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Aanbevolen vacatures

Inside Sales Engineer Fluid Control & Steam (m/v)
Klinger Belgium, met gloednieuw kantoor in Vilvoorde, is een Oostenrijks familiebedrijf met een ondertussen rijke geschiedenis. Sinds 1886 ontwikkelden ze zich tot specialist op het gebied van flens- en dynamische afdichtingen, (stoom)appendages en afsluiters, filtratie. Met een gamma dat bestaat uit zowel eigen producten als producten van kwalitatieve leveranciers, kunnen ze maatoplossingen voorzien voor allerhande industriële klanten in diverse sectoren (voeding, chemie, farma, ...). Ter uitbreiding van het huidige salesteam, kijkt Klinger vandaag uit naar een Inside Sales Engineer Fluid Control & Steam.Klantenvragen die via diverse kanalen (mail, telefoon, vertegenwoordigers, ...) binnenkomen, worden door jou en je team behandeld. Je adviseert klanten en helpt hen in de juiste productkeuze voor hun specifieke toepassing. Door je technische kennis kan je de juiste reflexen maken en juiste producten aanbieden. Luisteren in cruciaal: op die manier kan je inschatten wat klanten exact nodig hebben en hoe jij die oplossing kan voorzien. Je geeft technisch advies, maakt offertes op en volgt deze ook op in samenspraak met de buitendienst. Om dit te realiseren ben je een spilfiguur binnen de organisatie: je zorgt voor een vlot contact tussen productspecialisten, leveranciers, klanten, sales, werkplaats, ... Je onderhoudt een nauw contact met klanten en leveranciers via telefoon. Je rapporteert in deze functie aan de Divisie Manager. Profil Je hebt een sterke technische kennis en technisch inzicht verworven door een hogere technische opleiding of gelijkwaardig door ervaring (elektromechanica, burgerlijk/industrieel ingenieur, werktuigkunde, ...). Je hebt een goede talenkennis om klanten in heel België en Luxemburg te woord te kunnen staan (Nederlands en Frans) en om contact met leveranciers te onderhouden (Engels). Maak je de reflex om te bellen in plaats van de mailen? Ideaal! Je hebt commercieel inzicht en bent vanzelfsprekend vlot in je communicatie. Je weet je weg in de courante Office toepassingen. Kennis van afsluiters en stoomproducten is een pluspunt, net als kennis van Navision. Connaissances linguistiques Nederlands : Goed
Project Engineer Electrical & Controls (m/v)
VeroTech, is a young, dynamic and fast growing company specialized in consultancy and engineering services for R&D projects. Clients are multinationals and large companies in sectors such as telecom, automotive, transportation, semiconductor and medical, ... Working at  VeroTech stands for working in an open community with a personal approach where responsibility and strive for excellent results are central. The success of VeroTech is our team of consultants, which are the driving force behind our enterprise. VeroTech manages and develops R&D engineers & projects. To reinforce our Electronics team, VeroTech is looking for a Embedded Software Engineer Defense ! As Project Engineer Electrical & Controls, you work on the development of new electrical components and control systems. Your tasks include: Define technical specifications of engines, valves, sensors and other components Follow-up on the production process (fault detection, solution implementation) Design of electrical control systems Interact with suppliers to make the electrical schemes and do the component selection Define the test procedure and test cases, analyse the test results Coordinate the project team (technicians, test engineers, designers, etc) Support the service department to ensure the quality of the installed products Profil Master in Engineering (electrical, electromechanical) First experience in project management Good theoretical and practical know-how of control systems and electrical components Experience in Matlab/Simulink is an advantage Fast learning and good communicator Fluent in Dutch and English Connaissances linguistiques Nederlands : Goed
Project Engineer Electrical & Controls (h/f)
VeroTech, is a young, dynamic and fast growing company specialized in consultancy and engineering services for R&D projects. Clients are multinationals and large companies in sectors such as telecom, automotive, transportation, semiconductor and medical, ... Working at  VeroTech stands for working in an open community with a personal approach where responsibility and strive for excellent results are central. The success of VeroTech is our team of consultants, which are the driving force behind our enterprise. VeroTech manages and develops R&D engineers & projects. To reinforce our Electronics team, VeroTech is looking for a Embedded Software Engineer Defense ! As Project Engineer Electrical & Controls, you work on the development of new electrical components and control systems. Your tasks include: Define technical specifications of engines, valves, sensors and other components Follow-up on the production process (fault detection, solution implementation) Design of electrical control systems Interact with suppliers to make the electrical schemes and do the component selection Define the test procedure and test cases, analyse the test results Coordinate the project team (technicians, test engineers, designers, etc) Support the service department to ensure the quality of the installed products Profil Master in Engineering (electrical, electromechanical) First experience in project management Good theoretical and practical know-how of control systems and electrical components Experience in Matlab/Simulink is an advantage Fast learning and good communicator Fluent in Dutch and English Connaissances linguistiques Français : Bon
Lead engineer compliance & validation at Ausy
Ausy, Antwerp, PUURS
Ben jij een ervaren projectingenieur? Heb jij een expertise opgebouwd in de farma? Dan is deze functie zeker iets voor jou!De afdeling Compliance & validation van deze farmareus in Puurs is op zoek naar een Lead engineer. Hierbij kom je terecht in een divers team waar teamspirit en een goede sfeer centraal staan. Je start meteen met een vast contract!Heb jij reeds een vijftal jaar ervaring binnen een GMP-omgeving en ben je op zoek naar een job met werkzekerheid? Stuur dan zeker jouw CV door naar [email protected] of bel me op 03 201 39 26.FunctiebeschrijvingAls Lead Engineer Lab Operations stuur je rechtstreeks +/- 10 Project Engineers aan, en indirect analisten die validatietesten uitvoeren in het labo. Als Lead van het compliance & validation team ben jij verantwoordelijk voor de kwaliteit, efficiënte en tijdige oplevering van de projecten die door het team worden gedragen, enkele voorbeelden van deze projecten zijn:• Validaties van testmethodes• Monitoren van compendial updates• Beheren van QC kritische processen• Beheer van het risk register van de afdeling• Team KPI's• Stakeholder management• Meedenken en initiatieven nemen rond procesverbeteringenFunctie-eisenMust:• Master diploma• Minimum 5 jaar ervaring in farma en met GMP• Minstens 1 jaar ervaring in quality control• Kennis van: HPLC, UPLC, SEC, IC, GC, Karl Fisher, AAS, SDS, CE, IEF, Slot Blot, ICP-OES, ELISA, …Nice to have:• PMO certified• Ervaring als leidinggevende• Ervaring met methodevalidatie en PAT Arbeidsvoorwaarden• Contract van onbepaalde duur• Aandacht voor worklife balance• Competitief salarispakket• Hospitalisatieverzekering• Pensioenplan• Fietslease• Ecocheques• Bedrijfsrestaurant• Maaltijdcheques• Bovengemiddeld aantal verlofdagen
Inside Sales Engineer Fluid Control & Steam (m/v)
Klinger Belgium, met gloednieuw kantoor in Vilvoorde , is een Oostenrijks familiebedrijf met een ondertussen rijke geschiedenis. Sinds 1886 ontwikkelden ze zich tot specialist op het gebied van flens- en dynamische afdichtingen, (stoom)appendages en afsluiters, filtratie . Met een gamma dat bestaat uit zowel eigen producten als producten van kwalitatieve leveranciers, kunnen ze maatoplossingen voorzien voor allerhande industriële klanten in diverse sectoren (voeding, chemie, farma, ...). Ter uitbreiding van het huidige salesteam, kijkt Klinger vandaag uit naar een Inside Sales Engineer Fluid Control & Steam. De functieKlantenvragen die via diverse kanalen (mail, telefoon, vertegenwoordigers, ...) binnenkomen, worden door jou en je team behandeld.Je adviseert klanten en helpt hen in de juiste productkeuze voor hun specifieke toepassing. Door je technische kennis kan je de juiste reflexen maken en juiste producten aanbieden.Luisteren in cruciaal: op die manier kan je inschatten wat klanten exact nodig hebben en hoe jij die oplossing kan voorzien.Je geeft technisch advies, maakt offertes op en volgt deze ook op in samenspraak met de buitendienst.Om dit te realiseren ben je een spilfiguur binnen de organisatie: je zorgt voor een vlot contact tussen productspecialisten, leveranciers, klanten, sales, werkplaats, ...Je onderhoudt een nauw contact met klanten en leveranciers via telefoon.Je rapporteert in deze functie aan de Divisie Manager. Profil Jouw profielJe hebt een sterke technische kennis en technisch inzicht verworven door een hogere technische opleiding of gelijkwaardig door ervaring (elektromechanica, burgerlijk/industrieel ingenieur, werktuigkunde, ...).Je hebt een goede talenkennis om klanten in heel België en Luxemburg te woord te kunnen staan (Nederlands en Frans) en om contact met leveranciers te onderhouden (Engels).Maak je de reflex om te bellen in plaats van de mailen? Ideaal!Je hebt commercieel inzicht en bent vanzelfsprekend vlot in je communicatie.Je weet je weg in de courante Office toepassingen.Kennis van afsluiters en stoomproducten is een pluspunt, net als kennis van Navision. Connaissances linguistiques Frans : Goed Nederlands : Goed Engels : Goed
Control Room & Offshore Engineer (m/v)
Je bent verantwoordelijk voor de uitoefening van de dagdagelijkse controle over de werkzaamheden aan alle assets zowel op operationeel vlak als op vlak van onderhoud met als hoofddoel energie op een veilige, conforme en kostenefficiënte manier te produceren. Je neemt een voorbeeldpositie in bij de verdere integratie van de veiligheidscultuur en dit in alle fases van de (aannemers-)onderhoudswerkzaamheden. Je bereidt alle onderhoudswerkzaamheden keurig voor, maakt een duidelijke planning en zorgt dat prioriteiten worden gesteld. In de controlekamer voer je een real-time opvolging uit van alle assets en sta je rechtstreeks in contact met de belangrijkste belanghebbenden/klanten en de TSO. De binnenkomende aanvragen voor onderhoudswerken en reparaties worden door jouw vakkundig oog geëvalueerd en indien nodig laat je corrigerende onderhoudswerkzaamheden uitvoeren. Je waakt over de correcte voorbereiding en planning van alle onderhoudswerkzaamheden om de beschikbaarheid van de windturbines te maximaliseren. Dit doe je steeds in nauwe samenwerking met je collega¿s. Je zorgt dat de herstellingen en onderhoudswerkzaamheden nauwkeurig uitgevoerd worden en houdt hierbij rekening met de vooropgestelde timing en budget. Je bent het eerste aanspreekpunt bij ondersteuning in geval van problemen offshore en neemt de verantwoordelijkheid op om op regelmatige basis (visuele) inspecties uit te voeren op het offshore substation. Daarbovenop blijf je waken over de kwaliteit van de aangeboden dienstverleningen en uitgevoerde werkzaamheden zowel onshore als offshore. Van tijd tot tijd voer je ook maintenance werkzaamheden uit offshore. In geval van storingen in de apparatuur of onverwachte downtime, bied je ondersteuning in de zoektocht naar de oorzaak en zorg je zo voor een snelle oplossing. Je ziet erop toe dat de O&M procedures steeds up to date zijn (in overeenstemming met de gangbare kwaliteits- en HSE-richtlijnen) en bezorgt/controleert alle werkvergunningen. Hierbij rapporteer je rechtstreeks aan de Operations Lead. Profil Je beschikt over een technische achtergrond (bachelor diploma of gelijkwaardig) en dit aangevuld met werkervaring in een industriële omgeving, idealiter met de focus op hoogspanningssystemen Je minstens 5 jaar relevante ervaring kan voorleggen Je bereid bent om offshore te werken (transport per vessel, beklimmen van het platform) en in shiften te werken, waarbij je ook regelmatig van wacht bent (ook tijdens het weekend) Je goed georganiseerd te werk gaat en communicatief sterk bent zowel in het Engels als in het Nederlands Je zeer veiligheidsbewust bent en hierin een rolmodel bent voor anderen Je stressbestendig bent en in staat bent om op een efficiënte manier om te gaan met noodsituaties Je kennis hebt van SCADA IT Systems (dit is een pluspunt) Je geboeid bent door de offshore windenergiesector en dit eveneens op technisch vlak Indien een control room werkomgeving voor jou geen geheimen meer heeft, dan is dit zeker een meerwaarde Connaissances linguistiques Nederlands : Goed Engels : Goed
Automation Engineer (EI&A) (m/v)
Wat houdt jouw functie in? Bij ons werk je iedere dag aan uitdagende, industriële projecten in de voedingsindustrie. Deze projecten zijn gericht op de verbetering, aanpassing en vernieuwing van productieprocessen. Het is van belang dat de processen van onze opdrachtgevers zo efficiënt mogelijk verlopen. Automatisering speelt hier een belangrijke rol. Bij Uticon kunnen we adviseren over de verschillende automatiseringsniveau ¿s: Elektriciteit & Instrumentatie, Process control tot ten slotte MES & WMS . Als automation engineer ben je verantwoordelijk voor het ontwerpen en uitwerken van automatisatie projecten in een industriële omgeving, veelal als onderdeel van een multidisciplinair project. Je houdt je in deze functie onder andere bezig met: · Analyseren van de ¿as is¿ situatie bij de klant en het inventariseren van zijn automatiseringswensen · Vanuit P&ID¿s vertaalslag maken naar een geautomatiseerde werking van de installatie of m.a.w. het detecteren van de elektrische behoeften vanuit de P&ID¿s (electrical engineering) · Het opstellen van User Requirements en deze vertalen naar een automatiseringsplatform · Het opstellen van de benodigde documenten: RFQ, FDS, principe schema¿s, datasheets en dergelijke · Verrichten van voortdurend onderzoek naar de verschillende mogelijkheden die de markt biedt. Je gebruikt deze kennis in aanbevelingen met betrekking tot de verschillende systemen en fabrikanten · In deze rol heb je afwisselend contact met collega¿s, klanten en leveranciers Profil · Je hebt een afgeronde opleiding richting elektromechanica en/of automatisering · Je hebt al enige ervaring opgedaan in een soortgelijke functie in een industriële omgeving en kijkt er naar uit om jouw vakgebied te vertegenwoordigen binnen onze projectteams · Je hebt een goede kennis van de automatiseringsconcepten en hebt ervaring met Scada en PLC toepassingen · Het is voor jou geen probleem om P&ID's en elektrische schema's te interpreteren · Je spreekt vloeiend Nederlands Connaissances linguistiques Nederlands : Goed
Process Control & Automation Engineer
Calderys, Willebroek
The Company The world leader in mineral-based specialty solutions for industry, with over 16,000 employees and over 200 sites worldwide, Imerys delivers high value-added, functional solutions to diversified set of industrial sectors, from processing industries to consumer goods. The Group draws on its knowledge of applications, technological expertise and its material science know-how to deliver solutions based on beneficiation of its mineral resources, synthetic minerals and formulations. These contribute essential properties to customers’ products and performance, including refractoriness, hardness, conductivity, opacity, durability, purity, lightness, filtration, absorption and repellency. Imerys is determined to develop responsibly, in particular by fostering the emergence of environmentally-friendly products and processes. The Position Process Control & Automation Engineer Job Summary Jouw functie: ● Je bent het aanspreekpunt inzake process control & automation bij onderhoud, inspectie, aanpassing aan en installatie van assets, zodat operationele behoeften effectief worden voldaan ● Je zorgt ervoor dat de activiteiten onder jouw verantwoordelijkheid voldoen aan de wettelijke normen en standaarden ● Je beheert alle documentatie rond process control & automation (fit-for-purpose EN up-to-date) ● Je past innovatie toe om performance / winst voortdurend te verbeteren ● Je staat in voor het aanpassen en fine-tunen van de PLC-sturingen in de installatie ● Je houdt toezicht op het effectief uitvoeren van opdrachten: je hebt oog voor veiligheid, stiptheid, volledigheid. Je zorgt ervoor dat alles gedocumenteerd wordt per voorschrift, met juiste de competenties ● Je houdt toezicht op technische specificaties en documentatie ● Je neemt de nodige corrigerende en preventieve maatregelen Een overzicht van jouw hoofdtaken: ● Opvolging van life cycle management betreffende automatisatie & instrumenatie ● Optimalisatie en onderhouden van de installatie met betrekking tot process control & automation ● Verlenen van technische ondersteuning om de installaties efficiënter te laten werken ● Programmatie van PLC’s bijwerken / fine-tunen, visualisaties, optimalisatie en uitwerking alarm management, netwerken in samenspraak met IT, ... ● Uitwerken verbetering concepten a.d.h.v. analyses en feedback van productie; uitwerken van analyses om optimalisaties voor te bereiden ● Maintenance/Shutdown: oplossen van technische problemen binnen de installatie en machines, softwarematig en elektrisch (instrumentatie) ● Oplevering scope en opvolging uitvoering / montage / test op site en bij leveranciers (b.v. kalibratie / certificering) ● Engineering: opstellen van specificaties / functional design(s). Opstellen van testprocedures en maintenance strategie/filosofie. Handleidingen schrijven. ● Project: aanspreekpunt inzake process control & automatisatie (oplevering, opvolging en/of goedkeuring t.o.v. concept, feasibility, detailed engineering, construction, commissioning, start-up, nazorg); verantwoordelijk voor een aantal toegewezen projecten. ● Uitvoeren van functionele bedrading testen en visuele testen bij nieuwbouw / upgrades of wijzigingen van de installatie. ● Staff: opleiding geven aan de techniekers, productiemedewerkers en technische staff t.o.v. bestaande en nieuwe installaties, materialen of uitrusting. Enkele aanvullende taken kunnen zijn: ● Je bent mede verantwoordelijk voor de veiligheid op de site en draagt onze veiligheidsregels uit naar zowel eigen medewerkers als bezoekers en leveranciers. ● Je staat in voor de begeleiding van nieuwe werknemers en waar nodig voor hun opleiding. ● Je bent de contactpersoon voor leveranciers om offertes op te vragen en kritisch te evalueren. ● Je wordt verwacht up-to-date te blijven van nieuwe technologieën binnen process control & automatisatie Wie zoeken we? ● iemand met een sterke achtergrond in techiek en automatisatie. ● Idealiter heb je een masterdiploma in een industriële / technologische richting. Uiteraard kan een bachelordiploma ook als je dit aanvult met relevante praktische werkervaring ● Je bent met je technische expertise en ervaring in staat om techniekers bij te staan bij hun dagelijkse werkzaamheden. ● Je hebt minstens 5 jaar ervaring als maintenance of shutdown engineer of commissioning engineer ● Je hebt in je werkverleden dus zelf ook "gesleuteld" en je hebt al een team van techniekers kunnen aansturen Wij bieden jou: - Een mooie inhoudelijke uitdaging met met veel ruimte voor eigen inbreng en initiatieven bij de wereldmarktleider in zijn sector. - Een mooi brutoloon op maat van jouw aantoonbare kennis en ervaring. - Een mooi pakket extralegale voordelen waaronder maaltijdcheques, een verzekeringspakket, een 13e maand, een eindejaarspremie, een productiepremie en 12 ADV-dagen. - De kans om te werken bij een sterk groeibedrijf met mooie werkzekerheid.
Technology Engineer - Smart Control Systems
Atlas Copco, Antwerpen
.fit_to_content{width:%;height:auto}Our solutions are a key part of most industries - electronics, medical research, renewable energy, food production, infrastructure and many more. Working with us means working with the latest technologies and groundbreaking, sustainable innovations.Join us on our journey for a better tomorrow.Portable Air is a division within Atlas Copco Group, and part of the Power Technique Business Area. We design, manufacture and market a wide range of best-in-class mobile compressors, high pressure boosters and light demolition handheld tools for tough industries all over the world and under various brands. We are headquartered in Antwerp, Belgium, with production in Brazil, China, India and the United States and a global sales organization.In Portable Air, our mission is to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable future. We want to deliver the most sustainable solution for every tough application in every industry. We have made the commitment that for every application we serve, in every region we are, if you partner up with Atlas Copco, you will get the most energy efficient solution available, regardless of which market you are in.Join us on our journey for a better tomorrow. Your RoleWithin our Technology & Innovation department, we are now looking for a Technology Engineer for smart control systems where you will be part of the engineering department of the Portable Air Division and will report to the 'smart controls' Team Coach.As a Technology Engineer Smart Control Systems, together with the rest of the 'smart controls' Technology & Innovation team, you will contribute to the future vision and longer-term development of the Smart Control eco system of our complete product range, being mobile diesel-driven and electric compressors, breakers and air treatment systems. The Smart Control eco system includes the MMI (Man-machine interface) on the machines, connectivity solutions and simulation tools. You will apply your knowledge and skills in order to fulfill the mission of the Technology & Innovation department to become more independent in the controller area, acquire relevant technology knowledge and provide qualified building blocks to the engineering (Design & Development) department to enable a more agile product development.You will be responsible for: - Independent development of software and hardware developments - Developing relevant technical competencies - Developing systems for software quality assurance - Planning and managing internal and external resources - Formulating improvement proposals that can improve the products and/or processes - (Software) prototyping - Knowledge assurance within your field, in general and specifically in the domain of software developmentFurthermore, you will be able to:- actively contribute to the development of new concepts or the optimization of existing concepts- Go through a training program to understand the Portable Air controller eco-system- Monitor the state of the art that could be useful for our product range- Conduct basic research on components or subsystems of controllers for compressors and air treatment systems (dryers, nitrogen generators and/or oxygen generators) - Actively participate in the design and realization of a simulation roadmap for controllers- Actively contribute to improving the reliability and quality of the software- Convert concepts into functional specifications using Confluence. - Plan and supervise the activities of the test engineer(s) with the help of JIRA- Plan and supervise the activities of external resources using JIRA - Ensure a smooth roll-out of the new concepts to the various D&D departments, worldwide - Assist in solving field issues related to the Smart Controls eco system To succeed, you will need Knowledge- You have at least two years of experience in a product design environment in mechanical engineering- Affinity/experience with software development using functional blocks - Affinity with (diesel-driven) machines and their control - Working knowledge of standard IT tools (, Jira, confluence, ...) - Fluency in English Educational requirements- You are a civil or industrial engineer in electronics, electromechanics, or equivalent through experience Personality requirements- You are passionate about technology and love challenges with technical depth- You are creative in the field of technology - You are practical and hands-on and have a healthy team spirit- You have strong communication and coordination skills- You are meticulous, structured and able to deliver precise work Work ethics requirements:- You are an Innovator, striving to create better solutions and ways, to challenge the status quo - You value high standards, always finding better ways and not compromising on quality - You are customer-focused, and you embrace entrepreneurial thinking on all the way from identifying the customer needs to bringing the added value - You are resilient & agile, and you find opportunities in an ever-changing environment- You are open-minded & collaborative to accept new ideas, can learn from mistakes, willing to work in team- You are result-oriented, with “can do” attitude ready to go beyond the job description scope to find the best solution- You are passionate for making a better world, a true believer with full alignment on personal values In return, we offer youYou will work in an international and diverse environment with specialists from different disciplines. Our culture is rooted in Swedish values, which includes a family feeling, respect and diversity. We invest in our employees' development and well-being, and we provide a flexible work-life balance. With our inclusive and caring environment, you get the support and inspiration you need to grow. Here, your ideas are embraced, and you never stop learning.We offer an interesting compensation and benefits package, including health insurance, paid leave and retirement benefits.​
Application Engineer Valves
Flowserve, Antwerpen
Flowserve is a world-leading manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of comprehensive flow control systems. Driven by our Purpose, we are committed to building a more sustainable future to make the world better for everyone. With more than 16,000 employees in more than 50 countries, we combine our global reach with local presence. We support more than 10,000 customers worldwide, creating products to meet the needs of our customers who are supplying energy, fresh water, pharmaceuticals and other essentials to consumers, businesses and governments globally. Join a company where the people challenge themselves to approach each situation with ingenuity and creativity to help provide our customers with the most innovative flow control products and services. You will be part of a team known for its industry-leading talent, unparalleled portfolio, and unmatched commitment to customer success. Flowserve’s culture promotes recognition and rewards creativity, hard work, and commitment. We invite you to put your talents and career in motion at Flowserve. Role Summary: You are a technical specialist with great presentation and negotiation skills and sensitive to recognize commercial opportunities. As an Application Engineer - Valves you will contribute to sharpening the Flowserve proposition as both OEM and preferred partner for service and repair work. You specialize in valves and pneumatic/electric actuators and will team up with our Application Engineering team at our Flow Control Division in Roosendaal. We expect you to build and maintain an excellent work relationship with our outside sales team. You build technically and commercially sound offers and you are well equipped with technical of commercial follow-up questions that a customer or colleague might have. We expect you to provide superior service to make it easy for our customer to do business with Flowserve. Your work location can either be Roosendaal, Antwerp or even Rotterdam and your focus will be the Belgium and Dutch market. Your role Partner with your designated Sales Engineer(s) and Technical Engineers. Increase business, raise customer satisfaction and improve quote-to-order ratio. Provide in-depth technical knowledge/advise on valves and actuator applications to both internal and external clients. Direct question on commercial/legal topics regarding terms of contracts, lead times, and documentation requirements to the right people. Incidental travel to develop business by making presentations and assist with training. Bring additional enthusiasm and energy into the team. Your profile You leverage your individual competences in each specific situation to produce a steady volume of technically and commercially sound offers. Dealing with a variety of people is one of your qualities and you feel little effect of external negatives influences that you might encounter during your workday. Your focus always is the same, growing sustainable business. Furthermore, you have: Excellent command of the English, Dutch language is mandatory, French is a big plus with a focus on the Belgium market. Analytical, technical and highly accurate while having the urge to move fast and get results. Proven track record in technical (inside) sales, at least 8 years of experience Expertise on applications of (control) valves in the oil & gas, energy, water and/or chemical industry Technical knowledge of fluids, corrosion, erosion, materials, valve specifications, engineering drawings. What we can offer you On top of your competitive salary you will receive 8% holiday allowance and a 5% end-of-year bonus. Based on a full time employment you will have 40 days off (27+13 ADV) The perfect place to develop yourself An employer who takes care of your safety and your career. Among others through our annual sustainable employability program. Choose from various insurance packages with employer contribution.
Traction System Engineer (TrSE)
Alstom, Charleroi
Req ID:437603  Leading societies to a low carbon future, Alstom develops and markets mobility solutions that provide the sustainable foundations for the future of transportation. Our product portfolio ranges from high-speed trains, metros, monorail, and trams to integrated systems, customised services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility solutions. Joining us means joining a caring, responsible, and innovative company where more than 70,000 people lead the way to greener and smarter mobility, worldwide JOB DESCRIPTION – Traction Power Design Engineer The Power Design Engineer defines the power schemes and designs electrical components for traction converters or auxiliary converter systems. He is strongly linked to others Power Design Engineers. In order to use and deploy the same development methods and ensure synergies, coordination and maximum carry-over between traction converters or auxiliary converter systems. Under supervision of the Technical Leader, the Power Design Engineer shall carry out his mission in a tender, project, product or R&D team. He/She is in contact with other technical domains (mechanical design, control-command, validation, RAMS), and with Sourcing and Quality departments. RESPONSIBILITIES: The job function of a Power Design Engineer at Alstom involves being a key contributor to the development of electrical power conversion products and (traction converters, auxiliary converters, reversible substations and battery charger for traction batteries etc.). Regular tasks of a Power Design Engineer Calculates electrical or thermal constraints related to all components of the power scheme to fulfil all customer requirements. Write corresponding design reports. Define the interfaces of electrical components with mechanical department. Specifies the electrical components of the traction or auxiliary converters. Power electronic components (IGBT, diodes, …) Switchgear Traction motors Passive components (inductors, transformers, capacitors, resistors, busbars, …) Interface components with control electronics (sensors, gate drives, relays, …) Participates in design review with suppliers. Participates in the business award and components qualification. Specifies the power requirements to be exported to the control/command engineer (flux law, torque law, PWM strategy, protection thresholds, …) Participates in the definition of validation tests of the power scheme with the validation engineer. Participates in investigation tests. Contributes to problem solving. Participates in technical core team meetings. SKILLS & EDUCATION Educational requirement: Master’s degree in electrical/electrotechnical engineering (power electronics) Mandatory knowledge: Mastering the essential concepts of electrical power conversion (inverters, power filtering, chopper, etc.). Language skills : Good command in written and spoken English and French are mandatory Behavioural competencies : Autonomy, analytical mind, team spirit, good communication skills, time management skills; sense of priorities; hands-on approach, ability to take part in a project. Alstom is the leading company in the mobility sector, solving the most interesting challenges for tomorrow’s mobility. That’s why we value inquisitive and innovative people who are passionate about working together to reinvent mobility, making it smarter and more sustainable. Day after day, we are building an agile, inclusive and responsible culture, where a diverse group of people are offered opportunities to learn, grow and advance in their careers, with options across functions and geographic locations. Are you ready to join a truly international community of great people on a challenging journey with a tangible impact and purpose? Equal opportunity statement: Alstom is an equal opportunity employer committed to creating an inclusive working environment where all our employees are encouraged to reach their full potential, and individual differences are valued and respected. All qualified applicants are considered for employment without regard to race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, disability status, or any other characteristic protected by local law.  Job Type:​Experienced​
Control system Integration Engineer
Luminus, Gent
As a Control System Integration Engineer  at Luminus, you will be responsible for ensuring that the new renewable assets are properly integrated into the existing operational systems and networks during the construction project phase. You will work closely with the project and services teams to ensure that the SCADA and other site systems are in compliance with our requirements by developing an testing procedure (SAT). In addition, you will be responsible for the integration or upgrade of systems in our existing infrastructure (eg PLC, environmental protection equipment etc). Your responsibilities will include:Ensuring that the new assets are properly integrated into the existing operational systems and networks during the construction project phase.Providing technical support to the project and services teams in relation to SCADA and grid scope.Troubleshooting and resolving issues in the site network (router, firewall).Developing and maintaining site specific network documentation.Participating in the integration and development of new SCADA systems and technologies.Implement security measures to protect SCADA systems and networks from cyber threats and ensure compliance with relevant safety standards and regulations.Bachelor's or Master's degree in electrical engineering, computer science, or a related technical field.Knowledge of SCADA systems, protocols (OPC UA, OPC XML DA, IEC61400-25, Modbus TCP/IP, ODBC … ) and databases (PostgreSQL, MS SQL).Very good knowlegde of Dutch and English. Experience with Python is a plus.Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.Experience in the onshore wind industry in Belgium or the Netherlands is a plus.If you are passionate about renewable energy and want to work in a dynamic and innovative environment, then this is the perfect opportunity for you! For more information, please visit .
Electrical Project Engineer - Substation Protection & Control Systems (m/f/x)
Siemens S.A./N.V., Beersel
Siemens Smart Infrastructure  is looking for a Substation Protection & Control Engineer to reinforce our  Electrification & Automation  team. In this role, you will be responsible for the design, implementation, engineering, and commissioning of high voltage networks for our Power System Protection projects in Belgium. The Electrification & Automation business unit accompanies the customers in their electrification’s journey from  revamping project to optimization of electricity usage through advanced automation systems . We support customers/society who are using electrification as lever for decarbonization. Our projects cover  electrical networks of public distribution/transmission system operators  (DSO/TSO), as well as  industrial and power plants or data centers in the private sector.    You will act as a  technical expert  and  single point of contact for our customers , able to  define and determine the appropriate solution, based on your own knowledge and experience, and supported by deeply technical discussions  with  different stakeholders  (Sales colleagues, the customer, management, Expert colleagues, etc). Next to that you can  translate these deeply technical aspects into an understandable solution for the customer.  What will your tasks be? You will ensure the technical development of projects intended for our customers and are able to carry these out independently . You will be technical expert for protection of power system elements. Analyzing the project request  and  converting it into the appropriate and feasible technical solution  from our Siemens portfolio. Elaboration of quotations , consisting of  technical description, cost calculation and preparation of the documentation . Technical clarification of the project with the customer through client meetings. Analyzing, explaining, and clarifying the proposed solution. Engineering of the project: concept and design; functional analysis; software development; hardware configuration; testing; follow-up of installation; and commissioning. You will be required to give training to customers or colleagues. Your significant technical background and your experience in the field of electrical networks allow you to understand the needs of the customer and to translate them into concrete achievements. You are technically able to discuss with our expert clients in their fields.  What qualifications are required for this position? Master’s degree in electricity or electromechanics. Minimum 2 years of experience in an engineering function of HV electrical protection and control systems. Ideally, you have a mastery of Siemens Siprotec protection relays as well as Digsi configuration software. You have experience in carrying out hardware studies for electrical protection systems . You have in-depth knowledge of HV and MV electrical networks . You have a good knowledge in the field of communication protocols specific to the electrical protection system. You are French or Dutch speaking with a good level of English . Willingness to improve either Dutch or French will be mandatory over the course of time. What will Siemens offer you? At Siemens, you will  join an environment that cares about you . You get the opportunity to  develop yourself in an international environment . We offer  varied work  in a wide range of positions and  intensive internal training (partially abroad) to further develop your career .  Permanent coaching and guidance  by a mentor are also part of the process. Furthermore, we offer: And so much more! Following a large-scale survey amongst employees, Siemens Belgium figured in the top-20 Randstad 'Employer of Choice 2023'. Eager to learn what sets us apart? Apply now and discover it yourself! 
HVAC Engineer - Energy Management & Asset Performance (m/f/x)
Siemens S.A./N.V., Beersel
Siemens Smart Infrastructure is looking for a driven and enthusiastic HVAC Engineer Energy & Asset Performance to provide technical expertise and services to our customers regarding Energy & Asset Performance (AHU, boilers, chillers, pumps) in buildings . Your ultimate goal will be to optimize the lifecycle performance of our customer’s buildings to achieve maximum energy efficiency and sustainability without compromising comfort or safety. In short, you’ll convert big data into value - added services for our customers. To be successful in this role, your background must include a training and/or experience in HVAC technology and/or energy efficiency in buildings. With Smart Infrastructure we shape an ecosystem that connects the real world with the digital world . We harness the power of data and technology to enable customers to accelerate their digital transformation and deliver user-centric, adaptable and sustainable buildings and infrastructure. Will you become our new colleague? As an HVAC Engineer Energy & Asset Performance, you will organize, follow-up and communicate the deliverables of our Energy & Asset Performance services and tools to our customers. These services are provided and generated by the digital tools that we use to analyse the (big) data we retrieve continuously from all our connected systems throughout Belgium (and Luxemburg). This entails the following tasks: Monitoring system performance of customer assets with dedicated tools (amongst them our Energy Management System called Navigator, training is provided). Analyzing and assimilating (energy) performance reports and presenting them to customers. Coordinating meetings to present these reports to customers and involve Siemens colleagues. Identifying energy savings potential and defining optimization measures and solutions. Analyzing, clarifying and following-up of issues with the customer (mostly on a remote basis). Conducting analyses and audits of installations on site . Ensuring a proper handover to the project execution and/or service teams regarding the implementation of improvement solutions. Collaborating with colleagues from the Digital Service Center, as well as with energy engineers, portfolio managers and service delivery managers. Informing and following-up of improvement actions that were agreed with the customer (task delegation to service technicians, maintenance or others). Curious to know if you’re the colleague we’re looking for? You hold a technical bachelor/master's degree in Industrial Engineering, Energy Engineering, Energy Technology, Renewable Energy OR equivalent through experience. Knowledge of HVAC technology (AHU’s, chillers, boilers, pumps, sensors, valves) and/or energy efficiency in buildings (energy meters, energy management systems, energy efficiency regulations in buildings) is mandatory. Some experience  in building infrastructure or energy efficiency in buildings. Experience/knowledge in one or more of the following domains is an asset (but no requirement): hydraulics and aeraulics, lighting, CHP, heat pumps, measurement of energy savings, motors and (frequency) control. Proficiency with Windows, Office365 and advanced level of Excel and Visio and/or Autocad. Knowledge of other data analytics tools is an asset (such as cloud integrations via API, Python, Tableau, Power BI). You like to present solutions and reports to customers or stakeholders. You are highly organized, able to handle multiple requests at once (and prioritize) and keeping track of actions performed by other people. You have strong analytical and problem-solving skills and apply creative solutions to difficult challenges. You speak fluently French and/or Dutch with a good basis of the other language. Professional proficiency in English is mandatory as well. What will Siemens offer you? At Siemens, you will  join an environment that cares about you . You get the opportunity to  develop yourself in an international environment . We offer  varied work  in a wide range of positions and  intensive internal training (partially abroad) to further develop your career .  Permanent coaching and guidance  by a mentor are also part of the process. Furthermore, we offer: And so much more! Following a large-scale survey amongst employees, Siemens Belgium figured in the top-20 Randstad 'Employer of Choice 2023'. Eager to learn what sets us apart? Apply now and discover it yourself!
Senior Software Development Engineer - Amazon Web Services - Berlin, Agreements Fulfillment
Amazon, Berlin, BE, DE
DESCRIPTION The AWS Commerce Platform provides the back and front-end services that enable AWS customers to purchase AWS services and understand and manage their infrastructure costs. Come to join our team to tackle some of the hardest scalability, performance, and distributed computing challenges in the world. We process trillions of events per month using stream processing techniques (Kinesis), process billions of line items via map reduce (EMR), and manage artifacts through the latest in database technologies (DynamoDB and Aurora). We process big data and provide tools for customers to interactively understand their bills. We also provide the analytics that let customers manage billions of dollars of IT usage and spending. Because we sit at the nexus of all AWS services and interact directly with end-customers, we also work closely across all AWS teams to ensure that we offer a great customer experience. As a senior developer in the team, you will design, build and operate services that will help AWS to meet the needs of our customers. Delivering a reliable and high-performance service at AWS scale requires team work of engineers with technical expertise and creativity. At Amazon, we also expect engineers like you to interact with customers, other teams, to understand our business goals, and to innovate rapidly, delivering high-quality and ground-breaking functionality. You are creative, curious, responsible, and able to work with others to rapidly turn an idea into working code. You’re excited about writing code, implementing big ideas, and helping to coach those around you to raise the team’s bar for code quality. You want the opportunity to grow your technical and professional skills while helping AWS grow. You relish the opportunity to dig into complex operational issues and to help customers build the next generation of applications. If you enjoy engaging in passionate discussions with smart people and letting the best ideas rise to the top while designing and building systems that can scale and solving challenging problems just push our door to know more about us. We are open to hiring candidates to work out of one of the following locations:Berlin, BE, DEUBASIC QUALIFICATIONS- Experience as a mentor, tech lead or leading an engineering team- Experience leading the architecture and design (architecture, design patterns, reliability and scaling) of new and current systems- Experience in professional, non-internship software development- Experience programming with at least one modern language such as Java, C++, or C# including object-oriented design- Experience in development in the last 3 yearsPREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS- Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalent- 7+ years of professional software development experience with full software development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, and operationsAmazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy and the security of your data is a longstanding top priority for Amazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice (https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how we collect, use and transfer the personal data of our candidates.m/w/d
Process Engineer
, ghent, BE
Process Engineer : Chemical ProductionOur client is a company committed to sustainability and provides innovative solutions to various industries.As an industry leader, our client presents a unique opportunity for the environmentally conscious candidate who wants to work for a cutting:edge organization focused on shaping the future of chemical production.Benefits:: Long:term growth and career prospects with a permanent job in a company with a strong commitment to innovation and sustainability: Competitive salary and benefits package designed to retain and attract the best talent in the industry: The chance to work in a collaborative and diverse work environment providing new opportunities to learn and grow in a supportive culture.Responsibilities:: Develop, design, and implement process improvements in chemical production that contribute to our larger goals and broader vision for the organization.: Monitor production processes and identify areas for improvement using strong analytical and problem:solving skills.: Collaborate with cross:functional teams to ensure continuous improvement of the process and maintain process data and technical documentation.Requirements:: Bachelors or Masters degree in Chemical Engineering or related field.: Experience in process engineering in a chemical production environment.: Knowledge of chemical processes, control systems, and production equipment.: Ability to work both independently and within a team environment.: Fluency in English and Dutch. About NonStop: We are NonStop, a leading provider of staffing solutions throughout Europe and now also in the US. We work tirelessly to connect talented candidates with the best opportunities available; our passion is to help our clients hire the best talent for their teams. Feel free to visit our website, NonStop Consulting, for more information, to browse all our job openings, or let us know how we can help you.
Sr. Software Development Engineer, AWS Billing
Amazon, Berlin, BE, DE
DESCRIPTIONComputing services are in the process of disrupting the world’s financial paradigms. Literally every business has a need to bill and collect from their customers. The Commerce Platform enables customers to purchase products and services, generating billions of dollars in revenue. Our teams provide customers with a world class customer experience around managing, paying and reporting on invoices and payments. You will have the opportunity to influence millions of customers globally, creating products used by thousands of companies worldwide, and contributing to the continued success and expansion of AWS. The Agreements team within AWS Billing owns the platform and services for capturing and fulfilling commercial agreements, and adjusting charges. We are dedicated to seamlessly connecting sellers and buyers on the world's largest cloud marketplace. We empower sellers to go to market with Amazon-like speed and scale, providing an easy-to-use platform for managing commercial offers and agreements and serving as a trusted and compliant data source for automated, accurate, and consistent billing.Key job responsibilitiesSenior AWS Billing engineers are constantly challenged to think of unique and innovative solutions, many times across multiple teams. The quality bar is high. As a senior engineer here, you will work on the hardest engineering problems in distributed systems at a massive scale and on multiple dimensions. You will exercise your intellectual curiosity, work with motivated teams of sharp individuals, partner with other senior and principal engineers, and provide direction/guidance for your teams engineering roadmap.A day in the lifeThis is a hands-on position in which you will own everything from end to end: requirements gathering, designs, design reviews, implementations, code reviews, incremental feature launches, operations, mentoring, and the driving of continuous improvement.We are open to hiring candidates to work out of one of the following locations:Berlin, BE, DEUBASIC QUALIFICATIONS- Experience as a mentor, tech lead or leading an engineering team- Experience leading the architecture and design (architecture, design patterns, reliability and scaling) of new and current systems- Experience in professional, non-internship software development- Experience programming with at least one modern language such as Java, C++, or C# including object-oriented design- Experience in development in the last 3 yearsPREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS- Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalent- Experience with full software development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, and operationsAmazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy and the security of your data is a longstanding top priority for Amazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice (https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how we collect, use and transfer the personal data of our candidates.m/w/d
Sr. Kernel/Hypervisor Engineer, EC2 Accelerated Nitro
Amazon, Berlin, BE, DE
DESCRIPTIONEC2 is looking for an experienced Senior Kernel & Hypervisor Engineer for one of our virtualization organizations. As part of the team, you will be given the chance to have a significant impact on our systems, our business and most importantly our customers, working in diverse work environment with a flexible schedule. You will be building the lowest layer of the Amazon Web Services software stack, engineering the Nitro Hypervisor and new EC2 instance families for AWS. You will have the opportunity to innovate, make new engineering proposals, and explore new areas.EC2 Accelerated Nitro is an organization that powers the EC2 Nitro instance families, focusing on hypervisors, virtualization and accelerated computing. We engineering the Nitro Hypervisor and integrate hardware accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs, etc.) into the EC2 instance families to support advanced workloads, such as machine learning, high performance computing, inference or graphics processing.For more information please feel free to visit https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/nitro/Key job responsibilities- Take end to end ownership of the software development life cycle, building new solutions across the virtualization software stack and influencing virtualization components. This includes design, testing and deployment.- Drive operational excellence, improving the quality of the hypervisor and our instance platforms.- Lead other engineers, improving processes, and partnering with product and program managers.- Influence and contribute to the technological roadmap of your team.- Work with other EC2 teams like hardware, software and firmware groups across the globe, driving innovative solutions.- This position involves On-call responsibility. We work as a team to root-cause the issues and ensure our systems are resilient and fault-tolerant.A day in the life- Work with your manager, and principal engineers in delivering to our roadmap.- Lead engineers in your team towards high quality and operational excellence.- Influence the EC2 roadmap with new ideas that solve customer challenges.About the teamEC2 Accelerated Nitro has the two-fold mission:- Leave no customer workload on-premises by engineering new EC2 instance families with hardware acceleration devices.- Build the most feature-rich virtualization technology in the cloud.We are open to hiring candidates to work out of one of the following locations:Berlin, BE, DEUBASIC QUALIFICATIONS- 5+ years of non-internship professional software development experience- 5+ years of programming with at least one software programming language experience- 4+ years of leading design or architecture (design patterns, reliability and scaling) of new and existing systems experience- Experience as a mentor, tech lead or leading an engineering team- 5+ years of programming experience with C /Rust or any compiled language.- Direct experience with Linux kernel and/or virtualization development.PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS- 5+ years of full software development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, and operations experience- Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalent- 5+ years of experience using the typical Linux command line toolbox.- Hands on experience working on the Linux Kernel.- Proficient in at least one CPU architecture such as x86 or ARM.- Advanced understanding of performance critical areas of the Linux Kernel.Amazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy and the security of your data is a longstanding top priority for Amazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice (https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how we collect, use and transfer the personal data of our candidates.m/w/d
Site Reliability Engineer at MyNextCompany
MyNextCompany, Antwerp
We are looking for a Site Reliability Engineer in a start-up company in Antwerp. You will work closely with the SRE Lead and the different engineering teams to build out a service. Your passion and enthusiasm about building a reliable, performing and most importantly observable solution that will guide the company to become a team where we feel in control, have predictable releases and operational resilience, while keeping an eye on having minimal toil.You would love to start from the ground up, being able to make your mark on what will be our observable culture.Join the Site Reliability Engineering team which focusses on 4 aspects, Self Service (removal of toil), Incident Response, Production ready design and Observability, for this role your focus (not only) will be on ObservabilityYou will drive the observability momentum forward byDefining best practices for engineering teams and guiding them to get deep insights into their applications in productionEnsuring that dashboards and information radiators provide the right level of information to the right people in the organisationMaking events traceable and introducing improvements to help the people that operate the servicesYou will continuously refine monitoring processes, thresholds, and configuration for example like SLO/SLIYou will build out the base of what we call "instrumenting our code" with libraries, examples and tooling.You will manage our processing environments with Infrastructure-as-Code and automate processes (Observability-as-Code)You will facilitate and improve the release management pipeline in regards to observabilityOverall, you will have an enormous influence on the way we approach reliability, which will be a crucial aspect of our service.You'll be part of an international team brought together by a culture of technical excellence, grit, integrity and open communication. You'll find our compensation and rewards highly competitive and better yet, expect an agile and flat structure, dynamic growth opportunities, flexibility, and a lot of room for innovation and technologic advancements.You have a bachelor's or master's degree in computer science or related fieldYou have a track record working as a Site Reliability Engineer, Operations Engineer, or a Software EngineerYou have experience with scripting and automation and know Linux inside outYou have experience in working with cloud environments, including hands-on experience with Amazon Web Services.You have experience with Terraform and config management tools (Ansible, Chef, Puppet, …)You have experience with Microservices and Orchestrators (Kubernetes, Nomad, …)You have worked with monitoring frameworks (e.g. Datadog, ELK, …)Are up to date on the recent developments in the observability lanscape (OpenTelemetry is not new to you)Have experience with multiple different deployment methods (Blue/Green, Canary, ...)Nice to have and are considered a big plus:Experience rolling out SLO's and Error budgetsDelivered workshops or training on topics like monitoring, logging standards, coding guidelinesYou are fluent in English and a great communicatorYou have an open and entrepreneurial mindsetYou are able to work in an environment with rapidly changing prioritiesYou maintain a high-quality standard, but can strike a balance between quality, flexibility and timely delivery, without compromising on reliability.
Endurance Engineer (m/v)
BOSAL is looking for an Endurance Engineer who provides the required design input to develop and validate the endurance function of emission control systems and/or components. The validation of emission control systems is based on CAE and physical tests. The endurance validation includes mechanical vibration (engine and road input), dynamic behaviour, thermal behaviour & cycling and corrosion. The engineer is part of the development team and contributes to innovation projects. This function reports to the R&D Director. BOSAL is an established global manufacturer of automotive and industrial equipment, both for the original equipment market and the aftermarket. BOSAL consists of 12 plants and 5 R&D facilities across the globe. The Emission Control Systems division is mainly focusing on supplying solutions for emission controls, energy management and sound design to OEM customers in the automotive industry. Key customers include global players such as General Motors, Volkswagen group, Suzuki, Nissan, Renault, Ford etc. Through the global spread of the ECS facilities, BOSAL is able to localize global programs more efficiently and deliver customers¿ needs for a larger range of products and technologies. Willing to travel and participate in technical meetings at customer locations is required. Travel is typically limited to about 5 times per year and 2-5 days per trip. Profil SKILLS ¿ Master in Engineering ¿ Good English language skills ¿ Thorough knowledge in following domains: Durability, Thermal management, Vibrations, Structure dynamics, Combustion engines, Materials (stainless steels) ¿ Good communication skills. Operates well in a matrix engineering team and communicates fluently with customers on technical items. EXPERIENCE ¿ Minimum 3 years relevant experience in endurance engineering. ¿ Preferably 1 year experience in automotive R&D environment. Connaissances linguistiques Engels : Goed