op zoek naar een Policy & Compliance Officer.Je volgt proactief en voortdurend de evolutie van de geldende Europese en nationale regelgeving op, met inbegrip van de circulaires van de Nationale Bank van België en de FSMA.Je beoordeelt hun impact en bepaalt de juridische en financiële risico's in verband met de activiteit van de afdeling. Je helpt zo nodig bij het opstellen van actieplannen.Je stelt vertrouwelijkheidsovereenkomsten op en onderhandelt daarover, en je ziet toe op het beheer van vertrouwelijke informatie binnen het CIO.Je zorgt voor de opvolging van de contracten met de verschillende dienstverleners.Je beheert de informatieaanvragen van KYC, CRS, MiFID en FATCA in het kader van de due diligence-operaties die onze verschillende partners uitvoeren met betrekking tot AG.Je verstrekt regelmatig informatie aan de teams binnen het CIO en op verzoek verleen je ondersteuning bij juridische en compliance-kwesties.Dit ben jij helemaalJe hebt twee tot vijf jaar relevante ervaring. Meer bepaald ervaring met MiFID, AML, PSD2, FATCA, CRS, MAR, EMIR en SFTR is een extra troef.Heb je een goede kennis van het regelgevend kader voor verzekeringsmaatschappijen? En een goed begrip van de financiële sector? Absoluut een plus!Je bent resultaatgericht, je kan verder gaan dan de juridische context en je begrijpt complexe financiële mechanismen en de belangen van de onderneming.Je bent een 'teamplayer' en draagt bij aan de resultaten van het team en aan de uitwisseling van informatie.Je verdedigt je mening graag op een assertieve manier.Je bent vlot in het Nederlands en het Frans en hebt bovendien een goede kennis van het Engels.Je hebt een universitair diploma (rechten, financiën, economie of een ander relevant domein).Dit wil je toch niet missen?Een topjob bij de marktleider in de verzekeringssector. We streven er ook voortdurend naar om onze klanten nog beter te ondersteunen. En daarvoor rekenen we op jou.Een enthousiast en dynamisch team dat een dikke 10 krijgt voor sfeer en gezelligheid. • De kans om jezelf voortdurend te ontwikkelen, met een brede waaier aan opleidingen. Ideaal om al de vaardigheden te leren die jou kunnen helpen om je carrière verder uit te bouwen.Meer dan een job: we bieden je een hele carrière. Wil je na verloop van tijd van iets anders proeven? We begeleiden je en stimuleren je om je talenten helemaal te benutten.Good vibes, daar gaan we voor. Met een uitgebreid welzijnsprogramma vol sportieve activiteiten en inspirerende workshops. Zo haal je meer uit je werk en je leven.Natuurlijk tellen de centen ook mee. Daarom krijg je een aantrekkelijk loonpakket. En omdat niemand beter weet dan jij wat je nodig hebt, kan je een deel van dat pakket zelf samenstellen.Durf te springenHelemaal verkocht? > Solliciteer vandaag nog!
Sodexo, Brussel-Hoofdstad
BedrijfsdetailsWhat began as a small family business has today grown into an international provider in the field of Quality of Life services. Sodexo offers an extensive range of services that enhance the wellbeing of people, such as the maintenance of technical installations, reception, cleaning, management of green spaces, catering services and Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services. Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services in Belgium is the preferred partner of private and public companies for a whole series of staff vouchers and services (Lunch Pass, Cadeau Pass, Sport & Culture Pass, Eco Pass, SME portfolio, Training Vouchers, Surf@home, Incentive & Recognition, etc.) and of private individuals for Service Vouchers.We firmly believe that the Quality of Life of our clients and service consumers begins with our own people. Consequently, your wellbeing at work is one of our priorities. At Sodexo, you are part of a stimulating environment, where you can develop your talents and where you can count on continuous help and guidance for your career. With some 250 colleagues spread around Belgium (48% of whom are women), you are the key to our success. Are you looking for a highly interesting job in a stable company? Then the job detailed below may be right up your street.Our mission at the IS&T Department is to enhance our business. In order to reach our goal, we have to set up and manage highly accessible hybrid environments, such that high volumes of transactions can be handled securely. Our industry evolves at a fast pace. This challenges us to keep abreast of new developments in digitalization, security, compliance to regulatory requirements, new technologies (IoT, Blockchain, ePayment, …),To support our position as a market leader in Belgium, being part of a reputable international group, our size and our teams’ experience our mission to invest in the future, we are looking for :GRC Officer (M/W)FunctieYour missionDefine, implement, operate and maintain the local Information Security Governance, Risk & Compliance.Report to the local CISO, CIO and Executive Committee.Your main responsibilitiesInformation Security & Technology GovernanceDefine, implement and maintain the local Security & Continuity policies, governance and processes in accordance with Group security policies, internal control and market standards,Develop 3 lines of defense,Raise and maintain awareness within the organization of IS&T Governance, Risk and Business Continuity,Define & monitor information security performance and risk indicators (KRI & KPI’s),Answer clients & supplier’s questionnaires.IT Risk ManagementDevelop IT risk management framework based on market standards,Develop IT risk culture within the IS&T department & the executive committee,Advise ExCo and IT management regarding IT risk & security decisions,Conduct IT security & compliance risk assessment,Monitor and report the top IT risks of the company.Business ContinuityConduct BC risk assessment,Conduct BIA with the support of ExCo & experts,Develop, maintain and test BCP’s as per business requirements,Advise on BC in project development and in supplier management,Disaster RecoveryDevelop, maintain and test DRP’s as per business requirements,Advise on DR in project development and in supplier management,Monitor and report the overall DRP readiness of the company and its critical suppliers,Monitor market trends on DR capabilities.IS&T ComplianceEnsure regulatory compliance of the information system and data,Ensure compliance with the internal codes of conduct, policies and procedures,Ensure compliance with clients, customers and partners contractual agreements,Support local DPO to develop and maintain the Data Privacy Program,Support internal control for IS&T compliance matters.ProfielAt least 5 years of experience in a similar roleProven experience in Governance, Risk & Compliance, GDPRKnowledge and experience of frameworks such as ISO 27k, ISO 22301, ISO 31k, ISO 20k, COBIT, ISF,Possession of certifications such as CISA, CRISC, CGEIT, ISO 22301 LI, ISO 31000 LI, ISO 27k LI,Pragmatic and result orientedAbility to engage with technical and non-technical audiences at various levelsAble to work autonomously and appreciate teamworkAssertive, constructive, and proactive team playerStrong analytical and solution-oriented skillsExcellent communication skills, both in writing and in presentingFluency in Dutch and/or French, with a proficient level of English
Airport Legal & Quality Officer (h/f/x)
Fact Group Security, Luik (stad)
CatégorieSecurityRégionLiègeDescriptionProtection UNIT est l’acteur 100% belge leader de son secteur (Gardiennage).Dans le cadre du développement continu de ses activités, Protection UNIT est à la recherche d’un Legal & Quality Officer pour son département Aéroportuaire.I. ProfilÊtre en possession d’un diplôme de l’enseignement supérieurExpérience de minimum 6 ans dans le domaine de la sûreté aérienneAvoir suivi les formations 11.2.2 –11.2.5Obtenir la certification d’instructeur délivré par la DGTADe préférence être en possession d’un diplôme d’auditeur aviationII. MissionVérifier la bonne application des procédures de la conformité du travail par rapport aux législations en vigueur et à la bonne exécution contractuelleVeille juridique en matière aéroportuaireEvaluation des besoins et suivi en matière de formationIII. Rôles & responsabilités clésAnalyses Tips et des heures d’entraînement sur TutorGestion et planification des examens DGTARédaction, gestion et planification des formations aéroportuairesParticipation aux réunions commerciale, qualité et opérationnelles pour le secteur aéroportuaireRédaction des offres pour les clients aéroportuairesDélivrance des formations aéroportuairesPoint de contact de la DGTAGestion et analyse de la législationAnalyses statistiques qualité pour le clientRédaction des notes de service et de différents documents pour le département.Mise à jour des différents fichiers (screener, formations, Tips…)Encodage des KPIParticipation à l’élaboration des congés éducatifsPlanification des tests ORT (test préalable à l’embauche)Gestion des documents de vérification des antécédentsGestion du programme CasraRédaction des procédures pour la TélésurveillanceMise à jour des consignes en matière légaleRéalisation d’audit interne annuelRédaction de programme de sûreté pour les clients et consultance au niveau légal et audit.SecteurAirportType de contratContrat à Durée IndéterminéExpérience6 ansAvantagesNous vous proposons :De faire partie d’une entreprise en plein essorUn emploi varié dans un environnement dynamique et convivial où les possibilités d’évolution sont réellesUn package salarial à la hauteur de vos compétences.
HSE Compliance Officer - Hoboken at Actief Interim
Actief Interim, Antwerp, Hoboken
FunctieomschrijvingAls HSE Compliance Officer zorg je ervoor dat de organisatie van onze klant op een legale en ethische manier functioneert en dat de reputatie en integriteit beschermd wordt. Je ziet er op toe dat aan alle externe regels en wettelijke vereisten mbt gezondheid, veiligheid en milieu wordt voldaan en dat het intern veiligheidsbeleid wordt gerespecteerd. Daarnaast ga je samen met het management en andere medewerkers mogelijke risico's identificeren. Op basis van deze bevindingen wordt het interne beleid voortdurend herzien en geactualiseerd, zodat ook de juiste strategische beslissingen en acties kunnen genomen worden. Je volgt de wijzigingen in de wet- en regelgeving punctueel op en informeert het management bij de implementatie ervan. Dit volg je verder op. Je sensibiliseert en informeert je collega's over het operationeel risicobeheer. Je reikt de juiste oplossingen aan. Je organiseert, coördineert, documenteert en bewaart het overzicht van keuringen. Je neemt initiatief en plant afspraken in waar nodig. Je staat in voor de opmaak van het globaal preventieplan. Daar vloeit het wettelijk jaaractieplan uit waar bepaalde acties uitrollen. Deze acties volg je verder op. Je organiseert en coördineert (proactief) veiligheidsaudits. Je voert analyses uit en evalueert deze op continue basis. Je verzorgt de verslaggeving van veiligheidsvergaderingen. Je rapporteert 2-wekelijks rechtstreeks aan de directie en de HSE-Manager. Functie-eisenJe behaalde een bachelor diploma in een technische richting of deed reeds enkele jaren ervaring op binnen een gelijkaardige functie als HSE Compliance Officer. Je bent in het bezit van een attest preventieadviseur niveau 2 of 3. Je bent communicatief sterk, zelfstandig en werkt oplossingsgericht; ArbeidsvoorwaardenVoltijdse functie met optie vast na geslaagde opstart op uitzendbasis. Onze klant is gespecialiseerd in de productie van metaalconstructies voor de offshore windindustrie, civiele markt en olie & gas. Zij zijn een groeiende bedrijvengroep met internationale faam. Salaris wordt besproken tijdens een verdere fase in het sollicitatieproces en is afhankelijk van opleiding en werkervaring. Dit bruto salaris wordt aangevuld door diverse extralegale voordelen zoals vb. maaltijdcheques ter waarde van 8 € per dag en een groeps- en hospitalisatieverzekering bij vast contract. Diverse interne en externe opleidingsmogelijkheden en potentiële groeikansen. Een toffe, dynamische werksfeer waarbij de sociale factor centraal staat (vb. teambuildings, familiedagen, recepties,...). 
Senior Paralegal
Novagraaf, Brussel-Hoofdstad
Novagraaf is een wereldwijde speler op het gebied van bescherming van het Intellectuele Eigendom. Of het nu gaat om merken, octrooien of designs, wij adviseren over de bescherming, beheren de rechten over de hele wereld, signaleren misbruik en treden daadkrachtig op als er inbreuk wordt gemaakt. We hebben 16 vestigingen, verdeeld over vijf Europese landen en saleskantoren in de VS, China en Japan. Onze 350 specialisten werken aan de uitdagingen van morgen, nationaal en internationaal. Wij bieden jou een unieke omgeving waarin je dagelijks kunt werken aan de mooiste en sterkste merken.Voor ons kantoor in Brussel zoeken we eenErvaren Paralegal Intellectuele Eigendom (IE)Om ons team te versterken zijn we op zoek naar een ervaren IE Paralegal. Het is jouw uitdaging mee te werken aan de uitbouw van het kantoor door de opvolging van de portfolio’s van onze cliënten en het bieden van een efficiënte ondersteuning aan een of meerdere IE Consultants. Jouw zorgvuldigheid, verantwoordelijkheidszin, talenkennis en organisatietalent voegen veel toe aan het team. Het Belgische team bestaat uit 15 collega’s en de sfeer kan omschreven worden als ambitieus, toegankelijk en niet-hiërarchisch. Persoonlijke groei en ontwikkeling van je potentieel wordt aangemoedigd.Je hebt je verdiept in IE en vooral het merkenrecht en beheert dossiers zelfstandig. Je hebt een goede kennis van de administratieve en juridische procedures. Als geen ander weet je prioriteiten te stellen en overzicht te creëren. Plannen, organiseren, structureren en strakke deadlines, jij draait er je hand niet voor om. Je kunt goed zelfstandig werken en bent toe aan een nieuwe uitdaging.Dit zijn je belangrijkste uitdagingen:Je assisteert de IE Consultants bij de voorbereiding van IE projecten zoals nieuwe registraties, vernieuwingen en het aantekenen van wijzigingen in de registers. Je voert deze zelfstandig uit en bewaakt er de voortgang van.Je hebt inzicht in de totale IE portfolio van onze klanten en houdt de status ervan bij in onze databankJe beantwoordt complexe vragen op procedureel gebied, bereidt de briefwisselingen naar onze cliënten voor en stuurt onze buitenlandse agenten aanJe ondersteunt de IE Consultants ook juridisch inhoudelijkWat breng je mee?Een afgeronde bachelor, bij voorkeur rechten of een juridische opleidingMinimaal 7 jaar relevante werkervaring als paralegal in IEVaardig met MS office (Word, Excel en PowerPoint)Uitstekende beheersing van de Nederlandse en Engelse taal in woord en geschrift. Frans is een pluspuntJe bent zelfsturend, accuraat en gestructureerd en weet prioriteiten te stellenAffiniteit met Intellectueel Eigendomsrecht.We bieden jou:Een voltijdse betrekking en de mogelijkheid om flexibel te werkenEen aantrekkelijk salaris en extralegaal pakket aangevuld met interessante arbeidsvoorwaardenEen aangename en open bedrijfscultuur waar persoonlijke groei wordt gestimuleerdHet kantoor in Brussel is makkelijk te bereiken met het openbaar vervoer, wagen of fiets.Interesse?Dan ontvangen wij graag je motivatie met CV. Je kunt dit sturen naar Ingrid Mennens, Head of Novagraaf Belgium [email protected] en onze recruiter Peter Elsemans [email protected] ParalegalNovagraaf is a global player in the field of Intellectual Property protection. Whether it concerns trademarks, patents or designs, we advise on protection, manage rights all over the world, identify abuses and act decisively when infringements occur. We have 16 offices in five European countries and sales offices in the U.S., China and Japan. Our 350 specialists work to meet the challenges of tomorrow, nationally and internationally. We offer you a unique environment in which you can work on the most beautiful and strongest brands on a daily basis.For our office in Belgium we are looking for aExperienced Intellectual Property Paralegal (IP)To strengthen our team we are looking for an experienced IP Paralegal. It is your challenge to contribute to the development of the firm by monitoring the portfolios of our clients and providing efficient support to one or more IP Consultants. Your carefulness, sense of responsibility, knowledge of languages and organizational talent add a lot to the team. The Belgian team consists of 15 colleagues and the atmosphere can be described as ambitious, accessible and non-hierarchical. Personal growth and development of your potential is encouraged.You have knowledge in IP and especially trademark law and manage files independently. You have a good knowledge of administrative and legal procedures. Like no other you know how to set priorities and create an overview. Planning, organizing, structuring and holding tight deadlines is no problem for you. You can work independently and are ready for a new challenge.These are your main challenges:You will assist the IP Consultants in the preparation of IP projects such as new registrations, renewals and recordals. You execute these on your own and monitor their progressYou have an insight into the full IP portfolio of our clients and keep track of its status in our databaseYou will answer complex procedural questions, prepare the correspondence to our clients and instruct our foreign agentsYou also support the IP Consultants with legal contentWhat do you bring?A completed bachelor's degree, preferably in law or legal studiesA minimum of 7 years relevant work experience as a paralegal in IPSkilled with MS office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint)Excellent knowledge of the Dutch and English languages in word and writing. French is a plusYou are independent, accurate and structured and know how to set prioritiesAffinity with Intellectual Property LawWe offer you:A full-time job and the ability to work flexiblyAn attractive salary and extralegal package complemented with interesting terms and conditions of employmentA pleasant and open corporate culture where personal growth is stimulatedThe Brussels office is easily accessible by public transport, car or bike.Interested?Then we would like to receive your motivation letter with CV. You can send these to Ingrid Mennens, Head of Novagraaf Belgium [email protected] and our recruiter Peter Elsemans [email protected]
Officer, Aerospace Capabilities
NATO - OTAN, Brussel
1. SUMMARYThe Defence Investment Division (DI) is responsible for the development of investments in assets and capabilities aimed at enhancing the Alliance’s defence capacity, including armaments planning, air and missile defence, aviation and command & control.The Armament and Aerospace Capabilities Directorate (A&ACap) supports consensus decision making at NATO Headquarters on a wide range of joint, land, air & space, and maritime capabilities required for the full range of the Alliance’s missions. To that end, it provides relevant advice to NATO Committees and the Organization’s senior management. In particular, the Directorate supports the work of the Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD), the Aviation Committee (AVC), the Defence Planning and Policy Committee on Missile Defence (DPPC (MD)), the Air and Missile Defence Committee (AMDC) and their subordinate structures. Specific responsibilities include policy and capability development and delivery, support and oversight of pol-mil aspects and programs in the areas of Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD), Joint Intelligence, Reconnaissance, Surveillance (JISR), Aerospace as well as multinational armaments cooperation and projects.The Aerospace Capabilities Section is responsible for all matters related to air armaments, airspace policy, airspace integration, ATM, and provides support for the International Staff (IS), International Military Staff (IMS), National Military Authorities (NMAs), NATO bodies and Agencies, including the AVC, the CNAD and their sub-structures, including the NATO Air Force Armament Group (NAFAG) activities. The Section acts as NATO’s primary interface with international aviation organisations. It provides policy guidance and development on aerospace capabilities, manned aircraft and remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS), ATM and airport issues in support of NATO missions and operations. It oversees NATO ATM standardisation; supports implementation of the NATO Airworthiness Policy; consolidates requirements on civil-military co-ordination and interoperability; evaluates the impact of the new aviation developments on NATO capability; contributes to the fostering of security; liaises closely with NMAs and promotes co-operation and partnership.The Officer supports the Head of Section in all Section activities, including any air related issues in which the Section is either leading or involved. In particular, the incumbent is responsible for fostering collaboration in the development, production and standardisation of aerospace capabilities and systems within the Alliance and, as appropriate, with Partners. The Officer will be the focal point for the coordination of the work of the NAFAG, and its subordinate bodies, providing expert advice on their activities, developing relevant policy papers and serving as Chair or Secretary. Under the supervision of the Head of Section, the Officer will support any other relevant NATO Committees and Groups and will participate in meetings of other International Organisations as required.2. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCEESSENTIALThe incumbent must:possess a university degree, or have an equivalent level of qualification such as a high-level military education, as an engineer in aerospace or a military pilot;have at least 5 years’ relevant professional experience;possess a strong background in aerospace systems, including manned and unmanned aircraft, command and control, weapons, and associate support equipment;have experience in requirements development and procurement of aerospace systems;have experience in the planning and execution of air operations;have experience and a demonstrated ability to work in an international environment, with multiple stakeholders;have previous experience of preparing and presenting briefings to military and civilian audiences at all levels;possess the following minimum levels of NATO’s official languages (English/French): V (“Advanced”) in one; I (“Beginner”) in the other.DESIRABLEThe following would be considered an advantage:project management skills and experience leading multinational programmes and cooperative developments;experience in the planning and execution of military air operations;good chairing skills;a broad knowledge of armaments planning matters and how they relate to other planning disciplines within the NATO Defence Planning Process (NDPP);a good knowledge of the civil and military structure of the Alliance and also of NATO policy, organisation and procedures.3. MAIN ACCOUNTABILITIESPolicy DevelopmentProvide expert advices, support and recommendations to the CNAD and its supporting structure in the formulation of NATO policy regarding aerospace technologies and capabilities. Oversee the preparation of specialist documentation dealing with all aspects of NAFAG, as well as coordinate with all bodies in joint air power related policy development.Expertise DevelopmentPrepare specialist documents, technical reports, background briefs and speaking notes dealing with aerospace related topics, in particular on NAFAG plans and programmes for the research, development, acquisition and interoperability of aerospace capabilities, air warfare equipment and ordinance. Keep abreast of the current techniques and latest developments in the fields of aerospace technologies, manned and unmanned aircraft, aeronautical technologies, air equipment and weapons. Draft contributions to the NDPP for the aerospace armaments domain.Information ManagementUnder the oversight of the Section Head, support the Chairperson of the NAFAG serving as Secretary and advisor, and assisting in the preparation of agendas, decisions sheets and reports resulting from meetings. Initiate the necessary follow-up actions concerning the decisions of the NAFAG and its subordinate bodies and contribute to the timely execution of policy directives issued by the committee. Support the Chairperson of the NAFAG in activities related to her/his participation in CNAD and other NATO meetings.Stakeholder ManagementPromote cooperation amongst nations in the field of aerospace capabilities. Liaise extensively with government, military, and industry representatives of NATO nations, and to the maximum extent possible with NATO partners. Monitor the work of other groups involved in related activities and liaise with them on a regular basis.Representation of the OrganizationParticipate in various meetings and, when necessary, act as Chair or Secretary of Committees and Working Groups. Participate in relevant meetings and activities of other NATO bodies and International Organisations, representing NATO as required.Project ManagementOversee the implementation of armaments programme work related to aerospace capabilities within the framework of the NDPP. Assess progress made towards meeting Alliance requirements in the area of aerospace technology. Plan staffing needs to meet Alliance political initiatives and provide staff support to NAFAG and their subordinate groups on an as-needed basis.Knowledge ManagementWorking with the administrative staff, ensure that documents are distributed in a timely manner to stakeholders and customers. Periodically review extant documents for currency and relevance, initiating corrective actions when appropriate. Assist in the maintenance of relevant web pages.Perform any other related duty as assigned.4. INTERRELATIONSHIPSThe incumbent reports to the Head, Aerospace Capabilities Section. S/he will establish and maintain a good working relationships with members of the national delegations, other members of the IS, representatives of IMS, NMAs and NATO Agencies and other organisations, as required. In particular, the incumbent will work in close coordination with the staff supporting other armament groups in order to ensure a harmonised approach to CNAD issues.Direct reports: N/aIndirect reports: N/a5. COMPETENCIESThe incumbent must demonstrate:Analytical Thinking: Makes complex plans or analyses;Clarity and Accuracy: Checks own work;Conceptual Thinking: Applies learned concepts;Customer Service Orientation: Takes personal responsibility for correcting problems;Impact and Influence: Takes multiple actions to persuade;Initiative: Is decisive in a time-sensitive situation;Organisational Awareness: Understands organisational climate and culture;Teamwork: Solicits inputs and encourages others.6. CONTRACTContract to be offered to the successful applicant (if non-seconded): Definite duration contract of three years; possibility of renewal for up to three years, during which the incumbent may apply for conversion to an indefinite duration contract.Contract clause applicable:In accordance with the contract policy, this is a post in which turnover is desirable for political reasons in order to be able to accommodate the Organisation's need to carry out its tasks as mandated by the Nations in a changing environment, for example by maintaining the flexibility necessary to shape the Organisation's skills profile, and to ensure appropriate international diversity.The maximum period of service foreseen in this post is 6 years. The successful applicant will be offered a 3-year definite duration contract, which may be renewed for a further period of up to 3 years. However, according to the procedure described in the contract policy the incumbent may apply for conversion to an indefinite contract during the period of renewal and no later than one year before the end of contract.If the successful applicant is seconded from the national administration of one of NATO’s member States, a 3-year definite duration contract will be offered, which may be renewed for a further period of up to 3 years subject also to the agreement of the national authority concerned. The maximum period of service in the post as a seconded staff member is six years.Serving staff will be offered a contract in accordance with the NATO Civilian Personnel Régulations.7. RECRUITMENT PROCESSPlease note that we can only accept applications from nationals of NATO member countries.Applications must be submitted using e-recruitment system, as applicable:For NATO civilian staff members only: please apply via the internal recruitment portal (for more information, please contact your local Civilian HR Manager);For all other applications: www.nato.int/recruitmentPlease note that at the time of the interviews, candidates will be asked to provide evidence of their education and professional experience as relevant for this vacancy.Appointment will be subject to receipt of a security clearance (provided by the national Authorities of the selected candidate) and approval of the candidate’s medical file by the NATO Medical Adviser.More information about the recruitment process and conditions of employment, can be found at our website (http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/recruit-hq-e.htm)8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONNATO is committed to diversity and inclusion, and strives to provide equal access to employment, advancement and retention, independent of gender, age, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, cultural background, sexual orientation, and disability. NATO welcomes applications of nationals from all member Nations, and strongly encourages women to apply.Building Integrity is a key element of NATO’s core tasks. As an employer, NATO values commitment to the principles of integrity, transparency and accountability in accordance with international norms and practices established for the defence and related security sector. Selected candidates are expected to be role models of integrity, and to promote good governance through ongoing efforts in their work.Due to the broad interest in NATO and the large number of potential candidates, telephone or e-mail enquiries cannot be dealt with.Applicants who are not successful in this competition may be offered an appointment to another post of a similar nature, albeit at the same or a lower grade, provided they meet the necessary requirements.The nature of this position may require the staff member at times to be called upon to travel for work and/or to work outside normal office hours.The organization offers several work-life policies including Teleworking and Flexible Working arrangements (Flexitime) subject to business requirements.Please note that the International Staff at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium is a non-smoking environment.
Compliance Officer Investments
Beobank, Elsene
Het departement Compliance richt zich als onafhankelijke controlefunctie op de naleving van de wet- en regelgeving, interne procedures en gedragsregels om te voorkomen dat de reputatie en integriteit van de bank wordt aangetast.Een expertise ontwikkelen om de bank op gepaste wijze te adviseren op het vlak van de regelgeving inzake beleggingen en deposito’s, MiFID, belangenconflicten en marktmisbruikDe rol opnemen van aanspreekpunt van het compliance teamHet bijwerken van de compliance procedures voor deze onderwerpen, in het bijzonder het beleid inzake de preventie en het beheer van belangenconflicten en inducementsToezicht houden op de conformiteit van de beleggingsactiviteiten: review van het marketingmateriaal, verkoopargumenten, opleidingsmateriaal, productprogramma’s, productieverslagen, tevredenheidsenquêtes, klantenklachten, call monitoring, incentive programma’s, verkoopprocedures …Het verzorgen van de jaarlijkse rapportering aan de FSMAHet bijdragen aan het Compliance Training Program: de actualisering van het opleidingsdocument in het domein van beleggingen, MiFID, belangenconflicten en marktmisbruikHet opvolgen van de monitoringtool inzake marktmisbruik en het zo nodig rapporteren van verdachte transacties aan de FSMAHet uitvoeren en coördineren van de periodieke compliance controles in het controleportaalHet sporadisch uitvoeren van compliance controle missiesHet in kaart brengen en actualiseren van de compliance risico’s via de compliance cartografieHet rapporteren van problemen bij de Head of ComplianceProfielCompetenties :Analytische geest, rationeel en constructief denkvermogenAutonoom en planmatig kunnen werken, transparantNauwgezet en integerTeamspiritLeergierigStrategische et creatieve aanpak van het werk en bij de oplossing van problemenDiplomatisch en communicatiefKennis en ervaring:Universitair diploma of gelijkwaardig (bij voorkeur Economie, Recht, Financieel Management);Master en kennis van de regelgeving inzake beleggingen en deposito’s, MiFID, belangenconflicten en marktmisbruik;Minimaal 5 jaar ervaring in het bankwezen, bij voorkeur in een controlefunctieTweetalig Nederlands/Frans en goede kennis van het EngelsWij biedenBeobank helpt je bij de ontwikkeling van je competenties via kwaliteitsvolle opleidingenBeobank biedt je carrièremogelijkheden die jouw persoonlijke groei bevorderenJe kan rekenen op een competitief salaris en extralegale voordelenIntroductieCompliance waakt erover dat de instelling niet enkel haar eigen belang behartigt maar ook rekening houdt met de behoeften en belangen van haar klanten.
Officer, IAMD Policy
NATO - OTAN, Brussel
1. SUMMARYThe Defence Investment Division (DI) is responsible for the development of investments in assets and capabilities aimed at enhancing the Alliance’s defence capacity, including armaments planning and development, space, integrated air and missile defence (IAMD), airspace management, aviation command and control.The Armament and Aerospace Capabilities Directorate (A&ACap) supports consensus decision making at NATO Headquarters on a wide range of joint, land, air & space, and maritime capabilities required for the full range of the Alliance’s missions. To that end, it provides relevant advice to NATO Committees and the Organization’s senior management. In particular, the Directorate supports the work of the Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD), the Aviation Committee (AVC), the Defence Planning and Policy Committee on Missile Defence (DPPC (MD)), the Air and Missile Defence Committee (AMDC) and their subordinate structures. Specific responsibilities include policy and capability development and delivery, support and oversight of pol-mil aspects and programs in the areas of Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD), Joint Intelligence, Reconnaissance, Surveillance (JISR), Aerospace as well as multinational armaments cooperation and projects.The IAMD Section is responsible for policy guidance, programmatic support, capability development and delivery and cooperation on all IAMD-related matters, including relevant space and other air power topics, as well as the development of integrated air and missile defence capabilities within the framework of the NATO Defence Planning Process (NDPP). The Section supports the DPPC(MD), the AMDC, IAMD-related aspects of CNAD work and the programmatic governance of NATO BMD and AirC2 programs. The Section develops and conducts relevant activities with Partners in various NATO fora. It liaises and coordinates with all space and integrated air and missile defence entities, in particular the NATO Military Authorities (NMAs) and other relevant NATO bodies and agencies and external stakeholders.The incumbent is responsible for managing, promoting and coordinating all assigned activities. This includes: working with nations, NMAs and Partners to develop and implement relevant IAMD policies to ensure a comprehensive approach to Alliance integrated air and missile defence; establishing work priorities to support Directorate, Division, Committee and Alliance goals and objectives; providing advice to senior personnel and the Private Office on all IAMD, AirC2 and IAMD-space related issues; anticipating requirements and providing similar inputs to other Divisions or entities. Perform any other related duty as assigned.2. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCEESSENTIALThe incumbent must:hold a university degree, or have an equivalent level of qualification, preferably with a specialisation in political science, international affairs, security and defence policy;have at least five years’ of relevant professional experience working for an international organisation or a national administration, with a focus on defence policy and international relations;have a broad knowledge of political-military aspects of NATO integrated missile defense (IAMD), including ballistic missile defence;demonstrate skills for independent conceptual analysis and policy development related to IAMD and BMD issues;demonstrate a good understanding of current political and defence issues, as well as priorities affecting the Alliance;be able to draft quickly, clearly and concisely in one of the official languages of the Organization with commonly used office software packages;be experienced in preparing and presenting briefings to military and civilian audiences at all levels;possess the following minimum levels of NATO’s official languages (English/French): V (“Advanced”) in one; I (“Beginner”) in the other.DESIRABLEThe following would be considered an advantage:have a good understanding of NATO’s deterrence and defence policy;be familiar with the civil and military structures of the Alliance;have defence policy experience in a Ministry of Defence or Foreign Affairs, national delegation or NATO body addressing defence capabilities development and delivery.3. MAIN ACCOUNTABILITIESPolicy DevelopmentContribute to the development of NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence policy, including BMD, draft conceptual working papers. Coordinate with other colleagues in the IAMD Section, the DI Division, as well as other Divisions, the NATO Military Authorities (NMAs) and national experts to develop options and recommendations on future space and integrated air and missile defence concepts, policies, required capabilities and activities. Contribute to the preparation of and advice on IAMD and BMD related meetings and documents to the respective Committees and the North Atlantic Council, as appropriate. Liaise with partners and relevant international orgnaizations, on to develop relevant policies and approaches, as appropriate.Expertise DevelopmentContribute with expertise to support on-going work on IAMD and BMD policy development, including in relation to parnters, third states and international organisations,. Monitor and analyse relevant missile defence technologies and capabilitites, policies and their implications for NATO. Maintain general knowledge of the Organization and its priorities and structure, as well as political awareness and familiarity with current developments in international affairs, deterrence and defence.Stakeholder ManagementLiase with all relevant conterparts within NATO Headquarters and with NATO bodies, agencies, nations and military authorities working on IAMD and BMD issues to ensure coherence, coordination and transparency. Support Head/ IAMD Section in ensuring the smooth and efficient work within the Section, including international staff officers and assistants, national secondees and interns, as well as with other relevant colleages in the DI and other DIvisions. Establish contacts and ensure relevant liaison and commuicaiton with selected partner nations, third states, international organisations, as relevant.Information ManagementSupport the Head of Section in ensuring transparency and infromation flows with relevant stakeholders within the Section and throughout the NATO strucutres. Liaise with the Public Diplomacy Division on all IAMD-related strategic communications issues, as appropriate. Contribute to the development of IAMD-related websites, articiles and public engagements, as relevant.Representation of the OrganizationParticipate in and support relevant meetings, seminars, exercises and workshops providing briefings, expertise and assistance on integrated air and missile defence-related subjects and Alliance policies and objectives. Represent the IAMD Section at relevant fora, as necessary.Knowledge ManagementSupport the preparation of relevant IAMD and BMD documents as necessary, and exchange knowledge and information with colleagues on relevant issues. Conduct research, draft and support the development of policy documents, strategic communications, press points, lectures and speeches, articles and public-facing materials on relevant IAMD issues. Work with the administrative staff to ensure that documents are distributed in a timely manner to stakeholders and customers.4. INTERRELATIONSHIPSThe incumbent reports to the Head of Section, but is responsible for executing a large amount of independent work, also in coordination with other IAMD colleagues working on policy development, including relevant partnerhips. He/she will maintain a good working relationship with members of other International Staff (IS) Divisions and the International Military Staff, and will provide guidance on policy development and implementation on a regular basis to senior management and international stakeholders. He/she will work closely with staff of the Bi-Strategic Commands and subordinate HQs, including centres of excellence, national, including Partners, delegations/authorities and NATO Agencies.Direct reports: N/aIndirect reports: N/a.5. COMPETENCIESThe incumbent must demonstrate:Analytical Thinking: Makes complex plans or analyses;Clarity and Accuracy: Checks own work;Conceptual Thinking: Applies learned concepts;Customer Service Orientation: Takes personal responsibility for correcting problems;Impact and Influence: Takes multiple actions to persuade;Initiative: Is decisive in a time-sensitive situation;Organisational Awareness: Understands organisational climate and culture;Teamwork: Solicits inputs and encourages others6. CONTRACTContract to be offered to the successful applicant (if non-seconded): Definite duration contract of three years; possibility of renewal for up to three years, during which the incumbent may apply for conversion to an indefinite duration contract.Contract clause applicable:In accordance with the contract policy, this is a post in which turnover is desirable for political reasons in order to be able to accommodate the Organisation's need to carry out its tasks as mandated by the Nations in a changing environment, for example by maintaining the flexibility necessary to shape the Organisation's skills profile, and to ensure appropriate international diversity.The maximum period of service foreseen in this post is 6 years. The successful applicant will be offered a 3-year definite duration contract, which may be renewed for a further period of up to 3 years. However, according to the procedure described in the contract policy the incumbent may apply for conversion to an indefinite contract during the period of renewal and no later than one year before the end of contract.If the successful applicant is seconded from the national administration of one of NATO’s member States, a 3-year definite duration contract will be offered, which may be renewed for a further period of up to 3 years subject also to the agreement of the national authority concerned. The maximum period of service in the post as a seconded staff member is six years.Serving staff will be offered a contract in accordance with the NATO Civilian Personnel Régulations.NOTE:Irrespective of previous qualifications and experience, candidates for twin-graded posts will be appointed at the lower grade. Advancement to the higher grade is not automatic, and will not normally take place during the first three years of service in the post.Under specific circumstances, serving staff members may be appointed directly to the higher grade, and a period of three years might be reduced by up to twenty four months for external candidates. These circumstances are described in the IS directive on twin-graded posts.7. RECRUITMENT PROCESSPlease note that we can only accept applications from nationals of NATO member countries.Applications must be submitted using e-recruitment system, as applicable:For NATO civilian staff members only: please apply via the internal recruitment portal (for more information, please contact your local Civilian HR Manager);For all other applications: www.nato.int/recruitmentPlease note that at the time of the interviews, candidates will be asked to provide evidence of their education and professional experience as relevant for this vacancy.Appointment will be subject to receipt of a security clearance (provided by the national Authorities of the selected candidate) and approval of the candidate’s medical file by the NATO Medical Adviser.More information about the recruitment process and conditions of employment, can be found at our website (http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/recruit-hq-e.htm)8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONNATO is committed to diversity and inclusion, and strives to provide equal access to employment, advancement and retention, independent of gender, age, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, cultural background, sexual orientation, and disability. NATO welcomes applications of nationals from all member Nations, and strongly encourages women to apply.Building Integrity is a key element of NATO’s core tasks. As an employer, NATO values commitment to the principles of integrity, transparency and accountability in accordance with international norms and practices established for the defence and related security sector. Selected candidates are expected to be role models of integrity, and to promote good governance through ongoing efforts in their work.Due to the broad interest in NATO and the large number of potential candidates, telephone or e-mail enquiries cannot be dealt with.Applicants who are not successful in this competition may be offered an appointment to another post of a similar nature, albeit at the same or a lower grade, provided they meet the necessary requirements.The nature of this position may require the staff member at times to be called upon to travel for work and/or to work outside normal office hours.The organization offers several work-life policies including Teleworking and Flexible Working arrangements (Flexitime) subject to business requirements.Please note that the International Staff at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium is a non-smoking environment.
Officer, IAMD operational issues
NATO - OTAN, Brussel
1. SUMMARYThe Defence Investment Division (DI) is responsible for the development of investments in assets and capabilities aimed at enhancing the Alliance’s defence capacity, including armaments planning and development, space, integrated air and missile defence (IAMD), airspace management and aviation command and control.The Armament and Aerospace Capabilities Directorate (A&ACap) supports consensus decision making at NATO Headquarters on a wide range of joint, land, air & space, and maritime capabilities required for the full range of the Alliance’s missions. To that end, it provides relevant advice to NATO Committees and the Organization’s senior management. In particular, the Directorate supports the work of the Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD), the Aviation Committee (AVC), the Defence Planning and Policy Committee on Missile Defence (DPPC (MD)), the Air and Missile Defence Committee (AMDC) and their subordinate structures. Specific responsibilities include policy and capability development and delivery, support and oversight of pol-mil aspects and programs in the areas of Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD), Joint Intelligence, Reconnaissance, Surveillance (JISR), Aerospace as well as multinational armaments cooperation and projects.The IAMD Section is responsible for policy guidance, programmatic support, capability development and delivery and cooperation on all IAMD-related matters, including relevant space and other air power topics, as well as the development of integrated air and missile defence capabilities within the framework of the NATO Defence Planning Process (NDPP). The Section supports the DPPC(MD), the AMDC, IAMD-related aspects of CNAD work and the programmatic governance of NATO BMD and AirC2 programs. The Section develops and conducts relevant activities with Partners in various NATO fora. It liaises and coordinates with all space and integrated air and missile defence entities, in particular the NATO Military Authorities (NMAs) and other relevant NATO bodies and agencies and external stakeholders.The incumbent is responsible for managing, promoting and coordinating all assigned activities. This includes: working with nations, NMAs and Partners to develop and implement relevant IAMD policies to ensure a comprehensive approach to Alliance integrated air and missile defence; establishing work priorities to support Directorate, Division, Committee and Alliance goals and objectives; providing advice to senior personnel and the Private Office on all IAMD, AirC2 and IAMD-space related issues; anticipating requirements and providing similar inputs to other Divisions or entities. Perform any other related duty as assigned.2. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCEESSENTIALThe incumbent must:hold a university degree or a degree from a defence academy;have at least four years of professional experience in air defence or ballistic missile defence;demonstrate familiarity with NATO Integrated Air and Missile defence policy, military and operational planning development;have background in air defence or ballistic missile defence exercises, training and experiments;demonstrate excellent knowledge of NATO’s Command structure;demonstrate knowledge of NATO’s deterrence and defence at a conceptual and operational level;have experience with integrated air and missile defence NATO and multinational exercises, such as Steadfast Alliance, Steadfast Armour, Nimble Titan and Joint Project Optic Windmill (JPOW);be able to draft quickly, clearly and concisely in one of the official languages of the Organization with commonly used office software packages ;be experienced in preparing and presenting briefings to military and civilian audiences at all levels;possess the following minimum levels of NATO’s official languages (English/French): V (“Advanced”) in one; I (“Beginner”) in the other .DESIRABLEThe following would be considered an advantage:a postgraduate qualifications relevant for the post;ballistic missile defence experience in a government or international organisation;experience in (Theatre) Missile Defence activities, including with non-NATO nations;knowledge of the NATO Defence Planning Process;have defence policy experience in a Ministry of Defence or Foreign Affairs, national delegation or NATO body addressing defence capabilities development and delivery.3. MAIN ACCOUNTABILITIESPolicy DevelopmentPrepare specialist documentation dealing with, military and operational planning aspects of BMD policy and posture, and liaise with other bodies and stakeholders working in related areas.Contribute to the development of NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence policy, including BMD. Work to ensure coherence between policy and operational developments. Coordinate with other colleagues in the IAMD Section, the DI Division, as well as other Divisions, the NATO Military Authorities (NMAs) and national experts to develop options and recommendations on future space and integrated air and missile defence concepts, policies, required capabilities and activities. Draft expert-level documentation on relevant military and operational planning aspects of IAMD and BMD policy and posture, exercises and training. Work in support of the relevant Committees and the North Atlantic Council.Expertise DevelopmentProvide advice and recommendations to committees/bodies addressing integrated air and missile defence issues. Remain abreast of developments in all relevant missile defence technologies and capabilities, policies and their operational use. Keep senior management informed of these developments.Stakeholder ManagementLiaise with all relevant conterparts within NATO Headquarters and with NATO bodies, agencies, nations and military authorities, as well as industry representatives working on IAMD and BMD issues to ensure coherence, coordination and transparency. Participate actively in bodies working on integrated air and missile defence and monitor the work of other NATO bodies/stakeholders involved in related activities, conferring with them on a regular basis. Consult with missile defence experimentation and exercise organisations/cells in NATO Member Countries, Partner Countries, where relevant, and NATO Agencies with a view to getting their support for NATO activities and to coordinating their efforts as required.Project ManagementAdvise on the planning, implementation, monitoring and assessment phases of NATO’s IAMD capability, working with other colleagues in the IAMD Section, as well as representatives of relevant agencies and NMAs.Knowledge ManagementDraft relevant IAMD and BMD documents, background briefs and speaking notes as necessary, and exchange knowledge and information with colleagues on relevant issues. Conduct research and remain abreast of relevant technologies, capabilities, exercises and other operational issues . Ensure effective and efficient planning and execution of relevant NATO IAMD and BMD exercises, workshops and seminars. Work closely with the NMAs and relevant NATO Commands on these issues.Representation of the OrganizationParticipate in and support relevant meetings, seminars, exercises, training activities and workshops providing briefings, expertise and assistance on integrated air and missile defence-related subjects and Alliance policies and objectives. Represent the IAMD Section at relevant fora, as necessary.4. INTERRELATIONSHIPSThe incumbent reports to the Head, Integrated Air and Missile Defence Section.He/she will maintain a good working relationship with members of other International Staff (IS) Divisions and the International Military Staff, and will provide guidance on policy development and implementation on a regular basis to senior management and international stakeholders. He/she will work closely with staff of the Bi-Strategic Commands and subordinate HQs, including centres of excellence, national delegations/authorities/industry and NATO Agencies, as appropriate.Direct reports: N/aIndirect reports: N/a.5. COMPETENCIESThe incumbent must demonstrate:Achievement: Creates own measures of excellence and improves performance.Analytical Thinking: Sees multiple relationships.Change Leadership: Expresses vision for change.Impact and Influence: Uses indirect influence.Initiative: Is decisive in a time-sensitive situation.Organizational Awareness: Understands organisational politics.Teamwork: Solicits inputs and encourages others.6 . CONTRACTContract to be offered to the successful applicant (if non-seconded): Definite duration contract of three years; possibility of renewal for up to three years, during which the incumbent may apply for conversion to an indefinite duration contract.Contract clause applicable:In accordance with the contract policy, this is a post in which turnover is desirable for political reasons in order to be able to accommodate the Organisation's need to carry out its tasks as mandated by the Nations in a changing environment, for example by maintaining the flexibility necessary to shape the Organisation's skills profile, and to ensure appropriate international diversity.The maximum period of service foreseen in this post is 6 years. The successful applicant will be offered a 3-year definite duration contract, which may be renewed for a further period of up to 3 years. However, according to the procedure described in the contract policy the incumbent may apply for conversion to an indefinite contract during the period of renewal and no later than one year before the end of contract.If the successful applicant is seconded from the national administration of one of NATO’s member States, a 3-year definite duration contract will be offered, which may be renewed for a further period of up to 3 years subject also to the agreement of the national authority concerned. The maximum period of service in the post as a seconded staff member is six years.Serving staff will be offered a contract in accordance with the NATO Civilian Personnel Régulations.7. RECRUITMENT PROCESSPlease note that we can only accept applications from nationals of NATO member countries.Applications must be submitted using e-recruitment system, as applicable:For NATO civilian staff members only: please apply via the internal recruitment portal (for more information, please contact your local Civilian HR Manager);For all other applications: www.nato.int/recruitmentPlease note that at the time of the interviews, candidates will be asked to provide evidence of their education and professional experience as relevant for this vacancy.Appointment will be subject to receipt of a security clearance (provided by the national Authorities of the selected candidate) and approval of the candidate’s medical file by the NATO Medical Adviser.More information about the recruitment process and conditions of employment, can be found at our website (http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/recruit-hq-e.htm)8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONNATO is committed to diversity and inclusion, and strives to provide equal access to employment, advancement and retention, independent of gender, age, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, cultural background, sexual orientation, and disability. NATO welcomes applications of nationals from all member Nations, and strongly encourages women to apply.Building Integrity is a key element of NATO’s core tasks. As an employer, NATO values commitment to the principles of integrity, transparency and accountability in accordance with international norms and practices established for the defence and related security sector. Selected candidates are expected to be role models of integrity, and to promote good governance through ongoing efforts in their work.Due to the broad interest in NATO and the large number of potential candidates, telephone or e-mail enquiries cannot be dealt with.Applicants who are not successful in this competition may be offered an appointment to another post of a similar nature, albeit at the same or a lower grade, provided they meet the necessary requirements.The nature of this position may require the staff member at times to be called upon to travel for work and/or to work outside normal office hours.The organization offers several work-life policies including Teleworking and Flexible Working arrangements (Flexitime) subject to business requirements.Please note that the International Staff at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium is a non-smoking environment.
Officer, Extra-Budgetary Funds (EBFs)
NATO - OTAN, Brussel
1. SUMMARYThe Office of Financial Control (OFC) is responsible for the management of financial and budgetary control systems for several NATO entities, primarily the NATO International Staff (IS) Civil Budget. As the custodian of Member Nations’ funds, the OFC provides reliable and value adding financial and procurement services in support of front-line Divisions, enabling them to achieve their objectives. It works to comply with International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and other best practices, including the management of enterprise risk.The OFC is responsible for financial operations and reporting for the: NATO-IS; NATO-wide pension funds and related funds (currently: Defined Benefit Pension Scheme, Provident Fund, Defined Contribution Pension Scheme and Retirees Medical Claims Fund); bodies and projects located at NATO HQ (currently NATO Naval Forces sensors and weapons Accuracy Check Site [FORACS] and Munitions Safety Information Analysis Centre [MSIAC]); Extra-Budgetary Funds (EBFs); and bilateral arrangements, including the Tax Reimbursement Agreement with the United States (U.S.). The NATO-IS budget includes Brussels Headquarters operations as well as external Offices.Standards applicable to NATO in the finance area are the NATO Financial Regulations (NFRs) and Financial Rules and Procedures (FRPs), the IPSAS, the NATO Civilian Personnel Regulations (CPRs), and the NATO Code of Conduct.EBFs are defined as any financial contributions that are provided to NATO and that are not part of the annual common funded budget process governed by Section IV of the NFRs (e.g. Civil Budget). They fall under the NFRs category of non-appropriated funds and consist of trust funds, including those managed by NATO Agencies, and accounts held in the OFC to supplement specific common funded activities. A NATO EBF may be established/run for a single programme or a single project or used for multiple related activities either as one off individual events or multiple events over multiple financial years.The Office of Financial Control uses the Oracle EBS software for its operations and reporting.In accordance with the rules in force in the Organization, the Officer EBFs, under the supervision of the Deputy Financial Controller, has primary responsibility for the drafting, reviewing and negotiation of EBFs related documentation, such as fund and project modalities, Execution Management Agreements (EMAs), and grant and cooperative agreements. The incumbent is also responsible for the review and approval of the financial transactions relating to EBFs such as pledges, financial commitments and payments, ensuring that transactions are properly justified and documented and that comply with applicable regulations and modalities. S/he must also ensure that appropriate credits are committed to cover the financial liabilities associated with this type of transactions.Further, the Officer EBFs supports the Financial Controller in the development of policies and procedures relating to EBFs and is also involved in the production of relevant financial reporting information, in accordance with agreed standards.The incumbent will be expected to exercise initiative and creativity and to work with only limited supervision. S/he will be expected to manage a wide-ranging portfolio and to accept responsibility for bringing matters to completion and achieving required results. S/he should have good people skills and be able to work closely and effectively with finance colleagues, representatives of Divisions, EBFs governing boards and representatives of Allied Nations. The incumbent must have excellent analytical skills and appreciation of the relationship between financial and policy issues. S/he must be able to present EBFs documents and reports in a compelling, accurate, and clear manner.The Officer EBFs acts for, or represents, the Financial Controller, when required within the limits specified in applicable regulations and his/her warrant.2. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCEESSENTIALThe incumbent must:have a university degree (or equivalent level of qualification) in economics, accounting, business administration, public administration, finance, management, or related discipline;have at least 3 years of experience in fields relevant to this post, such as financial management, budgeting, accounting, and controlling, acquired in international organizations, governmental or non-governmental organizations, and multinational organizations;demonstrate experience in the review and/or drafting of memorandums of understanding, cooperative agreements and similar types of institutional, non-commercial arrangements;have proven experience in stakeholders’ management, (interaction with senior representatives of corporate departments or business units, participation in management, audit, or financial boards or committees, management of relationships with third parties, etc.);have proven experience in the use of ERP systems such as Oracle e-Business Suite or SAP;demonstrate excellent communication and interpersonal skills;possess the following minimum levels of NATO’s official languages (English/French): V (“Advanced”) in one; and II (“Elementary”) in the other.DESIRABLEThe following would be considered an advantage:good knowledge of or familiarity with the organisation and operations of international organizations and more particularly the NATO International Staff, NATO International Military Staff, NATO committees and NATO agencies;knowledge of and/or experience with financial processes and regulations applicable to government or international organizations;knowledge of and/or experience with the management of trust funds, donations, and financial assistance programmes;significant recent experience in the use of Oracle Financials applications; andexperience in risk management applied to the management of third-party agreements, trust funds, grants or other types of financial assistance and cooperative programmes and activities.3. MAIN ACCOUNTABILITIESFinancial ManagementDraft, review and negotiate EBFs-related documentation, such as fund and project modalities, EMAs, pledge letters, and grant and cooperative agreements. Process, verify and approve, within the limits of the incumbent’s warrant, transactions relating to EBFs such as commitments, payments, and non-commercial agreements, ensuring that all transactions are properly justified and documented and that they comply with applicable regulations and EBFs modalities. Answer queries concerning EBFs, applicable financial arrangements, and management fees. Maintain the EBFs contribution tables and determine the amounts due from donors and amounts due to donors upon closure of EBFs. Prepare correspondence to Nations and follow-up on unpaid contributions. Correspond with EBFs Executing Agents to ensure accurate payment of invoices and financial reporting. Manage operations related to management and administration costs. In coordination with the Treasury Service, supervise the deposit and payment of funds, establish and collect invoices due, and reconcile with the EBF's bank accounts. In liaison with the Control, Accounting and Finance Service, prepare EBFs financial reports and conduct periodic closures of accounts. Contribute to the production and preparation of financial statements.Stakeholder ManagementBuild and maintain effective working relationships with representatives of Divisions, such as project managers and Budget Officers, representatives of national delegations of NATO member and partner nations, and members of resource boards and steering committees. Liaise with stakeholders and provide advice on solutions to business needs, associated financial risks and mitigation measures, and relevant policies and procedures. Maintain regular contacts with the Budget Planning and Analysis Service, concerning all budgetary and financial matters of the Civil Budget (e.g., financial arrangements and management fees) and the Office of the Legal Advisor, regarding the legal aspects of non-commercial arrangements. Maintain stakeholders’ confidence by respecting deadlines, showing professional competence, attending to detail, and maintaining confidentiality when appropriate. Ensure due diligence when collecting outstanding debts; exercising tact and diplomacy when required. Develop the role of the OFC as a service provider to other Divisions and member Nations, especially with regard to EBFs.Planning and ExecutionEnsure that optimised processes and documented procedures are in place to review, execute and record accurate and timely transactions and arrangements in accordance with relevant standards (NATO Financial Regulations, Trust Funds Overarching Guidance, IPSAS, CPRs, etc). Oversee processes that are required to document fund availability, ensuring the propriety of proposed expenditures and checking the financial viability of required payments and receipts in accordance with the NATO Financial Regulations and the Financial Rules and Procedures. Ensure that donations, projects, and dispositions of funds comply with applicable regulations and procedures. Support and contribute to the preparation of financial reports, financial plans, trust fund and EBF modalities, EMAs, memorandums of agreement, cooperative agreements and other similar documentation and instruments.Project ManagementRepresent OFC in meetings of project management and steering boards. Contribute and support EBFs programmatic activities and initiatives as expert in financial management, financial risks, and financial regulations and procedures. Work in close coordination with colleagues in the OFC and other areas of the NATO HQ to clarify financial management and procedural issues relating to non-procurement related transactions and project activities.Expertise DevelopmentSupport the Financial Controller in the shaping of OFC business processes to align them with best practices and generally accepted standards applicable to the administration and financial control of non-procurement related transactions and EBFs. Stay abreast of significant policy, methodological and technical developments relevant to the post’s duties. Represent the Financial Controller, as required, in fora dealing with budget execution, EBFs, financial management and reporting and related boards and committees.Policy DevelopmentContribute to policy development in the areas of programme and project management, development and negotiation of EBFs’ related arrangements (e.g., grants, cooperative agreements and EMAs) and management of EBFs. Establish and document the related internal control activities and procedures.Organisational EfficienciesReview relevant financial operations, processes and procedures to identify opportunities for the improvement of efficiency, effectiveness and control. Support efforts undertaken to implement new tools and solutions for the management of non-procurement related transactions and EBFs.Knowledge ManagementEnsure appropriate storage and sharing of knowledge and information relating to non-commercial transactions and EBFs. Monitor relevant risks and control activities. Communicate and share relevant information with other Services in OFC and with stakeholders in timely manner.Perform any other related duty as assigned.4. INTERRELATIONSHIPSThe incumbent reports to the Deputy Financial Controller. S/he works in close coordination with other enterprise projects and initiatives. S/he works closely with OFC Heads of Service as well as internal clients: Budget Officers and project and programme managers of Divisions, Independent Offices and Agencies, Executive Management (Human Resources and Budget Planning & Analysis), the Office of the Legal Advisor and others.Direct reports: N/AIndirect reports: N/A.5. COMPETENCIESThe incumbent must demonstrate:Achievement: Creates own measures of excellence and improves performance;Analytical Thinking: Sees multiple relationships;Clarity and Accuracy: Checks the work of others;Conceptual Thinking: Clarifies complex data or situations;Customer Service Orientation: Takes personal responsibility for correcting problems;Empathy: Is open to others' perspectives;Impact and Influence: Uses indirect influence;Initiative: Plans and acts up to a year ahead;Integrity: Acts consistently with personal values;Organisational Awareness: Understands organizational climate and culture;Self-Control: Manages stress effectively.6 . CONTRACT:Contract to be offered to the successful applicant (if non-seconded): Definite duration contract of three years; possibility of renewal for up to three years, during which the incumbent may apply for conversion to an indefinite duration contract.Contract clause applicable:In accordance with the contract policy, this is a post in which turnover is desirable for political reasons in order to be able to accommodate the Organisation's need to carry out its tasks as mandated by the Nations in a changing environment, for example by maintaining the flexibility necessary to shape the Organisation's skills profile, and to ensure appropriate international diversity.The maximum period of service foreseen in this post is 6 years. The successful applicant will be offered a 3-year definite duration contract, which may be renewed for a further period of up to 3 years. However, according to the procedure described in the contract policy the incumbent may apply for conversion to an indefinite contract during the period of renewal and no later than one year before the end of contract.If the successful applicant is seconded from the national administration of one of NATO’s member States, a 3-year definite duration contract will be offered, which may be renewed for a further period of up to 3 years subject also to the agreement of the national authority concerned. The maximum period of service in the post as a seconded staff member is six years.Serving staff will be offered a contract in accordance with the NATO Civilian Personnel Régulations.NOTE:Irrespective of previous qualifications and experience, candidates for twin-graded posts will be appointed at the lower grade. Advancement to the higher grade is not automatic, and will not normally take place during the first three years of service in the post.Under specific circumstances, serving staff members may be appointed directly to the higher grade, and a period of three years might be reduced by up to twenty four months for external candidates. These circumstances are described in the IS directive on twin-graded posts.7. RECRUITMENT PROCESS:Please note that we can only accept applications from nationals of NATO member countries.Applications must be submitted using e-recruitment system, as applicable:For NATO civilian staff members only: please apply via the internal recruitment portal (for more information, please contact your local Civilian HR Manager);For all other applications: www.nato.int/recruitmentPlease note that at the time of the interviews, candidates will be asked to provide evidence of their education and professional experience as relevant for this vacancy.Appointment will be subject to receipt of a security clearance (provided by the national Authorities of the selected candidate) and approval of the candidate’s medical file by the NATO Medical Adviser.More information about the recruitment process and conditions of employment, can be found at our website (http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/recruit-hq-e.htm)8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:http://www.nato.int/structur/recruit/info-doc/GENERAL_INFORMATION_EN.docx
Ervaren advocaat privaatrecht (m/v)
Heeft jouw carrière nood aan nieuwe boost?  Ben je op zoek naar een werkgever die verder nadenkt dan de standaard procedures?Voor een advocatenkantoor in de Hasseltse regio gaan we op zoek naar extra versterking voor hun team. Hun specialisatie is gelegen in het ondernemings- en contractenrecht en Hun cliënteel is erg divers, gaande van pure ondernemers tot vrije beroepers.Advocaat - de job Zelfstandig behandelen van jouw dossiers van A tot Z (verbintenissenrecht, handelsrecht, consumentenrecht, ondernemingsrecht,...) Adviseren van jouw eigen klantenportefeuille Je helpt actief mee aan de uitbouw van het kantoor en onderhoudt belangrijke klantenrelaties begeleiden van jouw minder ervaren collega's Profil Doe de Check - Check - Check Heb je een masterdiploma in de rechten? Kan je je baliestage afsluiten en heb jij dus minstens 3 jaar ervaring? Ben je ambitieus en kijk je al uit naar de volgende stap in jouw carrière? Connaissances linguistiques Nederlands : Goed
Compliance Officer Regulations - Chemie (m/v)
Compliance Officer Regulations - Chemie Regio Ieper - Vast Contract #chemie #feed #industry #industrie #responsible #quality #management #verantwoordelijke #master #bachelor #productie #Ieper #SAP #ERP #administration #technical #files #België Je bent een krak in alles dat compliance en regelgeving inhoudt of hebt hier interesse in? Je gaat steeds nauwkeurig te werk en hebt goesting om je te verdiepen in de productdatabase? Tenslotte beschik je over een bachelor- of masterdiploma in een relevante studie zoals (bio)chemie? Lees dan jouw toekomstige jobomschrijving! Onze partner is op zoek naar een Compliance Officer Regulations om hun team te versterken. Dit gerenommeerd bedrijf actief in de chemische sector, is internationaal actief en staat ervoor gekend kwaliteit en innovatie hoog in het vaandel te dragen. Met enkele decennia aan ervaring behoren zij tot de top van België en in de wereld. Voor deze functie werk je vanop de site regio Ieper. Jouw verantwoordelijkheden? Je zal een sleutelrol vervullen binnen management van verschillende types gegevens, waarbij je in een erg afwisselende en uitdagende functie zal opstarten. Je takenpakket bestaat o.a. uit: De creatie, het beheer en de update van onze productdatabase in SAP en ERP. Je waarborgt de consistentie van deze gegevens inzake wetgeving, normen en (interne) kwaliteitseisen. Je stelt labels en technische documenten op en voorziet hierbij dat alle gewenste informatie, procedures en processen aan de wetgeving en voorschriften beantwoorden. Je maakt gebruikt van onze IT instrumenten (InDesign, Bartender, ExESS) om documenten te verkrijgen met een hoge kwaliteit en accuraatheid. * Je ondersteunt proactief verschillende interne stakeholders: Regulatory Affairs, Sales, Productie en Logistiek. Profil Wie ben je? Je bent een gedisciplineerd persoon, werkt nauwkeurig en bent ook sterk in communicatie. Belangrijker dan je ervaring, is je goesting om je te verdiepen in de ontwikkeling van onze productdatabase. Je bent een administratieve, punctuele duizendpoot, ervaring met Excel, SAP, ERP zijn een mooie plus. Als vlotte communicator is de Engelse taal voor jou onontbeerlijk, andere talen zijn een plus (Frans, Duits). Daarnaast werk je graag in team, maar kan je eveneens zelfstandig werken. Je ben dynamisch en kan om met een snel veranderende wetgeving. Je bent bereid om je constant te verdiepen in alle updates en om je erin vast te bijten. Connaissances linguistiques Nederlands : Goed
Regulatory Compliance Officer : FATCA/ MIFID/PEP (h/f)
The performance of the company and the strong growth of their activity allow them to recruit a Compliance Officer able to manage PEP, FATCA, MIFID and Regulatory requirement.Regulatory Compliance Officer : FATCA/ MIFID/PEP Manage the regulatory requirements KYC Management Manage PEP Client Manage FATCA/MIFID Monitoring of AML Set-up compliance control Close contact with Private Bankers Profil Regulatory Compliance Officer : FATCA/ MIFID/PEP Master in Law or Finance Around 5 years in Regulatory/ Legal/Compliance/ Audit Strong knowledge of the Belgian regulatory requirements French and English fluent Connaissances linguistiques Français : Bon
Juridisch adviseur (m/v)
Belangrijke organisatie voor zelfstandigen en KMO met zetel te Brussel zoekt een Juridisch adviseur (M/V/X).je geeft mondeling en schriftelijk juridisch advies aan zelfstandigen; je volgt de wetgeving en de ondernemersactualiteit nauwgezet op; je behandelt vooral dossiers binnen het domein van het economisch recht, sociaal recht, contractenrecht, ¿ je verzorgt redactionele artikels in het ledenblad. Profil adviesverlening is jouw ding; je kan je inleven in de wereld van de ondernemers en de kmo¿s; je kan vlot juridische informatie communiceren zowel mondeling als schriftelijk; je bent Nederlandstalig; een goede kennis van de Franse taal is een pluspunt; je kan problemen analyseren en synthetiseren; zin voor initiatief; je kan zowel zelfstandig als in teamverband werken. Connaissances linguistiques Nederlands : Goed